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Article :

All Those Instant Noodles You Eat May Put You at Risk for
Heart Problems

o Maurita Abdillah R (I1D018033)

o Ajeng Faiza Pramesti (I1D018041)
o Lilit Widiyanti (I1D018042)
o Indah Amalia Safira (I1D018048)
o Fajar Adhimi N (I1D018050)
o Risya Aulia Andini ( I1D018055)


All Those Instant Noodles You Eat May Put You at Risk for
Heart Problems

By Jillian Rose Lim

September 1, 2014

It’s convenient, cheap and best served hot, but how healthful is it?
The instant noodles commonly known as ramen — a staple food for college kids and
other young adults, as well as for people in certain cultures — may increase people’s risk of
metabolic changes linked to heart disease and stroke, new research finds.
In the study, women in South Korea who consumed more of the precooked blocks of
dried noodles than others were more likely to have the condition known as metabolic syndrome,
regardless of what else they ate or how much they exercised, the researchers found. People
with metabolic syndrome may have high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels, and they
face an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
“Although instant noodle is a convenient and delicious food, there could be an increased
risk for metabolic syndrome given [the food’s] high sodium, unhealthy saturated fat and
glycemic loads,” said Hyun Shin, a doctoral candidate at the Harvard School of Public Health
and a co-author of the study.
Shin and colleagues at Baylor University and Harvard analyzed the health and diet of
nearly 11,000 adults in South Korea between ages 19 and 64. The participants reported what
they ate, and the researchers categorized each participant’s diet as centered on either traditional
healthful food or fast food, as well as how many times weekly they ate instant noodles.
Women who ate instant noodles twice a week or more had a higher risk of metabolic
syndrome than those who ate ramen less, or not at all, regardless of whether their diet style fell
into the traditional or fast-food category. The researchers found the association even among
young women who were leaner and reported doing more physical activity.
Shin and his colleagues guessed that biological differences between the genders might
account for the lack of an apparent association in men between eating noodles and developing
metabolic syndrome.
So what’s so bad about instant noodles?
“Instant noodles are high in fat, high in salt, high in calories, and they’re processed —
all those factors could contribute to some of the health problems [the researchers] addressed,”
said New York University professor Lisa Young who was not involved in the study. “That
doesn’t mean that every single person is going to respond the same way, but the piece to keep
in mind is that it’s not a healthy product, and it is a processed food.”
Young said there might be ways to dampen the dangers of eating instant noodles
without swearing off them altogether. “Number one, don’t eat it every day,” she said. “Number
two, portion control.”

Source :
1. The word “Dampen” has similar meaning with?
a. Dispel c. Decrease e. Increase
b. Remove d. Stop
2. Which one has less risk of metabolic syndrome?
a. Women who consume a lot of dried noodle
b. Women who consume instant noodle and do a little exercise
c. Women who consume instant noodle and do a lots of exercises
d. Skinny women who consume instant noodle twice a week or more
e. Women who consume instant noodle rarely
3. According to the text, we can reduce the danger of eating instant noodles by……
a. Control the portion
b. Eat instant noodle daily
c. Consume instant noodle 3 times a day
d. Eat instant noodle with rice continuously
e. Consume instant noodle more than twice a week
4. The following reasons why instant noodle one bad for our body, except….
a. High in salt
b. High in calories
c. High in fat
d. A processed food
e. High sugar level
5. Its convenient, cheap and …..’’ The opposite of the underlined word is…..
a. crucial
b. savony
c. succulent
d. complicated
e. Pleasant
6. Which paragraph explain that women who consumed instant noodles twice a week or
more had a higher risk of metabolic syndrome?
a. Paragraph 2
b. Paragraph 1
c. Paragraph 4
d. Paragraph 5
e. Paragraph 6
7. Instant noodle is very simple and delicious food. No wonder a lot of people loves to
consume it. But, if we don’t control the portion, it will cause some diseases, such as…
a. Depression
b. High blood sugar level
c. Anxiety
d. Overweight
e. Constipation
8. Based on the passage, the following statements are false, except…
a. Consuming instant noodle frequently may magnify the risk of metabolic syndrome
b. Ms. Young said there are hardly any ways to prevent the danger of instant noodle
c. Instant noodle is metabolic syndrome friendly
d. Lean women are secure to consume instant noodle on a daily basis
e. Instant noodle is a salubrious food
9. The main idea of the paragraph 3 …..
a. Women who consumed more instant noodles have more risk of Down syndrome,
regardiess of how much they exercised
b. South Korean women have high blood pressure
c. Women in South Korea have less risk of health disease, regardless of what else they
d. South Korean women who consumed more instant noodles have more risk of
metabolic syndrome, regardless of how much they exercised
10. “That doesn’t mean that every single person is going to respond the same way…” The
underlined word refers to...
a. Instant noodles
b. New York University
c. The result of research
d. The researcher
e. Health problem
Answer :
1. C
2. E
3. A
4. E
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. E
10. C

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