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Blessed by the Lord,

That gives me hope everyday.

Blessed by the Lord,

That guides me in all.

O Blessed thy name

He saved sinners like me.

He is the One

Who holds me secured patiently.

He is Holy One

Graves cannot contain my spirit

Death is not the end

Though my body turns to ashes

I will rest in peace sublime.

Temporary is on Earth

Permanently is on His love.

I trust Him with all

thy heart, thy soul & thy mind

He helps me to

Decide what’s best for me.

Could not forsake my Master

after what He's done for me.

He loveth me first

When I don’t love myself.

I walk by faith

and not by sight through grace

I follow footsteps on sand

To hear his tender voice

I am so grateful

For what He gave to me

I am eternally Grateful


11 HUMSS 1

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