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Vaccine Room- a room where the vaccines and more than one different cold chain equipment are


A. Cold Chain Equipment Used in Health Facilities

Different vaccines quantity requires different equipment for transporting and storing vaccine and

1. Cold Rooms- has a 24-hour, 7days a week temperature monitoring system with an alarm, a recorder
and a back up refrigerator that will turn on automatically when the regular power is interrupted.

2. Walk-in Freezer- designed to keep very large quantities of vaccines that requires a temperature
between -15℃ to -25℃ particularly OPV. The equipment is necessary as ry at the central store.

3. Refrigerators/ Freezers- are used for freezing icepacks and storing certain vaccines, particularly OPV.
The least costly to run easiest to maintain. Reliable electricity is a must. Ice-lined refrigerators can
maintain the appropriate temperature for 16hours without power.

A refrigerator in a health center should be able to store:

 One month supply of vaccines and diluents in refrigerator compartment
 25% reserve stocks of vaccines and diluents
 Frozen ice packs in freezer compartment
 Bottles of water or unfrozen icepacks in the refrigerator compartment

4. Ice Pack Freezer- a front opening for use at national, regional, and provincial/ city level can quickly
freeze up to 145 ice packs.

5. Cold Box/ Transport Box- are insulated containers lined with frozen ice packs to keep vaccines and
diluents cold during transportation and/or short period stage (from 2-7 days). They are used to store
vaccines when refrigerator is out of order or being defrosted or during power failure. Cold life ranges
from 2 to 8 days. It takes the temperature inside a cold box to rise from 2℃ to 8℃ without the lid being

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