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Personality rights and patrimonial rights

Personality rights characteristics:

1. Absolute rights:

2. Inherent rights:
 Non/ transferrable
 Do not expire
 Non-waivable
 Subject to private autonomy = limited though
 Not patrimonial
 In some cases eternal

Protection of personality rights

1. Criminal code: murder, assalt, personal injureies ( right to personal
2. Compensation for damages under 1902 CC
3. Constitutional protection

o Subjective rights and time under the spanish cc and the cccat
Time affects rights: acquisitin or los
Usucapioó : art 531-23 cccat and 1930-1960cc 1. Facts
Prescripcioó i caducitat: arts 121-1 to 122-5 cccat and 1961-1975 cc 2. Proc. History
3. Holding
4. Arguments
If i lose the subjective right or it expires and its gone
I have it but has prescripted and i need the possibility
So that i can bring the possibility to claim to thw judges

Why? Legal security so that I can turn the page

Prescription we lose the possibility to claim in front of a court but we mantain the right
In expiration we lose both thw subjetive rights and the possibility of enforcing it in front
of a court jaja salu2

Read the code jaja salu2

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