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dispatch system on line

proposal: medical dispatching system for transmitting data on the tablet and collect the data
(parameters and ECG ) on tablet and resent the hospital

materials and techniques : 3 telephone lines with hunting , two optic fiber netlink , webserver ,
database server , webbaseserver platform ( iPhone, Android , Windows phone ) tablets for
each ambulance, bluetooth transmission of ECG " LIFEPACK 15" on tablets and automatic
retransmission application , online alerting the hospital .

Results : shortening of taking phone call within 45 seconds, the remote possibility of medical
supervision in real time , the possibility of shortening the time of preparation of the
multidisciplinary team in the hospital , alerting the crew is done immediately after identifying
the emergency and location , making updating information the real-time - resulting shortening
reach 3 to 5 minutes, access to appropriate medical history , if any - > efficient optimal time
history and preparation for emergency on the move the crew informs the individual patient
data , the establishment of the EUR receiver patient by reference to online information on the
case -> EUR configure knowingly interdisciplinary team and gives his consent to the receipt
of the case.

Conclusions : enables fast access to an emergency department shortening takeover request ,

can remotely managing the case until the arrival of medical crew after reaching medical crew
, the possibility of transmitting the collected data to appropriate and timely resent the hospital
, shortening the time of taking the case of the multidisciplinary team in the hospital - > during
the intervention , the departure from case to takeover EUR can be reduced by up to 8 minutes
- which increases the chance of survival of patients in emergency .

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