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Globalization is a process of international integration that occurs due to the exchange of world
views, products, thoughts and other cultural aspects

with the form of the process of globalization through information technology, communication
and transportation, the acceleration that occurs in human life is not just about the economy,
but about values, cultural norms and ethics that exist in the country of Indonesia. In changing
times and as technology advances, Indonesia can not be separated from the effects of
globalization, there are many effects of globalization that will influence in human life.
Globalization brings benefits to human life as a whole.

Globalization is considered a challenge for the people of Indonesia, many developed countries
that have been very rapidly developing, in contrast to Indonesia which is still lagging.

I agree with the development of globalization in Indonesia because it has many

advantages for those of us who live in modern times. With the development of the
globalization of the tourism industry will increasingly develop, many tourists who come from
abroad to Indonesia so that this will increase Indonesia's national income. More advanced
technology also makes people's lives easier and faster, for example, the use of cell phones can
make it easy for us to communicate with people far from us. This also has an impact on
companies that use sophisticated machinery to become more productive and efficient so that
the level of people's lives is also getting better. The development of transportation also has a
positive impact so that people feel comfortable traveling far away easily and travel faster. The
positive impact in the field of religion is also very useful, namely information and news about
religion will be more easily obtained through the internet and the spread of religion can be
done by utilizing various online media that are widely used by the public. Likewise in the field of
education, it is also useful to increase the level of education of a country because of the
exchange of students between countries and the emergence of a desire to improve the quality
of self among certain people because they have seen the development of the world
Over time, the effects of globalization will be stronger and wider. Especially for young
people to start using our minds for constructive things. Start to instill love in the country, use
the progress of science and technology in this era of globalization and use social media for
positive things. It's very difficult to change our mindset as a modern society, but as an educated
and dignified society, let's try and try to change our mindset from now on. We cannot avoid the
impact of globalization on our identity, but we can fight it by reviving Indonesia's national
identity and addressing the negative global impact

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