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FOG HARVESTER or cloud harvester

Fog harvester herself uses a huge web fence to catch fog in the hill , has a surface of over 600 square
meters , it can produce 17 gallons of fresh water ready to drink per square meter, it also uses solar
power pumps

Idea : to create an alternative source of clean water for public use from cloud

What :a water safe enough to use for drinking come from cloud

When : it is depend on the clouds current whereabout

Who :the public can get clean water easily even when water is scarce

Why : to ease the public in getting clean water without having to find groundwater

Where : it is suitable for high ground areas such as hills or deserts

How : usually people who lives in high desert areas find it hard to get clean water, with this equipment
people don’t have trouble finding for clean water

3P factors : profit : it would create a great profit as the water source would be free and the expenses is
only on tools

People: it will make it easier for humans to get clean water

Planet: it would help the planet because we cab reduce the natural damage from finding
water resource in ground

Advantage : 1. It can easily to get the clean water resource

2. it is a very low budget

3. it can be used for drink directly

Disadvantage: 1. Sometime the weather is so fierce that there are’t any clouds

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