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My name is Yeraldine Trujillo, I´m twenty eight years old, I am from Bucaramanga Colombia, I live

with my husband and mí son in Medellín, I am´a saleswoman and I am studying, Techology in
commercial and business management, my hobby is riding a bicycle, my favorite tv show is the

I usually get about 5:40 in the morning, after, firsh, I have breakfast fruits, I go

To work and the luch where a custumer al 12:30. Then, in the afternoon I take

onces. Then I take the motorcycle and go home. That´s me in the picture tith my

husband and my son. The I get home to exercise. The I take the motorcycle to

pick up my son. I always keep my child in my activities les at work. I finish my

exercises, after dinner I manage to shere with my family. Then I go to check my

email, while my husband takes careo f my child, I start doing university work. Before

going to sleep I go to the park with my husband and my son to take a break. Finally,

at about 9:30 am I go to bed to sleep and rest whith, my family prepared for

the next day.

On weekends I do exercise, because I love taking careo f myself and bring healthy. I also love to
ride horse. I love to dance, It´s my favorite hobby.
On weekends I do exercise , because I love taking care of myself and being healthy

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