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Reflections in higher education NASPA/ACPA 11/15/19

SJI (social justice and inclusion competency)

Before the graduate assistantship and student affairs program I struggled with the
intersectionality of my various identities. My identity was not salient until I learned about self-advocacy
in my work experience after completing my undergrad. Adversity was a daily occurrence, but I continued
to work for personal growth and change.

Recently I was able to come to terms with my identity and find new community with my family
and locals. I was salient with myself and began to advocate for others with involvement at the local
LGBTQ center on campus. I also gained community outreach experience with the off campus Seven
Rivers LGBTQ service in La Crosse Wisconsin. I openly identified as an African, Norwegian, Autism
Spectrum, gender non-binary woman.

My competency of social justice and inclusion built upon my previous experiences with student
organizations and civic service. I feel that during my first months working as a graduate assistant in
higher education that my social justice and inclusion skills grew rapidly. I gained more knowledge from
old and new theories of student development.

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