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In a village, there lived an old woman and her daughter with a simple
life.The old woman had a daughter flawless and admired in the village.However,
her daughter is very spoiled, lazy, selfish and has bad behavior towards her
mother.Every day, her daughter often reigns and screaming at her mother while she
was just busy makeup.Each of his desire to be fulfilled mother if not, he would cry.
To give her daughter,he was willing to toil from morning till night.

One day, her daughter asks a new dress for her. But she can’t buy a new
dress for her child because her money was not enough and her daughter was crying.
But the daughter forced her mother to occupy what her want.Then her mother asked
daughter to be accompanied go to the market.Her daughter want to accompany her
but her mother should walk behind her because she was ashamed to be near her
mother.Her mother was sad to hear that but she still accepted it.They go to the
market together, her daughter went to use a beautiful dress while her mother is
wearing a simple outfit.

On the way to the market a lot of people have said to he daughter, whether
walking behind her is her mother?But she denied that who walked behind her was
her mother.Hearing that, her mother was very sad.Then her mother prayed to god to
give punishment to her daughter, because her bad attitude.Suddenly, her daughter's
feet were frozen like rocks and kept on all her body.Her daughter was crying and
asking for forgiveness, but it was too late, she was become a stone.Old woman sad
to see her daughter now, but she can not do anything. Although she has become a
stone but people still see the water coming out from the stone and it’s called Crying

Moral Values:

The moral values of this story is We should not be godless to parents, we should
always say politely to anyone and always help the parents.

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