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The Keris museum is a new museum in solo, officially opened on august 9 2017, by the president of

republic Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo.

This is located in the central of Surakarta city, on bhayangkara street no.2 or beside sriwedari stadium.

In keris museum we can find many collection of traditional weapon from our forefather, especially keris.

By visiting the museum, we can learn about the way to make keris, the philosophy of keris, the pamor of
keris, and also every part of keris.

For example, this is Jejeran or hilt of the keris, selut, mendhak, keris blade, warangka, pendhok, luk, ect.

This building has 5 floors, the room for display the keris is from second floor until fifth floor. Whereas,
the ground floor is used for parking area.

In the second floor, the museum provide a video about the process of keris making start from the
tirakatan ceremony, the making of the blade, the making hilt, the making of wirangka, and then closed
with tirakatan ceremony for the finished keris.

If we want to learn about how to make the keris, we can go to the fourth floor. We can see the display
of many keris and the diorama of keris making. Not only keris, there is a gamelan. There are also some
mannequins wearing traditional dress complete with keris and the description the way to put keris
based on the needs, such as when facing the king, in the war, or for some ceremonies.

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