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Karen Puma


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Think of piece n.4 "The slave of my family" by Alex Tizon

Among the rhetorical strategies such as ethos in which it evidences that its history is

real. Slavery was a term that he did not know and that over the years he was understanding and

questioning about what this causes and how he could have wanted us to change about slavery.

I work every day. He was flogged for sitting too long or falling asleep too early. He was hit by

responder. He wore hand clothes. He ate leftovers and leftovers in the kitchen¨ (Tizon, 2017).

With respect to Pathos it is described how the mother talks about the bad treatment she had

with Lola, because she understands that she has done everything in a bad way. ¨ Lola, she asked

to listen to mom's version. She listened carefully, lowered her eyes and then looked sadly and

said simply: “Yes. It was like this "(Tizon, 2017). It triggers mental images that are related to

this concept of the great burdens that being a slave entails and the emotions of helplessness

intensify in our being." Being a slave was not being able to do what you wanted, to carry heavy

things for long hours of the day and without any payment ”(Gallego, 2005, p. 34). In addition,

the emotion of dissatisfaction is reflected towards the way in which he was trying to be a human

being who supported in a home where the parents were absent. ¨ I hated when my parents yelled

at him, but it hadn't occurred to me that they, and the whole arrangement, had to be immoral¨

(Tizon, 2017). With respect to logos, images are presented that support and support that the

story being developed is real. The reasoning and reflection about how you are looking for a

reflection objective that is required to produce the change in today's society and the significance

of the stories and their consequences.

The document is ethical because most of the people who have generated changes have

told these stories of inequalities that preceded in stories behind. It is important to indicate that

when generating a change, demorality becomes a state of reflection that cannot be criticized

when the background has the objective of a change in cultural perception.

On a personal level, history will involve me thinking about the people we meet at any

point of marginalization, we engage in the social reality that imposes our wishes on the bottom

we don't need. So, we are adapting to the wrong perceptions, consequence of stereotypes,

fallacies and discrimination of our ancestors.


Tizon, A. (June de 2017). My Family’s Slave. Obtenido de
Gallego, J. (2005). La esclavitud en el mundo. España: ISBN.

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