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Making an account, registering teams, and entering

tournaments on the Esport-Management Platform:

A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1.


Alright, now that we’re friendly, let’s get this over with.
Here’s the site (OG edition):

First thing you’ll notice, you probably don’t speak French. Well, suce à sucer!

Look at the flag in the top-right, click it, change that to English (‘Murican) and
let’s register.
Or click here if you’re lazy:

You can do this any way you like.

You should probably do it manually, though. If it doesn’t work the first time, just
wait a bit and try again. It’s a beta. There are bugs.

We get it.

But also, we could really use the feedback. pls.

So, while you sign up, just choose League of Legends as the game for now.
Password must contain between 6 and 13 characters, at least one capital letter
and one number. Deal with it. Password Managers are free bro.
Also, remember to accept the Terms of Use by checking the little box. I don’t
think there’s anything bad in there. I didn’t read it. Sign Up, AND THEN WAIT.

You can also choose to receive emails, but they’re probably still in French.

Omelette Du Fromage.
I went ahead and translated one. French Fortnite memes. Noice.

It takes a while. You should have seen a chat box with “Subscription
Successful” or something, and then really just wait a bit after that. Or Log In at
the top-right.

I’m not your mom.

But if I was, I’d want you on my team!

(You have completed Step 1. I’m super, duper proud of you.)
So, let’s make a team now.
Step 2.

I know, everything is tiny.

My resolution is pretty dank. That’s what hard work and sacrifice gets you.
Look at the corners.

GREEN squiggles (top-left) are the PLAYER, TEAM, and ORGANIZATION tab.
1. Click that
2. Click TEAM
PURPLE squiggles (top-right) are the games we support right now. Make sure
that’s League of Legends before we try anything.

It might not even matter honestly. Let’s find out!


When you see the bits on the left, click the big red “Create A Team” button.
1. Remember the password
2. You need a photo to upload for you logo
a. Try to be decent. We don’t need any more hate in this world.
3. You can make another team later. Don’t sweat it for now.
Oh, and by the way…
Only one of your members needs to create a team. Everyone else can join
using their Team id. Still, it’s kinda fun. If you’re bored, just try it. Help us bug
test with weird names even.
As long as you don’t destroy the server it’s probably fine. I dunno.

Here’s mine:
I think we’re gonna make it.


I actually needed help with this one lol. Turns out, whoever made the team has
a “Team Page” they can get to on the left side (while in the TEAM tab).

You can see the “id” below your logo. Just share that and the password with
your team members to form a team. Need a team of 5 to register today.
You also have the option to add people who are on your friends list or by email,
if you prefer.

Just scroll to the bottom of that page and look for the blue “+” button in the

Only the Creator/Manager/Captain can register the team for tournaments


(You have completed Step 2. Almost there!)
Step 3.

Now, assuming there are Tournaments you wish to compete in, we better hurry
up and join one!

1. Find the Tournaments button.

2. Notice it says “My Trainings”

3. See the BETA tag at the top. Meditate on

your newfound wisdom and acknowledge your
infinite patience.

4. Click the Tournaments button.

5. You’re just, so good at this. How could

anyone ever think that you of all people might
struggle to get to this point?!

6. Sip your drink.

Moving on.
Click the button. Or click the button. Your choice.
You’ll be taken to a team selection. Select your team and submit.

Then you’ll have to choose your Lineup (which players will be playing for this
tournament) and ONE Team Leader. This person will be the one to collect the
winnings, assuming you do, in fact, win.
“Referee” is a mistranslation – they meant Team Leader. Choose someone you
would trust to share the monies if you win.

Then, finally, register.

That will notify our tournament organizer, who will validate your team if you did
things right. Once that happens, expect an email to confirm as much, and the
website will allow you to view more details and start using our system!

That’s as far as I can take you for now.

I hope this was helpful. For any questions, we’ll have people on-hand and ready
to help, but be sure to pay attention to the chat!
(You have completed Step 3!)

Good Luck, and Have Fun!

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