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Care to be taken while answering the questionnaire

 First read whole question paper and then write first answer which you are more confident.

 Maintain good Handwriting .

 Put proper question number to the answer as 1a) , 1c) 3b) etc.

 Do not use pencil to draw the circuits in exam instead use pen directly.

 Do not leave half page blank unnecessary it shows the answer written is half even though it
completely written.

 Do not use messaging language or short forms as b/w, a/c etc.

Theory Question

When attempting for any theory question follow the sequence of writing the answer

 Circuit diagram

 Waveforms

 Explanation with reference to the circuit and waveforms (Point wise)

 Derivation (If necessary)

 Phasor diagram (If necessary)

Numerical Question

When attempting for any numerical question follow the sequence of writing the answer

 Given

 Parameters to be computed

 Plan for equations to be used

 Circuit diagram

 Start solving for the required parameters

 Put the box for final answer of the parameter asked.

 SI units after computing the parameters.

"Maintain Good Quantity And Quality Of Answer"

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