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The 5 Easy Steps To Making Money With 

Affiliate Marketing 
What’s up? It’s Tanya here…  
First, I would like to personally thank you for 
downloading this ebook. I put this ebook together 
because I know i​ t will definitely help you!  
Not too long ago I was working at a 9-5 job, but I 
knew there was more to life than that. I wanted to 
make money online, be my own boss and live a life of 
Well, today I’m happy to say that I’ve achieved my 
goal. I’m now a full-time online entrepreneur and I 
make a living via the internet. 
The good news is:​ This is possible for you too... If I can 
do it, you too can do it! 
The best way to make money online is with Affiliate 
What is Affiliate Marketing? 
Affiliate marketing basically means:  
You promote a product/service using your own 
unique affiliate link and whenever a sale is made via 
that link you will get a commission for each sale. 
John is selling an online course for $500 with a 50% 
affiliate commission. 
You promote John’s course with your own affiliate link 
and whenever a sale is made via your link, you will get 
a 50% commission i.e $250 per sale. 
Why Affiliate Marketing? 
● Easy to get started 
● Turn your hobby/passion into a successful 
online business 
● No previous experience required 
● You don't need to have your own product 
● Online passive income 
● Highly scalable 
Just to name a few… 
At the time of writing this I make approximately 
$1,000 to $2,000 USD (₹50,000 to ₹1,50,000 INR) every 
month online.  
I know this might seem like a lot to some of you and 
to others it might not seem like much. But the truth 
is, it has changed my life and I am able to live my life 
the way I want.  
I have the freedom to work when I want and from 
wherever I want! 
I respect your time, so I will keep this ebook short and 
packed with value and practical information. 
The strategies and steps that I am about to share with 
you in this ebook can literally change your life if you 
follow it and take action.  
So, let's get into it... 
STEP 1: Choose a highly profitable niche 

The first step when getting started with affiliate 
marketing is to choose a niche.  
When choosing your niche make sure it has a huge 
demand and high profit margins. 
Also, your niche should be something that you are 
interested in or are passionate about. Many people 
make the mistake of choosing a niche just because of 
high profit margins but they don’t personally enjoy it. 
Remember the goal here is to do what you love and 
to also make money while doing it. 
STEP 2: Choose an excellent product to 

The second step is to find an excellent product to 
The product that you are promoting should be 
something that your niche/audience will be 
interested in. 
If you are in the “Dog Training” niche, you should 
promote a “How to train your dog - online 
course/ebook” instead of promoting “beauty 
STEP 3: Choose a traffic source/platform 

The third step is to choose a traffic source or platform 
to promote your affiliate product & send people to 
your affiliate link. 
It doesn’t matter how good the product is, if people 
do not see it. You need a constant stream of targeted 
people seeing your product/offer. 
This is how you make sales & affiliate commissions. 
More traffic = more sales = more money for you 
There are multiple traffic sources and platforms to 
choose from, example: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube 
Other than this you can also start a blog and write 
articles etc. 
As a beginner you should stick to 1 traffic source until 
you are generating at least 1 sale per day.  
After this, if required you can branch out into other 
traffic sources/platforms. 
STEP 4: Add value & build your brand 

The fourth step is to add value and build your brand. 
You can do this by using a process called “Content 
Marketing”. Content marketing basically means that 
you create free content that your niche/audience is 
interested in. 
Example: If you are in the “Dog Training” niche, you 
can make free videos on Youtube about “How to train 
your dog” etc. 
By adding value and providing free content to your 
audience, you are actually building trust and a loyal 
following of engaged fans. 
The more your audience relate to and trust you, the 
higher chance that they will buy a product/service 
that you recommend i.e your affiliate product. 
STEP 5: Build an automated sales funnel 

The fifth step is to build an automated sales funnel 
which is capable of making you money while you 
An automated sales funnel basically nurtures leads 
and turns them into sales. 
Remember? More sales = more commissions = more 
money for you 
There are 3 main things you will need to build an 
automated sales funnel: 
OptIn/Squeeze page: ​This is a single page which is 
highly focused on only 1 action i.e you want to convert 
visitors into leads (collect email addresses). 
Email marketing platform: T ​ his is a software (free & 
paid options available) that is used to build and save a 
list of all the email addresses you have collected using 
the optin page. 
Email sales funnel/automation: W ​ ithin your email 
marketing platform, you will have an option to create 
and setup automated email sequences that are 
designed to nurture your leads and convert them into 
And those are The 5 Steps To Making Money With 
Affiliate Marketing. 
Congratulations… What’s next? 
Congratulations for making it this far! You are already 
taking action and investing in yourself.  
Most people only dream about success but don’t take 
action, so you are already one step closer to success! 
“Take action! An inch of movement will bring you 
closer to your goals than a mile of intention”. 
--- Steve Maraboli 
Within the next few days I will be releasing my 
updated online course “​ Rapid Affiliate Mastery”​. 
This course will teach you everything you need to 
know to start making money online with affiliate 
But in the meantime, over the next few days I will 
send you some free training videos which will 
definitely help you. ​So, watch out for my emails :-) 
Thanks once again… 


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