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NATRUM CARBONICUM 2 She took Natrum carb. and it got rid of all her allergies, her food allergies, all her Candida, and it took away her Chronic depression and her chronic fatigue. I's a perfect match. A lot of therapists are very Natrum mur. and Natrum carb. types of people. Why did they get into therapy? What motivated them? And you trace it back to grief, pain, suffering. Compassion, sympathy. NATRUM MURIATICUM (Common Salt) PHARMACY - Nat-m. Natrum muriaticum. Salt, Sodium chloride. Common Rock Salt. Trituration. Solution. Historical dose: All potencies, twelfth to thirtieth and higher. CLINICAL - Acne. Addison's disease. Allergies. Alopecia. Amenorthea. Anemia. Anorexia nervosa. Aphthae. Asthenopia. Asthma. Atrophy. Autism. Backache. Bee, stings. Blepharitis. Brain-fag. Canker, sores. Cataract. Catarrh. Chlorosis. Chorea. Cold, sores. Colds. Colic. Constipation. Convulsions. Coryza. Coughs. Cracks, skin. Deafness. Debility. Depression. Diabetes. Diarrhea. Disparunia. Dropsy. Dysmenorrhea. Dyspepsia. Eczema Edema. Emaciation. Epilepsy. Erysipelas. Eye, disorders. Eyestrain. Fever, blisters. Gleet. Glossopharyngeal, paralysis. Goiter. Gonorrhea. Gout. Grief. Hair, loss. Hay fever. Headaches. Heart, disorders. Hemiopia. Hemorthages. Hernia. Herpes. Hiccough. Hodgkin's disease. Housemaid's knee. Hydremia. Hydroa. Hydrocele. Hypertension. Hyperthyroidism. Impetigo. Impotency. Infertility. Intermittent fevers. Jaundice. Lachrymation. Leucocythemia. Leucocytosis. Leucorrhea. Lice. Lips, sores. Lungs, edema. Malaria, Menstruation, disorders. Migraines. Mouth, sores. Multiple sclerosis. Mumps. Nettle rash. Neuralgia. Nosebleeds. Orchitis. Otitis. Otorrhea. Palpitations. Paralysis. Phimosis. Photophobia. Psoriasis. Ptosis. Ranula. Ringworm. Self-abuse. Sinusitis. Skin, unhealthy. Sleepwalking. Sneezing. Sore throat. Speech, embarrassed. Spermatorthea. Spinal, irritation. Spleen, enlarged. Sterility. Stomatitis. Strabismus. Styes. Sunstroke. Taste, disordered. Tongue, blistered. Toothache. Tri-facial-nerve, paralysis. Ulcers. Uterine, cramps. Varicose veins. Vaginismus. Vertigo. Vesicles. Warts. Whooping cough. Worms. Yawning. NATRUM MURIATICUM HISTORY - Common table salt, profoundly nulttion. The prolonged taking of excessive cat ® profound nutive changes to take place in he <2 The symptoms of salt retention as evidenced by = and edemas, also an alteration in the blood condition of anemia and leucocytosis. Natrum mur. is one of the remedies atopeg Schussler from homeopathy. Through arrived at wy! diferent route, his indications are for the mos, ot identical with Hahnemana's and a recital of them nc serve to emphasize some points. ; The common saltis contained in cells and in the too, for salt has the wel-known property of attracting water Water is intended to moisten all the tissues and outs Every cell contains sodium. By this means the cell is enlarged and divides up. ¢ there is no common salt formed in the cals, then the water intended to moisten them remains in the intercellular fluids and results in hydremia, (excess water in the blood). Such patients have a watery, bloaed face they are tired and sleepy and inclined to weep. They are chilly, suffer from cold limbs and have « sensation of cold along the spine. At the same time hae a strong desire for common salt. (The cells deficientin at cry for salt) The common salt of which they consume comparatively large quantities does not heal their disease, because the cells can only receive the common sai very attenuated solutions. The redundant common salt present in the inercelult fluid may in such cases cause the patients to have @ say taste in their mouth and the pathological secretions oft Mucous membranes, as also of excoriations of the st may be corrosive (salt-rheum). : Disturbances in the distribution of salt in the ol cause: Lachrymation, salvation toothache wih salva watery diarrhea, mucous diarrhea, lack of mucus, ca" of stomach with vomiting of mucus, water-brash, ves= Clear as water on skin of conjunctiva, constipation. In old-school practice Natrum mur. is used pe ‘ solution as a douche or spray in nasal and other i: tase and in the mixture of “Brandy and Salt” in which °° quantities of salt are given for pulmonary hemomhae Itmay be hard to believe that the potencies ©". mur. should act independently, as curative rem ries. same time that crude salt is being ingested in 4% tops Causing 3 460 NATRUM MURIATICUM it may seem that an infinitesimal amount of a tance which is a Necessary constituent of out tissues ‘ot possibly have any action at all, but this mystery is on tantly before the homeopath. Constitutions: Natrum mur. is suited to sensitive, cacectic persons, old people, teething children, anemic, ‘orotic people with catarthal troubles, tuberculous rhious. dropsical, emaciated persons. Planets: Sun, venus. coUMENTARY + You put salt in the water and it dissolves ig then you put more salt in the water and the water cannot hold it anymore and it will start precipitating it out. its that simple little idea with Natrum mur. They go through life and they get hurt and hurt and hurt and what precipitates out? A wall around their emotions. Salt has many beautiful stories, folkiore, myths about it and everyone of them relates to the Natrum mur. story. Like putting salt on a bird's tail, throwing salt over your left shoulder, “take it with a grain of salt", etc You put salt on a bird's tail and it won't fly away. What does that mean for Natrum mur.? All these things represent the heart and that they feel trapped. They have ail these romantic fantasies while in their emotional cage about wanting to get out of that prison or the bird with salt on its tail represents the bird who would fly and express itself but can't because it is weighed down (like the heart). This represents grief, hurt and pain. They are weighed down with grief and have never been able to throw it off. Everyone gets salt on their tail sometime and they are able to shake it off and fly away. When Natrum mur. gets salt on their tail it sticks there. What else about salt? Throwing salt over their left shoulder. You take the salt from the bird's tail that has been weighing it down and you throw it over the left Shoulder and that is supposed to get rid of bad luck. One oftheir biggest pathologies is that they dwell on the past. You take that grief and suffering and throw it over the left shoulder, over the heart, and put it behind you. You hope ‘0 put your bad luck behind you and hopefully get some 900d luck in relationships. Salt of the earth - those who have ested go and help to teach other peor - Salt of the earth, . ‘ They have been refined by the grief and pple bl have survived. They have walled themselves off an te sat down and watched all the pain and suffering World, suffered and been ple. They are the oo NATI They decided it mien pre off and went inside and mediated and Yon ose8eS tld everyone how to avoid that pain and one 2 You seein Natrum mur. the need for her ote ~ to receive and give affection. That is a bin enon” Natrum mur. the inabilty to give and receive aferoo is the main pathology with them, ans Think of the story of Sodom and Gomor the city was being destroyed they were tld no back and Lot's wife did and she was tumed into a pila of Sal, Dont ve in the past, Let your pain and your gre go, Fyou don't you will become hard and will lose your ability to express emotions easily Think of the song "Ill Never Fall in Love Again’ Because they got hurt they will never fallin love again. Or the Beatles song "Yesterday life was such an easy game to play." How I long for yesterday. Natrum mur. is siting in their room, depressed, longing for that love that they lost. Or Tina Tuer song "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?” What do we know about Natrum mur.? Sensitive. They are not revengeful, bt they do hold grudges. Natrum mur. has this wall but you say something and it goes right through the wall and hurts them. Then you say something else and they build that wall thicker and thicker and they never leam that that wall will not protect them. Take it with a grain of salt. They say look out and be cautious or you can be hurt. Can't express emotions. They say don't get hung up on crying. The idea is that they can't communicate their emotions. If you have that they can't cry and olher things that are blocked also, then think of Natrum mur. They have a fear of being hurt. I's a big remedy for feeling guilty. This is a driving force in Natrum mur. If they want fairness in the world i's because they have been hurt or they feel guilty and thats just a way of expressing it. They can't communicate their emotions because they have walled them oft. ; With Natrum mur., though, their emotions are right behind their eyes. With Staphysagria or Natrum veered are pushed way down. ah Natu mur, their emotio and they wall them of 7 mati, sentimental introverted, mee expressing feelings through their mind, wo NATRUM MURIATICUM Natrum mur. is out there working to forget. Calcarea carb. is out there working to forget also, but they are working to throw off their worries. Natrum mur. cannot express their emotions which is why they are constipated. They are holding things in and Can't let it out, Serious, numb, introverted, walled off. Fear of rejection. Fear of the opposite sex in relationships or the same sex. Fear of being ridiculed, humiliated, embarrassed. Poor confidence in relationships. A child is running home from school. She has a good grade on her report card. She's running home to tell her father - one block, two blocks - and she's all wound up and excited and happy. She runs into the house upstairs and says | have an A on my report card and he says "Oh, thats nice’. This devastates the child, That's the type of story that you'l hear. They come home the next time and they are not running as fast. They are not as expectant and when he says the same thing they get hurt. The next time she comes home and they don't even talk about it. That's the whole process of Natrum mur. ‘That wall that started off to be thin starts thickening more and eventually surrounds the soft emotional interior They are reflective and dwell on the past. They can't let go. They cant open up. The biggest thing about Natrum mur. is grief, suffering in the past, now and in general. They get their grief because of their overattachment and idealism. Natrum mur. is looking fora safe mate, That's why they fall in love with married men and women - unobtainable. They are so vulnerable that they don't want to let that out and expose it. They want to avoid getting hurt so they become very serious and hardworking. With Natrum mur their drive is because of their vulnerability. Why are they Out there functioning this way? To protect themselves so they won't get hurt again, Natrum mur. women can become infertile. They have had a grief in childhood or high school and now they are in their late 20's or early 30's and they find someone they love and they get married and find that they can't have children. You ask her to tell you more about that grief that she had. She was in love with a man who took her out, She Was from a small town and she moved to New York and he was the captain of the football team and she fell in love and she was naive and romantic, NATRUM MURIATICUM. She wrote home and told all her friends that she had nd this person and she was going to get married and 462 four have children. He likes her and is a senior and eve find the naive freshmen and pick them them and having a good time and go then for about six months everythin ges tired of her. She goes to @ party and sees ye dancing with someone else and he was supposed tote working and that feeling of pain hits her. She closes it off She doesn' forget it. She goes to his house fo talk it over because her counselor has tod hee He comes to the door with a hangover and anothe, woman is in the bedroom. Then you probe and ask what she did a year of college. She has moved, changes schools to gota medical school. You find out that she got hurt and vas really embarrassed and couldn't go home anymore and Couldn't be around her friends because everyone knew this man was sleeping with another woman and she had been dumped. She becomes self-conscious and cant face it anymore. She gets serious, and decides that she is not going to call him up anymore, she's not going to let anyone get Close to her again, she going to move away and she's Going to go to medical school and become a doctor and help other people, That's a typical story. Every time a patient says something to you its like a door appears and you have to decide to open that door and look inside and see what's there. Sometimes you will be shocked. Sometimes you open the door and there's nothing, but you start looking around and then you find it Other times you open the door and its right there but they won't admit it Then she meets another Natrum mur. and they open up to each other and they get married and she can't have any children. That emotional hurt was so deep that she Shut down. Unconsciously they shut down. Grief can lead to infertility. That doesn't mean that every Natrum mur. is infertile but when you see that you have to look fora grt Grief can lead to amenorthea but you may have another story. They have infertility as their chief complaint and you ask and look at their story and you get a story that they have been pretty healthy all their ile and theyve had Menstrual cramps and headaches and they exercise @ lot and they are tired and apathetic and you trace it back. er) Year the seniors Out and stat dating to bed with them ang 9 is fine and then he fter her first NATRUM MURIATICUM, wid ask if they take birth control pills - Te see gonorthea ts t0 Thuja like grief is to sit : ae has desire to be alone; and worse F oi When you ask a personif they are sensitive ey aro oing 10 Say Yes: ‘What is your next question? In = ypatway are they sensitive? Natrum mur. are sensitive to ing hurt and seeing other people get hurt. They feel yuinerable and sensitive so they wall themselves off for recion. One of the typical etiologies in children is that Frotonal sensitivity. if cultured right, they will be good musicians or good isis, You have a child who is very sensitive, You have fomeone else in the family who knows that and they hurt them. They yell at the child or reject him and put him own, The child gets hurt and a wall precipitates out. Another etiology for Natrum mur. is that they are in a family who is very religious, very conservative and very proper and very well-behaved, but there is no love or afecion. You hear that story and you think of Natrum mur. whether there are symptoms there or not. You ask them what their childhood was like and eventually you find out that there was not much closeness - and that everyone left each other alone. You ask if their parents show much love and affection and they say, well yes, bt you see them well up with emotions inside. Then they come out with a big symptom that they can't ust people. They don't believe people. They are intligent and smart but someone says they really love them and they try to avoid this. They may get into a telalonship for a short period of time and then leave it and {2 info another one. Every time it gets to a certain point _ inther relationship that these feelings of vulnerability well "Wand their deepest fear comes up of being betrayed. Natrum muriaticums may get rejected a lot but once love someone they love deeply and then their biggest ears that that person is going to betray them. They will _Baviate towards people who have strong morals and are idealists because it's safe. . They can't handle rejection, or they may not even react € rejection, the wall is so thick that they don't even feel “Tey become loyal so that thy get very altached. This 'S hat makes them shudder when someone asks them to Ty them - that they will be betrayed. They will have to that person for the rest of their life. The possibilty of yal is always there. 463 NATRUM MURIATICUM, Meenas 7 out. They are naive, trusting, there is Z 7 imental people and then they are hurt and jection and grief then they have the big one and go into their deepest depression. When they have that big betrayal, that's it. The perfect image of Natrum mur. is that they have a grief and get depressed and then they get into their work. They have a grief and get serious and become introverted and jump into their work to forget. At night they go home and go to bed and they can't sleep because the grief wells up. They grab a book to read and they get tired and put the book down, but then the grief comes up again and they can't let it go. They can go home and sit there all evening and take the phone off the hook and just stare at the wall and put on sad music and drink wine and cry. Their wall is a defense mechanism, but this is paradox. This is what happens to a Natrum mur. They get, this wall around their emotions and they get hurt again. The more they feel hurt the more this wall is precipitated out and becomes thicker and thicker. The paradox is that the more you squeeze the emotions in the more sensitive you become. Then you get hurt more and that is their vicious cycle. There's no room left in there. They are in a family or a relationship where they get no love or get outright rejected daily and the wall gets thicker and thicker and it squeezes the emotions and they become more sensitive. What happens is that they retreat to the mental plane and they become intellectual. They have found a safe haven. Imagine a litle boy or litte gi on the emotional plane, loving people and then getting hurt more and more and then someone comes along that they like and they get a ladder and go up to the mental plane and they stay up there and look down and say you can't hurt me now. What do they become? Stoical, in control, unemotional and they never raise their voice and speak in a monotone and are very reassuring and very supportive and very helpful. Ee You see in their eyes a happy tranquility because they have found a safe harbor to live in and that safe place is mental plane. he wor is defined for them and they have been tld 7 and help people how not how to live and they can go ou! 'e and there is an to get hurt. You're talking with someon they are empty, vacant look. You go up and genome heya uptight. You hug them and its Ii A) NATRUM MURIATICUM Its very hard for these people to say | love you. The memory of that past grief will well up and will block it. They get in a relationship and get close and their vulnerability starts coming up and then they start being unable to express how they feel to that person although they may love deeply. ‘A Pulsatilla may come along and cannot understand why a Natrum mur. cannot express his love openly so she ‘goes off and then later on may retum but Natrum mur. has cut off his own love and says he needs his own space. Now one of the chief problems of Natrum mur. children is their inability to communicate; speech problems, being introverted, in their own world. They sent out their ‘emotions in the world and got them stepped on. They pull their emotions back. Then their emotions are supposed to come out and they can't let them out. Awoman with a child in the womb and they don't want that child and the child is born with some type of disability. Or the mother is in a relationship and the baby is in the womb and the mother gets rejected and hurt and can't express any love, then the baby comes out with headaches or allergy. Natrum mur. children are well behaved children at one stage. The whole precipitation of this wall is a process. They learn to mold themselves to behave in a certain way that society expects so they won't get hurt. Then they develop a thin wall. These are the children who have fits and tantrums and get in fights in school. They have a very thin wall so when something happens and they get hurt, they react and the wall breaks down and they get in a fight with that person, Then they go home and they rebuild the wall and they feel guilt about what they did - that someone is going to find out and that their parents will reject them. The Natrum mur. child can be very irritable and have temper tantrums and be worse consolation. Their mother wor't let them have ice cream and they get really mad but they know they can't let their anger out because then their mother will spank ther. Their anger wells up but their wall is thick enough to hold it in. In the earlier stage they get hysterical and are on the floor and if you try to console them they become worse. 464 NATRUM MURIATICUM Later stages, when the wall gels thicker, they nn upstairs, slam the door, jump on their bed and ht they pillow. Then you have the teenage Natrum mur. who hag been rejected because she can't go out on a date of can't go away for the weekend. You ask her if she's ap fight and she says sure and then goes to her room and cries. Now, she doesn't slam the door so hard but she goes into bed and into her pillow and grabs her teddy bear ang she cries so no one can hear her. They cry in sobs, Natrum mur. children can also have learning problems; learning to walk or talk, leaming to communicate with people. A lot of that comes back with a fear of being rejected and humiliated at school. They are at school and make a mistake pronouncing a word in front of the class and everyone laughs. They are from Texas and they move to New York. They get put in a school in the Bronx and they have this Southern accent and that can be an etiology for Natrum mur. You see they crave salt and they can't cry. Natrum mur. can't urinate in public. They will be in the bathroom and they turn the water on so you can't hear them. If they are at someone's house they won't have a bowel movement because they are afraid of the smell and that someone is going to come in right after them. They get constipation. Holding in their stools and their emotions until they are in a safe place where they can letit out. ‘They are idealistic. They want to work for society and are concemed about the suffering in the world What a Natrum mur, is actually doing is that they get hurt and they pull back from life and realize that they are vulnerable and that they can get hurt. They feel they had better put a shield in front of them. They put that shield up and then they get hurt again and it falls. They say they have to find some way to tack this shield on. They get a shield that has these spikes on it and they implant it on their chest. Those spikes are all the grudges and resentments that they have had before - it stays right there. With Natrum mur. they take things to heart. It goes in their mind, right down to the emotions and they dwell on the past. i You see a Natrum mur. whose wall gets thicker ” this Natrum mur. now becomes a Sepia. The We becomes so thick that there is nothing but the wall Then you have deadness and numbness of the emotions. sah don't feel anything. Before they had a thin wall and wa felt a lot inside but then the wall became so thick there is nothing left. NATRUM MURIATICUM wat off their felings and then out come all their retreat to the mental plane with all these Mgr of ing rejected, hurt, claustrophobia, ere the idea of Natrum mur. walling themselves y have a job and they feel safe in the job, then 2¥ om their ob to ther house and they feel safe in ‘hey house. If they don't live alone then they have a room ot rouse tat is their room. Within that room they are ed ‘off emotionally and they retreat upstairs to the wera plane and read books and wall themselves off 12 ye lookin the Repertory and they have a fear of robbers. They have four and five walls and boxes around them and they have @ fear that someone will enter and vie tough that door and hut ther. Is al symbolic of feemoional late. They feel vulnerable, Fear of insects - especially bumblebees. A child has a phobia about bumblebees because that bumblebee can sting them and hurt them. They feel vulnerable and sensitive. They won't go out because there are bees out tere which can sting you and hurt you, just like people can. Claustrophobia, if they have this wall that is getting thicker and thicker the person feels suffocated emotionally, When they are in a small place it reminds them of that. They feel vulnerable and suffocated and dosed in. Fear of heights; they look down and they have a fear af losing control. They get in front of a group and they start talking and all this vulnerability and sensitivity come up. They are aad of being ridiculed or being laughed at. They are alraid the people are going to ask them questions that they don't know and they will be made a fool of. Once they "know something well they overcome thal. These deeper fears of losing control and fear of ~ fobbers. They come in a room and check here and there, ad the bed, in the closet. Going in the dark frightens m. Keynotes: The sun hurts their eyes. Why is that? The represents the heart and love. The sun is the heart of “the universe and sends out light and energy to all the Blanes. The heart in our bodies sends out bod and ‘and warmth to all the organs of the body. ~ Nalrum mur. isa big sighing remedy (Ignatia) - -_Natrum mur, is sensitive to the sunlight. hurts the 86s because they are sensitive, and they wear lasses and then they feel really safer. NATRUM MURIATICUM Their eyes are the window to the soul and they don't lie. They may say they are not mad at you but their eyes say they are. They can be warm blooded or chilly. They are not expressing themselves. You see the sun there, you see the person getting hurt, you see the wall precipitating up, you see the fear being squeezed out and you see them retreat to the mental plane and you see them functioning up there You see them become sympathetic. Phosphorus are sympathetic because they connect with people. Natrum mur, remains stoic because they feel it inside. That's why they make good counselors. The sympathy may be there but when it starts to well up it hits up against the wall and then goes up to the mental plane. Sympathy is a feeling and Natrum mur. also has sympathetic ideas “They cry from music because it reminds them of @ grief, Dry skin and lips and the lower lip has a crack down the middle They crave salt, chocolate, sweets, fish; strong aversion to fats and oysters (raw) and slimy foods. It's one of the major remedies for migraine headaches and hypoglycemia. It's one of the main remedies for genital herpes and for cold sores and canker sores. Natrum mur. are some of the last people to want a bister on their lip and that's what they get. You'll see them use makeup to cover it up. They ‘won't go to work for two weeks. Allergies. Migraines are worse during the day and better at night and they are worse being out in the sun and are very sensitive to the light. They get nausea and voriting. it's also a remedy for moming sickness. Worse 10 a.m. its one of the main remedies for fevers and chills such as from malaria like Arsenicum, China off. With their griefs they can go deeper into Natrum mur. and they can level off and become flat and become Sepia or they can come out of the wall and become hysterical and become Ignatia. They can get a big shock that wil hit the wall and the wall will start cracking. These are the people who say that they haven't cried in many years. ‘Then they laugh or cry hysterically and then they fi the wall again, Then another shock cracks the wall These people are very introverted ‘and depressed. They go 0 Wwork because they have to. They are very serious and very stoic and very closed. 465 NATRUM MURIATICUM Then one day they get a shock that is big enough and the wall breaks and they have a nervous breakdown and become hysterical. Then the hysteria comes out and all the deep fears and emotions of not being loved and rejected manifest. Then anger starts coming out; hysteria, delusions, people are out to get them and they freak out and they go into rages. They become happy and then sad; manic and then depressed or violent. Natrum mur. the wall is thick and Ignatia's wall is like barbed wire. Ignatias are sensitive, irritable, argumentative and they try to control themselves to be who they think they should be. With Natrum mur. there is a deadness and numbness like a brick wall with holes in it where all the hurt can go in. Natrum mur. is indicated in some multiple sclerosis, lupus and psoriasis cases. All types of herpes infections such as cold sores, fever blisters, and genital herpes that are worse from emotional stress or fatigue. Natrum mur. is often related to Apis, Bryonia, Ignatia and Sepia. NATRUM MURIATICUM 2 The main use of Natrum mur. is acute and chronic grief. This is your broken heart remedy. It's like the old saying that if you put salt in a wound it makes it better, it aggravates it. All these things are perfectly Natrum mur. You have a broken heart - your heart is broken open and it feels like a cut: vulnerable, painful and exposed. You put salt in it and it aggravates. The salt here in Natrum mur., the keynote, is that they dwell on an old grief. It's unresolved, chronic, debilitating grief that has changed their whole life. Grief with severe depression. They want no consolation, they want to go to their room, close the door, jump on their bed, put the covers over their head, and cry. The old books say very poetically “silent grief." It's the number one remedy for that. We could give you a list two feet long of the chronic diseases from silent grief - suppressed, unresolved grief. The other keynote here is grief with the inability to cry, or they cry and weep bitterly in private - they try to hide the sound of it. They have grief plus guilt, grief plus resentment. Its very hard for them to forgive. You often see this in business or family relationships that some confrontation happened and they haven't spoken to each other for ten or twenty years - this is a big keynote for Natrum mur. NATRUM MURIATICUM 2 The brothers never talk to each other again, of, years pass, or if they do deal with each other, ity wa! matter-of-fact and very proper. Natrum mur. holds grudge. They dwell on the past. You know the saying atoy taking a pinch of salt and throwing it over your igt shoulder (the heart side). The salt is grief, and it means that you have to get the grief behind you, you have to put the gtief behind you. Natrum murs take the past and keep the grief right in front of them. They wallow in their gt and they thrive in their grief. These are people who are addicted to their therapists | said this in Chicago, and, boy, did a psychotherapist get upset! It's like the La Leche League - they think everything is pure, and that’s not the real world. | said, "Wait a minute. | have many, many cases! Its in the newspapers! Falling in love with your therapis,” and this and that. In Santa Fe it's very rare to find someone who's never been in therapy, so you're not going to get this clear Natrum mur. case. You ask them if they cry, and they say that they cry easily, men, women, it doesn't matter. You question them and find out that they leamed to cry in therapy, or they only cry with their therapist. That starts the attachment and the binding. We call that addiction to your therapist. This is a syndrome of unrequited love, when someone falls in love with their therapist they're a Natrum mur. They had this grief and this pain, and they seek therapy and they're vulnerable and hurting, and then someone provides a safe environment for them to express themselves and talk about their things - that is very important to a Natrum mur. that they consider that person, that therapist, to be their perfect person and they fallin love with their therapist. Or, another keynote is they fall in love with a marred person. This has nothing to do with marriage itself - it means they fall in love with someone who's involved wih ‘someone else, someone who's unattainable. A major keynote is fear of intimacy. Fear of being hut. ‘And another fear, and often you'll see their face fiush, a” you say that they have a fear of being rejected. They have a horrible, horrible fear of being rejected in 4 lose ‘emotional relationships. Natrum murs set up their whole life to pt broken, wounded heart, they set up walls aro! emotions and that wall prevents them from crying: rotect this und the y ) NATRUM MURIATICUM 2 inthe interview the emotions will come right ‘and get cut off, they'l Keep talking, but mie of emotion. OF they get a flushed face ele iy have 10 control themselves because they faa ent ’ soon ar oten Natrum mur. It often starts right hy because the parents stinging tongue huts ss as them and hurts them and hurts them, or 1a a fee! the parents never have enough time for bas er ihey fee ejected. phe chlld is perfectly behaved at school and gets good at tere very sensitive and they have socal oes making friends and getting intimate and ring tiendships. They get cose fo someone, and pect says ON thing as a joke or a criticism, and that id wont have anything to do with that other child any refs ust ike the adults. hy have this amazing ability to cut people off at a fan point inthe formation of a relationships. ins do it too because they don't want to make a ‘goniment, Natrum murs do it because as soon as they {zt eatng dose that old pain opens up and it reminds fen They can never get over that haunted memory of tet fistiove or first crush or their grief as a teenager. sa good children's remedy, its @ teenage remedy, i's avaiitremedy - the grief stays with them their whole life. the of the Keynotes is that they crave salty foods. Tey have dy skin, thirst, and dry lips with cracks down te nidde, Theyre very idealistic and romantic. They ‘ar avesion to fatty foods, slimy foods, and oysters. The ‘ugh of eating a raw oyster is the most disgusting thing! | say why don't you just pull it out of your nose and town the plate? That's what it looks ike to me! That's tum mur. reaction - they hate slimy foods. ae What's your constitutional remedy? on sion Sulphur, Natrum mur. - probably ‘Sulphur n with Natrum mur. on top. ‘ sepa mur has herpes on the lips and it has genital Specialy around emotions and stress the herpes Venema” tis and genitalia. That's a keynote of iv voit ye ings. They have a fear of robbers Shy lacked, and this is their feeling of vulnerability h emotionally vulnerable, and it can get to the paint where a Natrum mur. person will have dreams of a ay is will have to get up at night and check all the locks. They have claustrophobia. They cannot stand sympathy, they want to be really independent - stiff ‘upper lip. They sulk, Natrum murs are the sulkers. That lower lip ‘comes out and it takes three or four days for them to get back to normal. You may just say one litle thing wrong and, boom - they take things, casual comments, to heart ‘A month or two later you hear about it (Natrum mur, Ignatia). The children can be autistic or have learning and speech disabilties, or they can be very healthy children, but very sensitive emotionally. There's a wide range there. ‘The adults can often become suicidal and you have to give Natrum mur, and then maybe go to Aurum if they get really suicidal. Suicidal after grief. n their times of grief they think they will never recover. This is agony, anguish - ‘emotional pain. They're good listeners and they make ideal psychotherapists because they're closed emotionally, very intellectual, but they have compassion for suffering people, so their ideal job is a psychotherapists. What do psychotherapists do? They dwell on other people's pasts! Theyre Natrum murs and they may attract Natrum murs to their office, They go in (a lot of rebirthers and stuff) and dig up old grefs and pain - they'te Natrum mur. Getting fd of their own griefs and pain was such @ Tovelation to them, they feel that everyone needs the same treatment. Most people need to go on with thei life instead of going back and dwelling on the past and a small grief becomes a big thing because every week you're dwelling on it in therapy. Therapy and homeopathy is excellent, therapy with an addictive relationship We were taught how to build a practice, right? How to keep the person jing back. ooreverybody all doctors and therapists can get into that slump, but that means your therapy is not working if you have to keep coming back. ; It has all kinds of chronic diseases, and we won't get ine headaches. All these things can that. MS, migraine 4 ee from suppressed grief and they're usually locked in the chest area. NATRUM MURIATICUM 2 Even emaciation, death, leukemia - all these can be from grief. Ive seen grief called Hodgkin's disease, grief called multiple sclerosis, leukemia, horrible diseases, because they were vulnerable. Natrum mur. is a major remedy for infertility, especially in women who had a time in their life where they said they ‘would never fall in love again (and I've confirmed this). They say that in the midst of a teenage crush. They say that they will never fall in love again. Then it's infertility. They fall in love, and they have a very low sex drive, or they're afraid of sex, or they could ever open up sexually, or they have no orgasms, or they are infertile. That's all Natrum mur. You treat that old grief and they become fertile. Grief is behind a lot of infertility - Qrief and hot tubs! Student: Do you mean they can't get pregnant or can't sustain a pregnancy, or what? RM: Can't get pregnant and everything else physiologically seems to be normal. They can't find a blocked tube, the woman's ovulating, everything is working, but the woman can't get pregnant, then they usually redirect their attention to the man. We give Natrum mur. and they become fertile, we don't know why. In India they've confirmed the same thing: infertility is Natrum mur., Borax, Sepia. And it's in the old homeopathic books. We've had people call us who've spent fifty thousand dollars on infertility diagnostic workups and stil nothing works, hormones, implants, all kinds of things. It's a very lucrative business. ‘Student: You'd give them like a 6c for a month? RM: Yes, for months. You treat them with 6c, with low potencies, and just give it to them - its their fundamental remedy, and when they get to a certain point in their health, this down here starts working correctly. Dry skin and constipation are other keynotes of Natrum mur., and also sensitivity to sunlight. They don't leave home without their dark glasses. | ask them if theyte photophobic and they say no, | ask if they're sensitive to the sunlight and they say no, | ask if they have sunglasses with them right now. ‘And they say, "Yes, | carry them with me all the time." | say, ‘What for?" They say, ‘Well, when I'm driving, the glare and the sun...."| say, "Okay. Sensitive to sunlight." ‘And they say, "But that's normal!" And | say, “Yes, itis normal," and | just go on. It gets them upset because they're trying to deny they have the symptom! They're worse at 10:00 a.m. - that's a keynote. 468 NATRUM MURIATICUM 2 | could go on and on about Natrum mur. | used tg hours of lectures on one remedy and present ‘many, cases, and students would know that remedy. But you can just read about it. es Student: What potency do you use for this deep giggy RM: 6c or LM1. Give it slowly. Often if this deep gig comes out, have Ignatia as an acute. They may nea Natrum mur. for a few weeks, then a grief may come gu orit may dissipate inside and never come out - they may just get better and go right through it. If it does come out, give @ dose or two of Ignata| acutely, then go back on the Natrum mur. LM or 6, works great for chronic grief. NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM (Phosphate of Sodium) PHARMACY - Nat-p. Phosphate of Soda. Nat phosphoricum. Sodium Phosphate. Trituration. Solutio Historical dose: All potencies, third trituration to 30c. CLINICAL - Acidity. Allergies. Arthritis. Belching. Bladder, infections. Blisters. Boils. Colic. Conjunctivitis. Cystitis Diabetes. Diarrhea. Dyspepsia. Dysphagia. Enteralga Erysipelas. Flatulence. Glands, swelling. Goitr Gonorrhea. Gout. Heartburn. Hives. Indigestio Infertility. Intertrigo. Jaundice. Leucocytosis. Leuca Marasmus. Morning, sickness. Morphine addi Oxaluria. Peptic ulcer. Post-nasal catarth. Rheumatis Scrofula. Sighing. Stomach pain. Thread, Tuberculosis. Urticaria. Vaginitis. Vertigo. Vomiting Worms. HISTORY - As Natrum phosphoricum is one of Sch introductions. This is what he has to say aboutit Natrum phos. is contained in the blood-corpusces if the cells of the muscles of the nerves and of the brain, well as in the intercellular fluids. Through the presence 0 Nat-p. lactic acid is decomposed into carboni acid water. : Natrum phos. is able to bind to itself carbonic 20 receiving into itself two parts of carbonic acid for e volume of phosphoric acid. When it has thus bound carbonic acid it conveys it to the lungs. The O99 flowing into the lungs liberates the carbonic acid, which only loosely attached to the Natrum phos., the ca" acid is then exhaled and exchanged for oxygen. absorbed by the iron of the blood-corpuscles.

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