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1.- What did Gepetto do?

R= made a wooden puppet

2.- Who is pinocchio consciousness?

R= Jiminy Cricket

3.- Who gave life to the puppet?

R= a fairy

4.- What happens when pinocchio lies?

R= his nose grows

5.- What was Geppetto's greatest wish?

R= have a child

6.- What was the role of Pepe the cricket?

R= Be your conscience to do good things

7.- What is the name of the wooden puppet that Gepetto made?


8.- Who released pinocchio from the cage and gave him money for school?

R= a fairy

9.- Where did you find your daddy pinocchio?

R= in the belly of a whale

10.- Why didn't he drown skewer?

R= why is it made of Wood

11.- What did the pinocchio dad sell for him to go to school?

R= her coat

12.- Who gave pinocchio the school money?

R= to a clown

13.- Where was Pepito trapped?

R= in a bottle

14.- Why does the blue fairy give life back to pinocchio?

R= why he proved his worth

15.- Why does the blue fairy reward Pepito with the medal?

R= because he was assigned as pinocchio consciousness

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