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1. We ______ live with John’s parents.

a) ’re going to
b) ’re going
c) go to

2. What time _______?

a) You are leaving
b) Are you leaving
c) Are you leave

3. I´m sure ______ lose the game.

a) they
b) they’ll
c) they going to

4. It´s very late. They probably _______ come now.

a) will
b) won’t
c) don’t

5. Write sentences and questions with will/won’t. Use contractions where you can.
a) They/win (-): ________________________________________________.
b) It/ be impossible to park (+): ____________________________________.
c) You/see him at the party (?):____________________________________.

6. Cross out the wrong form. Put a check (✔) if both forms are possible.
a) I see / I’m seeing my boyfriend tonight.
b) I’m meeting / I meet Susan this evening.
c) Hurry up! We’re going to be late / being late.

7. Complete the sentences with have to, don’t have to, or can’t.
a) We _______________ work tomorrow. It’s a holiday.
b) You _______________ enter the country without a passport.
c) You _______________ come if you don’t want to. I can go by myself.

8. Complete the sentences with three expressions with look for, look forward to and
look through.
a) Try to find something: __________________.
b) Wait with pleasure for something that is going to happen:______________.
c) Read something quickly: ___________________.
9. We want _____________ a party next month.
a) Have
b) To have
c) Having

10. It’s often difficult ____________ new friends.

a) To make
b) Make
c) For make

11. I don’t have anything ____________ to the wedding.

a) For to wear
b) For wear
c) to wear

12. ____________ early on a sunny morning makes me feel good.

a) Waking up
b) Wake up
c) To waking up

13. My brother doesn’t enjoy ___________ by plane.

a) travel
b) to travel
c) traveling

14. I’m tired of __________ TV. Let’s do something different.

a) To watch
b) Watching
c) Watch

15. I like Saturdays because I _________work.

a) Must not
b) don’t have to
c) haven’t to

16. She can’t come to the movies because she __________ to study.
a) Must
b) Have
c) Has
17. You ____________ drive a car without a license.
a) can’t
b) must not to
c) don’t must

18. Underline the correct verb.

a) We are having / will have lunch with friends tomorrow.
b) She is going to be / will be an engineer when she leaves school.
c) What do you thik is happening / will happen tomorrow?

19. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
a) I think the baby ___________ (start) to cry as soon as we ___________ (get)
on the bus.
b) If you ___________(do) the shopping, I __________ (cook) dinner.
c) You ___________ (be) shocked when you ___________ (read) that book.

20. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have.

a) She __________ a baby yesterday – a little girl.
b) They ___________ got a car, they cycle everywhere.

21. You don’t need an umbrella. It _____________.

a) isn’t raining
b) doesn’t rain
c) not raining

22. Sonia ________ a job.

a) hasn’t
b) doesn’t have
c) don’t have

23. The girl in the painting _____________ a blue dress.

a) Wears
b) Wearing
c) Is wearing
24. Choose the correct meaning.
“Employees have to follow the dress code.”
a) You can wear what you can.
b) There are some clothes that you can’t wear.

25. Choose the correct meaning

“Employees can’t call in sick without a doctor’s note.”
a) It’s possible to call in sick without a doctor’s note.
b) You need a doctor’s note to call in sick

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