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Best Answer: Most people who say "I don't remember last night" ...

are lying. Its very rare to drink so much that you have no recolections
of the previous nights events. Even if you get really drunk, you should
still be able to remember most, if not all events that happened.

I'm 31 years old and have been drinking alcohol since I was 14... in my
college years I drank like a fish and was drunk at least 3 nights a
week...... and never once in my 17 years of drinking has there ever
been a night I don't remember..... Plenty of nights I wish I didn't
remember, but I remember them all.

yes, being drunk does not mean you forgot what happened. in fact, it is
very rare for any drunk person to forget what happened. maybe some
aspects of the night will be a little vague, but for the most part you
should remember. if you forget large chunks of the night, you most
likely have other drugs in you besides alcohol.

secretly they are pretending not to remember so they don't have to say they
are sorry.

Five Things Drunk People Like

To Do
1. Deny that they’re drunk
2. Lose everything they own
3. Tell other people’s secrets
4. Kiss people they are not allowed
to kiss
5. Become angry/sad/sublimely
happy in the span of ten minutes

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