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The Reproductive System

The Male Reproductive System

Let the students be familiar with the functions of each part
using the table:

Part Function
Testis Produces sperm cells
Scrotum Sac that holds the testis
Penis Deposits sperm cells into the vagina during mating
Vas deferens (Tube) Passage of sperm cells from testes to
Urethra Passage of sperm cells and urine out of the body
a. seminal vesicle
b. prostate gland
c. bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s gland) Provide liquid in
which sperm can swim - Secretes a fluid that makes up
most of the components of the semen - Secretes a slightly
alkaline milky fluid that is dis charged as part of the semen
- Secretes a thick and clear mucus that lubricates and
neutralizes the any trace of acidic urine in the urethra
The Female Reproductive System
Let the students study each part and its corresponding
Part Function Ovary Produces egg cells Oviduct Serves as
passageway of eggs from the ovary to the uterus; site of
egg fertilization
Site of egg implantation; serves as the place where
fertilized egg develops
Vagina Receives the penis of male during mating

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