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COLETO, Bianca J.

September 15, 2019


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PSYCHOANALYSIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Psyche, Conscious, Unconscious, Id, Ego, Superego, Oedipus Complex, Dreams,
Manifest Content, Latent Content, Dream-work, Displacement, Symbolization, Culture,
Lack, Real, Nature, Desire, Mirror Stage, Ford-da game, Nature, etc. – these are the
words that summarizes the Psychoanalysis.

The approach used in psychoanalysis focuses on the unconscious mind rather

than the conscious. The idea is constructed that our behavior is determined by our
experiences which is stuck in our unconscious mind.

Psychoanalysis aims to bring what occurs in the psyche of a person, the

unconscious or subconscious level up to its consciousness. Freud came up with the
discovery of the unconscious mind wherein he divided it into two parts: conscious and
unconscious. The conscious mind is what relates to the world, on the other hand,
unconscious is where our repressed wishes is located. Freud then introduces the three
new terms which are: the id, ego, and superego. The id satisfies the natural law, ego is
more on the reality principle and lastly, the superego represents the internal world which
goes against the stand of ego. This model of the mind was compared to an iceberg
wherein it says that our mind exists in the realm of the unconscious impulses.

The said three parts of the mind are in constant conflict most especially the id and
the ego as these two contradicts each other. The id wants desire that will satisfy the
pleasure principle while the ego focuses in meeting the society’s standard. At times,
because the conflict may be too much to handle, the defense mechanism of an individual
take part in order to protect the individual. These defense mechanisms were mentioned
in Freudian Psychoanalysis. Repression is when the ego disregard thoughts out of its
consciousness making it as a special form of repression. Projection was also mentioned
in the theory where in the ego tries to solve discomfort by attaching one’s unacceptable
thoughts to another person. With the help of Displacement, a person satisfies an impulse
by working on a substitute person on object. Meanwhile, Sublimation is similar to
Displacement as this also involves satisfying an impulse.

The interpretation of dreams was also included in Freudian Psychoanalysis

wherein he defined dreams as a disguised fulfillment of a suppressed wish at the same
time a compromise-structure as this contains wishes that we are ashamed of and
consequently putting it aside by repressing and pushing it into the unconscious mind. He
also mentioned that dreams have two levels of movement: the latent content which is the
true or hidden meaning of the dream and the manifest content which is what the dreamer
remembers dreaming or the actual dream itself. Before, dreams were considered
insignificant but because of Freud’s ideas about dreams it all makes sense. According to
Freud, the purpose of dream is to translate repressed wishes and taboo desires. By
analyzing the dream, they get to decode the manifest content in order to identify the real
meaning of the dream. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Oedipus Complex was also mentioned in Freudian Psychoanalysis in which it

was defined as a sexual desire with the parent of the opposite sex. This concept was
introduced by Sigmund Freud in his Interpretation of Dreams (1899). He attributed
Oedipus Complex to children ages three to five. This complex was developed from
Sophocles’ drama Oedipus the King (c.427 BC). Freud was able to develop two versions
of this concept: one for boys and one for girls. For boys, the Oedipus Complex was seen
as the mother becomes the boy’s desire and his father becomes his rival for his mother’s
affection. The boy wishes for his father’s death but also fears his father’s power which
then led to the abandonment of the boy’s desire for his mother. Unlike for the boys, Freud
was unsure how the Oedipus Complex worked for girls. ------------------- ---

Aside from Freudian Psychoanalysis, Lacanian Psychoanalysis was also

mentioned. Lacan pursues to lean towards culture rather than biology with
psychoanalysis. The three key concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis that sets it apart
from Freudian Psychoanalysis was: The Real, Symbolic Order, and Mirror Stage. Lacan
explains that Real is where we exist and where everything else begins. Our desires and
emotions are being interpreted in Symbolic Order. Lastly, the Mirror Stage, this is where
our individuality begins to emerge.
The main difference between Freud and Lacan is their view about the unconscious.
Freud believed that unconscious exists in all of the id, ego, and the superego. Meanwhile,
Lacan’s view of the unconscious is identical with the structure of the language.

Overall, Psychoanalysis is both a therapy and theory where it is used as a method

of understanding mental and functioning as well as the stages of growth and
development. It is a general theory of an individual’s human behavior and its experience.
Psychoanalysis aims to explain the multifaceted relationship among the body and the
mind and broadens the knowledge of the role of emotion in medical illness and health.

Sir, sana alam mo na isa kang magaling na guro. Madalas ka humingi ng sorry sa klase
sa way ng pagtuturo mo pero sa totoo lang, unique lang po talaga style niyo. <3 Salamat,
Sir! Napaka understanding niyo po na guro at napaka cool. Yung way niyo po ng
pagtuturo ay para lang kayong nagk-kwento kaya masaya makinig sa klase. Although
minsan hindi ko lang po maintindihan dahil wala akong basic knowledge sa mga nasasabi
niyo sa class.

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