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Mara Magcamit


Before I say all about, I learned Last Saturday. I want to say “Thank you” to our
Prof. Sir Joey Semilla for treating session again.
So lets go back to the lesson to be discussed and it was all about the Multimodal
text. A multimodal text is often a digital text but can be a book, such as picture book,
information text or graphic text. Multimodal texts require the processing of more than
one mode and the recognition of the interconnections between modes.
Examples of multimodal texts are: a picture book, in which the textual and visual
elements are arranged on individual pages that contribute to an overall set of bound
pages. a webpage, in which elements such as sound effects, oral language, written
language, music and still or moving images are combined. The role of multimodal texts
in the classroom are, they show the interrelationship between reading and writing in
producing texts and explain how students need to understand the meaning making
potential of different modes, particularly the relationship between words and images, in
reading, writing and producing multimodal texts. This requires teaching children how to
comprehend and compose meaning across diverse, rich, and potentially complex, forms
of multimodal text, and to do so using a range of different meaning modes. A Guide to
Making Multimodal Projects, there are five different types of modes: linguistic, visual,
aural, gestural and spatial. A mode is an outcome of the cultural shaping of material
through its use in daily social interaction.
The discussion has been done and we were asked to do a project for the
midterms that will be passed tomorrow. And “thank you” again Sir Joey Semilla for
treating us.

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