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Travel Culture Career Study

Killer ways
to have interesting
English conversations

Welcome Lời chào

gửi đến bạn
Starting a conversation with someone or joining a Bắt đầu một cuộc đối thoại với một nhóm bạn quốc
group discussion can be scary, especially in your tế khiến bạn cảm thấy ngượng ngùng và khó cất nên
second language. In this eBook, we will show you lời. Quyển eBook này sẽ cho bạn một số bí quyết bắt
some tips to start and maintain a conversation that đầu và duy trì một cuộc đối thoại, bất kể bạn sử dụng
are useful in any language. Moreover, you’ll learn ngôn ngữ nào. Bên cạnh đó, bạn cũng sẽ học được
questions, phrases, and expressions that you can use một số câu hỏi, cụm từ và cách diễn đạt bằng tiếng
to confidently start conversations with native English Anh để có thể tự tin trò chuyện với người bản ngữ.

Get started

Jump to:
1 5 Steps to Begin a Conversation 04
Phrases to begin a conversation

2 How to Keep a Conversation Going? 12

Phrases to maintain the conversation

3 Changing the Topic 18

Phrases to change the topic

4 Inviting Your Conversation Partner to Talk Longer 23

Phrases to invite conversation partner to talk longer

5 Closing the Conversation 29

Phrases to close the conversation

References 35
Start with part 1
Part 1

5 Steps to Begin a Conversation

5 bước để khởi đầu một cuộc đối thoại

The fear of speaking to strangers really comes from the fear of

seeming “weird” or looking foolish. To feel more comfortable to
begin a conversation, you can follow these 5 steps:
Nỗi sợ phải trò chuyện với những người lạ bắt nguồn từ việc sợ
bị xấu hổ và chế nhạo. Để có thể thoải mái bắt chuyện với người
khác, bạn có thể tham khảo 5 bước dưới đây:


Part 1

Step 1​: Be friendly

Hãy thân thiện

The first key to feeling relaxed Để bản thân vượt qua nỗi sợ và cảm
and getting over your fears is to thấy thoải mái khi bắt đầu một cuộc trò
have a good time and be friendly. chuyện, điều đầu tiên cần làm là bạn
Talking with someone who is super phải thật vui vẻ và thân thiện. Đừng biến
serious and has a grave expression bản thân thành một người nghiêm nghị
is rarely enjoyable, so why put và nhàm chán, đúng không nào?
someone else through that?


Part 1

Step 2: Smile to take the pressure off

Một nụ cười để rũ bỏ áp lực

A lot of fear around starting conversations Những nỗi sợ quanh việc bắt đầu một
comes from putting pressure on cuộc đối thoại đến từ việc bạn đặt quá
yourself to have a certain result from the nhiều áp lực vào kết quả sau đó. Vì vậy,
conversation. So, stop having specific hãy thôi mường tượng ra những điều
expectations about what will happen! tiếp theo để giảm bớt gánh nặng tâm lý.
Remember, don’t force a topic or be Đừng quá gượng ép bản thân vào
aggressive in what you’re trying to một chủ đề hoặc cách dẫn dắt nào đó.
say. That type of energy is a turn-off Những việc này sẽ khiến đối phương
to someone you’ve just met. Let the mất hứng. Hãy để cuộc trò chuyện diễn
conversation flow naturally. ra thật tự nhiên.


Part 1

Step 3:​Don’t only talk about yourself

Đừng chỉ nói về bản thân

Don’t make the conversation only Đừng khiến cuộc trò chuyện chỉ xoay
about yourself. Try to ask questions quanh bản thân bạn. Hãy hỏi những
about the other person’s life. Only câu hỏi về đối phương và chỉ nói về bản
interject things about yourself when thân mình nếu đó là những thông tin liên
they are actually relevant to the topic. quan đến buổi nói chuyện.


Part 1

Step 4: Be a speaker, not a repeater

Hãy nói tiếng Anh chủ động, đừng lặp lại máy móc

When asking questions or talking Khi hỏi hoặc trò chuyện về một chủ đề,
about something, don’t make đừng nói một cách máy móc theo đúng
something up just because you những “cấu trúc” mà bạn thuộc lòng trong
memorised a particular phrase. For lớp. Ví dụ, đừng trả lời rằng “I’m fine, thank
example, don’t say “I’m fine, thank you” (Tôi khỏe, cảm ơn) nếu bạn đang bị
you” when you’re sick. ốm.
Make sure you say things that are Bạn nên chắc chắn rằng tất cả những điều
true, even if it means searching for bạn nói đều là thông tin thật, dù điều này
the words you need. Otherwise, sẽ khiến bạn phải tìm chính xác từ ngữ để
you could end up in a really diễn tả. Trả lời một cách máy móc và đưa
awkward situation. thông tin sai lệch sẽ khiến bạn dễ gặp phải
rắc rối sau này.


Part 1

Step 5: Avoid closed-loop questions

Tránh những câu hỏi “đóng”

Questions that can only be Những câu hỏi chỉ có thể trả lời “Có”
answered with “yes” or “no” are hoặc “Không” thường được xem là
called closed-loop questions, dạng câu hỏi “đóng” vì chúng sẽ dễ
because they close down đưa cuộc đối thoại của bạn vào hồi kết.
conversation. Open loop questions Dạng câu hỏi “mở” sẽ là lựa chọn thích
work much better when your aim is hợp hơn nếu mục đích của bạn là giữ
to keep a conversation going. cho cuộc trò chuyện được tiếp tục.
For example, instead of asking: “Do
you like Italian food?”, you can ask
“What is your favorite thing about
italian food?”.


Part 1

Phrases to begin a conversation:

Những mẫu câu để bắt đầu cuộc hội thoại

1. Hey, how are you? 2. Hi, …! What’s new?

Dạo gần đây bạn thế nào rồi? Chào___! Có tin gì mới không?

E.g.: E.g.:

Lucy: Hey, how are you? Kim:​Hi, Lucy! What’s new?

Kim:​ Hey, how's it going? Lucy:​ Oh, nothing much. I’ve just arrived
after a long flight from Mexico.
Lucy:​ Long time no see! Are you still
working at ABC Company?... Kim:​Was it a work trip or a vacation?
Lucy:​It was a short holiday. I went to
Mexico to visit my uncle…


Part 1

3. Hi, I’m …. . Is this your first time here? 4. I am … indeed! And you must be…
Chào, tôi là…. Bạn lần đầu đến đây sao? Tôi là… ! Anh hẳn là…

E.g. E.g.
Lucy:​Hi, I’m Lucy. Is this your first time Kim:​ Hello, is that Lucy?
here? Lucy:​Hi, I am Lucy indeed! And you must
Kim:​ Hi, I’m Kim. No, it’s my second time. be Kim?
Lucy:​ That’s great! Do you know which Kim:​ Yes. We met in James’ birthday party…
activities will be after the speech?
Kim:​ As usual, we'll have a small party
with food and cocktails…


Part 2

How to Maintain a Conversation?

Làm thế nào để duy trì cuộc đối thoại?

Now that you’ve started talking, you will need to elaborate Bạn đã là người mở lời, sau đó, bạn sẽ cần phải duy trì
on the established topic and maintain the conversation. nhịp điệu của cuộc đối thoại.
If they have answered your questions, you can ask one or Nếu đối phương đã trả lời những câu hỏi của bạn, bạn có
two follow up questions to get more details. Next, provide thể hỏi thêm để đào sâu hơn các chi tiết hoặc cho họ biết
some context to why you asked them the question in the vì sao bạn cần hỏi những thông tin đó.
first place. Vấn đề quan trọng là bạn cần cho đối phương thấy được
The idea here is to let them know you share a common những sở thích chung của cả hai, từ đó đào sâu thêm
interest, then ask them to share more details. những vấn đề xung quanh để mở rộng câu chuyện.
Remember to talk about the other person more than Cuộc đối thoại nên xoay quanh đối phương. Ví dụ, thay vì
yourself. For example, instead of going off on a long huyên thuyên về công thức nấu ăn bạn thích, hãy hỏi về
tangent about your favourite recipes, ask them for theirs. món ăn mà người kia tâm đắc. Đây là “nghệ thuật” giúp
It shows that you are truly interested in getting to know bạn tạo thiện cảm, khiến người kia thấy thoải mái và có
them and they will be more open to continuing the hứng thú trò chuyện nhiều hơn.


Part 2

Phrases to maintain a
Những mẫu câu để suy trì
cuộc hội thoại


Part 2

1. The reason I asked is…

Lí do tôi hỏi điều này là vì…

Lucy:​ Hi Kim, it’s nice to see you here!
Kim:​Hello, Lucy. Long time no see! Do you still work in ABC
Lucy:​ Yes, I do.
Kim: The reason I asked is that my sister in law has just
applied to your company.
Lucy:​Oh, really? Which position did she apply for?
Kim:​ Marketing Intern, I think.
Lucy:​ Good for her. Our marketing team is talented. She can
learn a lot of things if she works there…


Part 2

2. I’ve been looking for…

Tôi đang tìm …

Lucy:​ Hi, Kim! Where have you been?
Kim:​ I’ve just been to the career center office.
Lucy:​ What for?
Kim:​I’ve been looking for information about scholarships for
journalism students.
Lucy:​ And ...?
Kim:​ The center staff said there were internship opportunities
available at New Horizon Media.
Lucy:​ I see. What positions are available?
Andrew:​ They are currently seeking research and production interns.
Jane:​ Which position are you interested in?
Andrew:​ I’m interested in applying for the production intern position…


Part 2

3. What was it like?

Nó như thế nào?

Kim:​ Hello Lucy, I’ve heard that you’ve just arrived from a short
vacation in Thailand.
Lucy:​ That’s right. I had a wonderful time there.
Kim:​ Where did you go?
Lucy:​ I visited Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket.
Kim:​ Really? Where did you like the most?
Lucy:​ I liked Phuket because it has wonderful beaches, but the
food in a great eating place in Bangkok really impressed me.
Kim:​What was it like?
Lucy:​ It’s like an international food court in Bangkok. They have
varied cuisine from all over the world, from East to West…


Part 2

4. I don’t know. What do you think?

Tôi không biết nữa. Bạn thấy thế nào?

Lucy:​ Hey Kim, How is it going?
Kim:​ Not bad. This party is upbeat. I’m really enjoying it!
Lucy:​ I’m glad you like it. Oh wow! I like your new high heels.
Kim:​ Thank you. I bought them just for tonight.
Lucy:​ Where did you buy them?
Kim:​ I bought them at ABC shoes store.
Lucy:​ Really? I need to go there and buy some new ones.
Kim:​ Do you like their new collection for Spring?
Lucy:​I don’t know. What do you think?
Kim:​ It’s lovely but personally, I don’t really like the colours…


Part 3

Changing the Topic

Những mẫu câu dùng để chuyển chủ đề
trò chuyện

Sometimes a conversation can start to fade and you find

things are winding down. If you sense your conversation
partner is losing interest in talking about your impressive
collection of snowglobes, it’s probably time to change
the topic!

Sau một lúc, cuộc đối thoại sẽ trở nên nhạt dần. Nếu
bạn cảm thấy đối phương đã bắt đầu chán, đây là thời
điểm thích hợp để bạn chuyển sang một chủ đề khác


Part 3

1. That reminds me …
Điều này nhắc tôi nhớ đến…

Kim: Good afternoon, Lucy. How was work today?
Lucy:​ Not bad. I’ve got a new contract from ABC company.
Kim:​ Congratulations. You must have worked hard to get that!
Lucy:​ Absolutely! I’ve slept only 4 hours a day for 2 weeks. Can you
believe that?
Kim:​ Unbelievable! That reminds me of our campus days. You
were always one of the most hard-working students in our room.
Lucy:​ You too. Don’t you remember? The night before the final
exam, you didn’t sleep so you could review all the lessons in the
Kim:​ That’s crazy! I don’t know how we passed that exam…


Part 3

2. Oh hey. Did you hear that …?

Mà này, anh có nghe nói …?

Lucy:​ Morning Kim! How are you?
Kim:​ Morning Lucy. I’m fine, thanks. How’s it going?
Lucy:​ I’m good. Hey, are you going to Josh’s birthday this weekend?
Kim:​ Sure! How about you?
Lucy:​ Absolutely, I will come at around 9 p.m. I must take my sister
to the dentist first.
Kim:​ Ah, I see…
Lucy:​Hey, did you heard that Josh will introduce his new
girlfriend at the party?
Kim:​ No way! Josh has a new girlfriend? Since when?
Lucy:​ Maybe 2 months. I guess she’s the girl at the basketball club…


Part 3

3. Speaking of…, I’ve noticed...

Nhân nói về …, tôi vừa phát hiện rằng…

Kim:​ Hello Lucy, how are you?
Lucy:​ I’m ok. How are you?
Kim:​ I’m good. Do you want some coffee?
Lucy:​ Oh, yes. Thank you. I need caffeine to keep me awake. I didn’t sleep
well last night.
Kim:​Speaking of sleeping, I’ve noticed you always look a little bit sleepy
on Monday mornings.
Lucy:​Yup! I always get up early to help my sister prepare and take her to school.
Kim:​ Oh, I see. But I think you should teach her how to prepare all things by
herself. How old is she?
Lucy:​ She’s only 10. That’s why I need to help her. My parents don’t live with
us so I have to take care of her by myself…


Part 3

4. Not to change the topic, but I recently heard that …

Không phải chuyển chủ đề, nhưng tôi vừa nghe nói rằng…

Lucy:​ Good morning Kim! You look great today!
Kim:​ Thank you! I’ve just got my haircut!
Lucy:​ Nice! I think I need to cut my hair, I want it a little bit shorter.
Kim:​ I think your hair is fine. If you want to change, I recommend you to dye
your hair brown.
Lucy:​ That’s a good idea.
Kim:​ I’m glad you like it.
Lucy:​Not to change the topic, but I recently heard that there’s a new
student in your class. How is he?
Kim:​ You mean Nicholas? He’s great. He’s friendly and smart. Everyone likes him.
Lucy:​ Really? He has just joined the Chess Club with me. He’s excellent.
Kim:​ Wow! I didn’t know. He rarely talks about his hobbies with us…


Part 4

Inviting Your Conversation

Partner to Talk Longer
Đề nghị kéo dài thời gian trò chuyện

After about 10 or 15 minutes, it’s worth checking that

your conversation partner wants to continue talking. Get
confirmation that they want to be in the conversation so
you can be sure they aren’t just being polite.
Sau khi trò chuyện khoảng 10-15 phút, bạn nên để ý
xem người kia còn muốn tiếp tục trò chuyện hay không.
Hãy hỏi một số câu để “thăm dò” rằng họ đang thực sự
muốn nói chuyện với bạn hay chỉ đang tỏ vẻ lịch sự.


Part 4

Phrases to invite conversation

partner to talk longer
Những mẫu câu đề nghị kéo dài cuộc
trò chuyện


Part 4

1. I’m not keeping you from something, am I?

Tôi không làm phiền bạn chứ?

Lucy:​ Hello, I’m Lucy. Nice to meet you!
Kim:​ Hi, I’m Kim. Nice to meet you too.
Lucy:​ Is this your first time here?
Kim:​ Yes. You too?
Lucy:​ Yeah. I have never been to an event like this before.
Kim:​ I’ve been to a fashion show in Shanghai, but this is the first time here.
Lucy:​Wow! Which one do you prefer?
Kim:​ Shanghai, for sure. But this one is really impressive.
Lucy:​ I’m not keeping you from something, am I?
Kim:​ No, no. Not at all. I’m glad to have someone to talk with.


Part 4

2. Sorry for taking up so much of your time. Do you need to take off?
Xin lỗi vì đã làm mất quá nhiều thời gian của anh. Anh có muốn tiếp tục không?

Kim:​Hi Lucy. Haven’t seen you in weeks. What have you been doing lately?
Lucy:​ Well, I’m pretty busy these days. I have got a job at a call center.
Kim:​ I see. It’s great that you got a job. You know what? These days getting a
good job isn’t all that easy. I’m really happy for you.
Lucy:​Thank you. What about you? Have you already finished school?
Kim:​No, I have one more semester left.
Lucy:​ Oh, I see.
Kim:​Oh, sorry for taking up so much of your time. Do you need to take off?
Lucy:​Actually, I need to go to the library now. Talk to you later.
Kim:​Bye Lucy


Part 4

3. I just realized you’re probably in the middle of something. Do you have time
to chat?
Tôi nhận ra anh đang dở việc. Anh có thời gian trò chuyện tiếp không?

Lucy:​ Hi Kim! How is your day going?
Kim:​ Quite busy. I'm preparing for my presentation tomorrow on our marketing
strategy. I'm not even half done yet.
Lucy:​ You must feel stressed out now.
Kim:​ That's an understatement.
Lucy:​I just realized you’re probably in the middle of something. Do you have
time to chat?
Kim:​ I’m sorry but I have a research that must be finish this afternoon, so…
Lucy:​ I understand. Try your best!
Kim:​ Thank you


Part 4

4. Let me know if you need to get going. I don’t want to take up all your time.
Nếu anh bận thì nói nhé, tôi không muốn làm mất thời gian của anh.

Lucy:​ Hi Kim. What are you doing here?
Kim:​ I'm meeting a friend here for dinner. How about you?
Lucy:​I'm on my way home but I needed to stop by the bookstore to buy a textbook.
Kim:​ Haven’t you finished school yet?
Lucy:​I have one more year, and then I'm done.
Kim:​ What are you majoring in?
Lucy:​ I'm majoring in Sociology
Kim:​ How do you like your major?
Lucy:​ I really find the subject very interesting. I'm enjoying all my classes.
Kim:​ That's great.
Lucy:​Let me know if you need to get going. I don’t want to take up all your time.
Kim:​ I’d actually better go now. I don't want to miss the bus.
Lucy:​ Alright, I'll talk to you later.
Kim:​ Okay. See you later.


Part 5

Closing the
Kết thúc đối thoại
Part of being a good conversationalist is knowing
when to stop talking. When the conversation ends,
find a way for them to get in touch with you in the
future. If you feel like they might want to chat again,
you can give them an opportunity with some phrases.
Để trở thành một “chuyên gia trò chuyện”, bạn cần
biết khi nào thì nên kết thúc cuộc đối thoại của mình.
Khi đó, hãy tìm cách nói khéo léo để giữ liên lạc trong
tương lai. Nếu bạn cảm thấy họ cũng có ý muốn như
vậy, hãy mở lời bằng những mẫu câu thật lịch sự.


Part 5

Phrases to close the

Những mẫu câu dùng kết thúc
cuộc hội thoại


Part 5

1. Well, if you ever want to chat again, I’m usually here…

Nếu bạn muốn trò chuyện, tôi luôn ở đây vào…

Lucy:​ Hi Kim.
Kim:​ Oh, hi.
Lucy:​ How are you doing?
Kim:​ I'm doing alright. How about you?
Lucy:​ Not too bad. The weather is great isn't it?
Kim:​ Yes. It's absolutely beautiful today.
Lucy:​ I wish it was like this more frequently. Where are you going now?
Kim:​ I'm going to meet a friend of mine at the department store.
Lucy:​ Going to do a little shopping?
Kim:​ Yeah, I have to buy some presents for my parents.
Kim:​ Oh, I’d better get going. I don't want to be late.
Lucy:​Well, if you ever want to chat again, I’m usually here on Friday.
Kim:​That’s great! See you later, Lucy.
Lucy:​ See you soon.


Part 5

2. Feel free to call me if you want to hang out. Here, I’ll give you my number.
Gọi cho tôi nếu cần nhé. Đây là số điện thoại của tôi.

Kim:​ Hello Lucy, how are you, it's been a long time since we last met?
Lucy:​ Oh, hi Kim. I'm have got a new job now and it is going great. How about you?
Kim:​ Not too bad.
Lucy:​How often do you eat at this cafe?
Kim:​ This is my first time. My friends kept telling me the food was great, so tonight I
decided to try it. What have you been up to?
Lucy:​ I have been so busy with my new job that I have not had the time to do much
else, but otherwise, me and the family are all fine.
Kim:​ Well, I hope you and your family have a lovely meal.
Lucy:​ Yes you too.
Kim:​Feel free to call me if you want to hang out. Here, I’ll give you my number.


Part 5

3. It has been really nice talking to you.

Tôi rất vui được nói chuyện cùng bạn.

Kim:​ Hello, my name is Kim. It's nice to meet you.
Lucy:​ Hi, I'm Lucy. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Kim:​ I am sorry. What was your name again?
Lucy:​ Lucy.
Kim:​ So Lucy, What do you do for a living?
Lucy:​ I work at the local school teaching English. What do you for a living?
Kim:​ I'm also an English teacher, but am currently out of work.
Lucy:​ Sorry to hear that. It has been really nice talking to you.
Kim:​ Yes. It was a great pleasure meeting you


Part 5

4. I had a great time talking with you. Hope to see you again soon.
Tôi đã có một cuộc trò chuyện thú vị. Hy vọng có thể gặp lại bạn.

Lucy:​ Excuse me, is this seat free?
Kim:​ Yes.
Lucy: Thanks.
Kim:​ My name’s Kim. It is nice to meet you.
Lucy:​ Hi Kim, my name is Lucy. It’s nice to meet you too.
Kim:​ Where are you from, Lucy? You sound like you not from England.
Lucy:​ I’m from Thailand. I have been visiting my family in Manchester. How about you?
Kim:​ I’m from America.
Lucy:​ What do you do?
Kim:​ I’m an English teacher. My students love learning English. How about you?
Lucy:​ I’m also an English teacher, but I’m on holiday right now.
Kim:​ Oh, my bus is coming. I had a great time talking with you, Lucy.​Hope to see you
again soon.
Lucy:​ Bye Kim. I hope to see you soon


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eBook. To download other FREE eBook about quyển eBook này. Để tải về MIỄN PHÍ những quyển
learning English tips, you can follow this link here eBook khác về bí quyết học tiếng Anh, bạn hãy truy
cập vào đây
Wall Street English tailors courses to meet your Wall Street English thiết kế các khóa học nhằm đáp
needs. These courses all use our unique blended ứng những nhu cầu của bạn. Các khóa học này sử
learning method using resources and techniques dụng phương pháp học độc quyền, kết hợp giữa việc
that enable learners to learn English naturally and sử dụng tài liệu và kỹ thuật giúp học viên tiếp thu tiếng
intuitively. Moreover, Wall Street English believes Anh một cách tự nhiên và trực quan. Wall Street English
that learning English is fun, we organize many tin rằng việc học tiếng Anh nên là quá trình vui vẻ để
events with different topics and activities. You can tận hưởng, vì vậy, chúng tôi tổ chức nhiều sự kiện với
visit here to join our FREE events. đa dạng chủ đề và hoạt động. Bạn có thể tham gia các
sự kiện MIỄN PHÍ của Wall Street English tại đây.

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