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Mini LED roulette game circuit using Digital IC

This is Mini LED roulette game circuit using Digital IC, so simple and easy to builds, using IC-4017 to drive LED1-LED10, IC-
4011 is oscillator, IC-4013…

When the switch S1 the output at pin 1 of the IC1a the voltage is “high”, The oscillator circuit output IC2b, IC2c work.
Clock pulse generator fed to IC3, a voltage “high” output to the output pins 3, 11, and pin 12 of the IC3, the LED1-LED10
light chase sequence. Section LED11 show high – low point. The output of pin 3, 2, 4, 7, 10, of IC3 represented by high
points, Output pins 1, 5, 6, 9, 11 instead of the IC3 with the low points. The jackpot for the LED12.The IC1b, IC2a and IC2d
as controls.

Resistor R2 and capacitor C1 determine the period of the output “high” output from pin 1 of the IC1a. The capacitor C1
through R2. When you press the switch and the voltage drop across C1 will gradually increase until the maximum level. It
will reset the flip flop IC1a become the output at pin 1 is “low”. And the oscillator output circuit to stop working, but
there are some LED lights are pending, it may be that we end up being the LED.

So do not worry, it will switch a few times. Because, given a time period that the R2 and C1. The devices are required to
keep a 6-volt power supply. If changed is 9 volts, must try for security reasons.

Figure 1 Mini roulette system circuit. How to build this projects?

This project is not used many components so can assemble on the universal PCB board. as Figure 2 The wiring looks out
carefully for the polarity of the electrolytic capacitors and Diodes and LED and Pin of the ICs correctly.
Figure 2 The components layout of this projects
Components list
Resistors size ¼W +5%
C1___________2.2uF 16V___Electrolytic
C2___________0.1uF 50V____Polyester
D1___________1N4001___1A 50V Diode
LED1-LED12_____LED___Many colors
IC1____________CD4013____CMOS DUAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP
IC2____________CD4011____Quad 2-Input NOR Buffered B Series Gate
IC2____________CD4017_____Decade counter with 10 decoded outputs IC
S1_____normally open pushbutton
The universal PCB board___1 pcs.

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