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Omelets is a dish of omelet made by means of whisk egg with herbs and some supplementary
material like a wedge, celery onion, and garlic. Omelette being one variant of foods that can be
used as an option to maintain the health of the teeth , in addition omelets can be consumed by
various parties ranging from children , teenagers , adult , to seniors. Omelets having many
nutritional content to maintain the health of the teeth and strengthen teeth, because it contains
many benefits of good protein, phosphorus, vitamin d, and vitamin a. Omelette phosphorus
contained in the teeth especially beneficial to strengthen tooth enamel and no teeth easily,
porous and the use of vitamin d high, teeth is very good for growth and protein also useful to
prevent cavities, and vitamin a for the production of saliva to kill bacteria in the mouth and
healthy for the formation of connective tissue of the software contained in gum. Of benefits in
the womb are usually used especially for growth of teeth on childrens was in dire need of much
nutrition .With growth of teeth to enough nutrients made on child to be healthier and more

The processing of the egg becomes an omelet it’s very easy and need a less time to make it,
With material that can afford And good for teeth. To make an omelet, the first step is
prepare the materials and instrument consisting eggs, celery, red onion, garlic, a salt, a frying
pan, spatula, bowl, knives and forks.

The steps to make an omelet are :

1. First, Slicing thin red onion, garlic and celery .

2. Second, break egg into a bowl, then adding a little salt.Then beaten egg using a fork until
there is no parts white or yellow seen separate. and add sliced onion, garlic and celery,
and until evenly. Stirred
3. Third, heating pan with fire and .Then bringing frying pan and butter to wait until melted
4. Fourth, Pour the batter has beaten eggs into a pan.Wait until cooked omelets omelets
5. Fifth, after they are ripe enough, a griddle brought to the attention of a stove .Then rolled
up to slowly omelets with a spatula
6. Finally, move to a plate omelets purveyors and omelets ready served

To enjoy, omelets can be eaten with rice, , bread or eaten directly. mayonnaise with chili sauce
andSo omelets are healthy food has many benefits to maintain the health of, teeth but the
procedure of making omelets also easily

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