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“Work Hard until lamp light of your study table becomes spot light of stage”

As the light 21st century dawn upon us , education has become an essential in life just like how
we depend on oxygen, water, food , clothing and housing. How can we cope with daily changes, we
experience if education is absence? Likewise education, the whole process starts from the moment we
are conceive until the day we go to our final resting place.

Recently, some people posed , the question whether all this hard work on school was really
worth it. After all, people could have relaxed more, party more, obtain lesser marks but still graduate as
a professional and probably no one will care really whether you study in the end anyway. After all
people who are shaping our century are people who are “undergraduates”. Steve Jobs founder of Apple,
Although the pioneer did attend university, or college as it’s called in the US, he dropped out and went
to India to study Buddhism instead. How did he move from college dropout to technology genius? He
once famously said: “Be early. Stay late. Make the extra phone call. Send the extra email. Do the extra
research. Help a customer unload or unpack a shipment. Sir Richard Branson , One of the world’s most
famous entrepreneurs left school at the tender age of 15 with just three O-levels (now called GCSEs). His
advice: “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” Ralph
Lauren,a famous designer was also a college drop-out. Bill Gates One of the richest people in the
world is a Harvard dropout. And of course Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook , he said Figuring
out what the next big trend is tells us what we should focus on.”

Maybe just maybe all of these people are undergraduates but what makes them create big
impact in the world is that they study their field religiously. These people did not became famous
instantly rather they work and study their field . As the saying goes “If something is hard, it’s probably
worth it.”

The combination of having to studying hard and finding (and doing) things to look forward to
(which can be your dream profession ) could shape you to focus more of studying . To be given the
chance to be in school is after all a privilege in reality. Studying is also preparing for your future. You
have to learn in order to live. Lessons taught in school are the things you need for your future. Study
hard at school so you could acquire the skills you need. School provides knowledge. you could use the
knowledge that the school provide not only for your quiz tomorrow but also for your everyday living. To
discover yourself. Studying will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses. If you study hard,
choosing field that suits you will be easy. Your mission is to improve and make difference in the world.
You have to learn at school first in order to accomplish this mission.

Real world is tough arena so study hard to be prepared to conquer the tower of life

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