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Summary Writing

By Natasya Rosa Fariska Alexandra, 1806140193, MPK Bahasa Inggris Kelas B

Author from the article on the Unlock Book page 94 titled “Tackling Obesity”
states that obesity is becoming a major problem around the world. In Britain, there was
30% increase in the number of people with problem of obesity being admitted to
hospital. The author further states that the way of tackling obesity is to eat less but to
eat more healthily, and eat balanced diet. In Britain, there is a traffic light system shown
on the food packaging, to helps people to know whether the product is good or not. Red
for high sugar products, yellow for average sugar products. And green for low sugar
products. In Denmark, if the products contain more than 2.3% of saturated fat, there
will be a tax on the products. In Malaysia, advertising junk food at times when children
are watching TV are banned. This was designed to protect them from junk food. And
there are also TV education campaigns to encourage people to eat five portions of fruit
and vegetables per day. The author goes to say that the governments need to promote
healthy eating and the importance of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. ‘If
governments can change people’s habits, the world will be healthier place in the future’.

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