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This house believe that same sex school are good for education

Good morning ladies and gentle man honourable to judge, moderator, time
keeper, my beloved opposition team. Thank opportunity that given to me.
We are from goverment team. My name is basriko ma’ruf as a first speaker

Next, I would like to give our motion today. Our motion today is This house
believe that same sex education are good for education. Definition of
motion is same sex School is a school in which people only have one

From the motion that we as government team absolutely that the same sex
school are good for education.

In Indonesia the background to the implementation of the same sex school

is our loved hero, she is women beautiful and brave she is Raden Ajeng
Kartini. She was born in jepara 21 april 1879 and died in rembang 17
september 1904 (at the age 25 years) was a javanase figure and
Indonesian national hero Kartini is pioneer of revival indigenious women or
emantipation women. Emancipation is realese from the limits of women’s
right to develop and progress

Our mother Kartini has indeed become one of the phenomenal female
heroines in Java, precisely from Central Java. Many writers tell RA Kartini's
biography and tell her life's inspiring journey. Just as Sitisoemandari
Soeroto did in his book entitled 'Kartini: A Biography'. In this book explained
about the Kartini. his writings which were full of criticism of gender
equality.A collection of writings to his questioner friends in the Netherlands
or letters that he had made summarized by Armijn Pane in a book entitled
habis gelap terbitlah terang.. R.A Kartini's dream is that she wants to see
women be able to study and study as they are now. New ideas about the
emancipation or equality women's rights by Kartini

he also wishes to advance his nation's woman, Indonesia. To realize his

goals, he began by collecting schools for girls in his birthplace, Jepara. In
this school prepared lessons for sewing, embroidery, cooking, and so on.
Everything was given without payment.but over time the this system is not
longer to used. Then our parameter today we use japan.

Well next continue to team split:, Luhur tawang as a second speaker to tell
about education, hamid as a thid speaker to tell about social. Kevin refute
all opposition team and last speaker selo concluded

We have 3 argument, Now I want to tell you about my argument The

statement is from impacts student parent perspective. In japan same sex
shool named dansei bakkou. The reason their parents send their children
to same sex school is forming a child become more independent,
consenterate for learning so japan can make a lot of technology

We want our motion apply in Indonesia because we think is suitable

because cases of abuse have occurred a lot

we take case that in jembara, bali hanged him self because dissapointed
doing victim in toilet by teacher also commited sucide because shame and
depression so this is negative impact if same sex school not apllied.

Ladies and gantle men, now let me concluded my argument. I agree with
the motion to make the good generation for indonesia

Thank you that enough from me, it will be continued by the second later.

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