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(A Pre-Experimental Study To Eight Grade Student of SMP Negeri 3

Terentang In Academic Year of 2018/2019)

NIM. 321510097








(A Pre-Experimental Study To Eight Grade Student of SMP Negeri 3 Terentang

In Academic Year of 2018/2019)


NIM. 321510097

Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Desain penelitian ini diajukan sebagai syarat untuk menempuh seminar penelitian
pendidkan pada program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris fakultas pendidkan
bahasa dan seni institut keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan. Persatuan Guru Republik
Indonesia (IKIP-PGRI) Pontianak

Disetujui oleh

Pontianak, January 2019 Pontianak, January 2019

Pembimbing utama Pembimbing pembantu

Citra Kusumaningsih M.Pd Sahrawi, M.Pd

NPP. 202 2010 094 NPP. 202 2014 281



(A Pre-Experimental Study To Eight Grade Student of SMP Negeri 3 Terentang

In Academic Year of 2018/2019)


NIM. 321510097

Approved by:

Main supervisor Assistant supervisor

Citra Kusumaningsih M.Pd Sahrawi, M.Pd

NPP. 202 2010 094 NPP. 202 2014 281

Legalized by:
Head of English Education Study Program

Citra Kusumaningsih, M.Pd

Npp. 202 2010 094

As the expression of my highest gratitude, first of all i would like to say

thank you to the Lord, Jesus Crist, for blessing and health so I’am as the
researcher can finish my research proposal.

I would like to thank you for my parents, my mother and my father, who
always give me motivativation to doing one of my obligation, writing this
research proposal. Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to Mam Citra
Kusumaningsih, M.Pd as my first advisor, for the guidance, valuable suggestions
and always give a great encouragement during the consultation. Thirdly, I also
would like to thank to Mr. Sahrawi, M.Pd as my second advisor for the patience in
providing careful guidance and very good advise as well as encourgement during
consultation periods.

The last, I would like to say thankyou for my friend Yosa, Renny, Dini,
Laras, Ita and Windy who always be my side for togetherness and to support
eaach other.


ADVISIOR APPROVAL ....................................................................

HEAD OF STUDY PROGRAM APPROVAL ...................................

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................


A. RESEARCH BACKGROUND ................................................

B. RESEARCH PROBLEM .........................................................
C. RESEARCH PURPOSE ..........................................................
D. SIGNIFICANT OF THE RESEARCH ....................................
E. SCOPE OF RESEARCH .........................................................
F. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS ...................................................
G. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................
1. RESEARCH DESIGN ......................................................
2. RESEARCH PROCEDURE .............................................
3. POPULATION AND SAMPLE .......................................
4. TECHNIQUE OF COLLECTING DATA ........................
5. TOOLS OF COLLECTING DATA ..................................
6. TECHNIQUE OF DATA ANALYSIS .............................


LITERATURE REVIEW .....................................................................

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................

APPENDIX ..........................................................................................

A. Background of the Research

English language is an international language that using by people
accross the world to make a communication. As the international
language, english language subject become a major in school in many
country such our contry, Indonesia. There are four skills in studying
English language such as reading, listening, writing and speaking. All of
the skills in English language should be master by the students, and one of
the important skill is speaking.Speaking skill are often considered the most
important part of an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) because ability
to speak is the most essential skill since speaking is the basic for
In this era, Indonesia as a developing country will face Industry
Revolution 4.0 which is the expansion of the digital world and internet
into the industrial and economic sectors, and here the goverment prepares
various steps to accommodate the nation’s childern so that they can be
caried away by the current era, one of the way is students in Indonesia can
use English language as the national language for communication.
In our country English language is put as a foreign language, so
here the people of our country not usualy using english in their daily life
like other country which put english as a second language. English
language as a major in school starting in Kindergarten, Elementary School,
Junior High School, Senior High School and University. This is one of the
way by the Goverment to internalize English in our life. According to the
2006 school based curriculum in Indonesia, the objective of the teaching
English for junior high school is to develop students’ communicative
competence orally and written at functional literacy level. In such a case,
the teaching of English as one of the obligatory subjects should cover the
four language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading and speaking
based on Depdiknas,Pedoman Penilaian Hasil Belajar, (Jakarta: Dirjen,
Teaching speaking toward students is rather more diffi cult. In
conducting speaking class, one of the important things should be consider
for the teacher is that they have to let their students to speak, speak and
speak. Then, how if they diffi cult even do not want to speak because of
some reasons? It will become the big problem for the teacher. In fact,
many students feel reluctant when they are asked to speak up in English.
They are shy and have so much anxiety of being false when they speak
This problem is happen because the students are lack of practice.
They considered being shy when the teacher ask them to speak aloud, and
fi nally they just keep silent. Of course the speaking lesson is not run well.
In contrast, speaking is considered to be one of the effective ways of
communicating the ideas, feelings, thought, etc. From the problem above,
English teacher have to pay attention of how they treat their students so
that speaking class will be more fun for them. By using the appropriate
technique, students will enjoy and active to follow the teaching and
learning process in the classroom. Besides, the teacher also should create
the effective situation which allow the students to speak as comfort as
possible, so that they feel free to express their thought.
Dealing with this, the researcher interests in conducting the study
about those certain problem. The researcher would like to use “Strip
Stories technique” in teaching speaking. Strip stories technique using a
piece of paper is initially trigged by Prof. R.E. Gibson in TESL Quarterly
magazine which was then further developed by Mary Ann and John Boyd
in TOSEL Newsletter and described with field experience by Carol
Lamelin in the same magazine. This technique is chosen to help students
in exploring their ideas toward certain strip of story. By using strip of
stories in their hand, all of students in the class have the opportunity to
speak up. Strip stories are also very useful to ask all students in the class
become active. It is because each student has the different strip of story.
So, there is no chance for student to copy their friend’s ideas in exploring
and explaining their strip of story. It helps students to collect the
information from other friends in order to arrange and decide the right
story. In this technique, students will interact to speak freely, because their
will face their own friends. This activity can be done both in small or
whole group. The use of Strip Story technique is expected to give good
contribution to improve students’ ability in speaking mastery especially to
the students of eighth students in SMP N 3 Terentang.
B. Research Problem
Research problem is an essential aspect on research. Research is
not an one-off set off activity, but a process that consists of series
systematic and interrelatedactivities that are aimed at obtaining solution to
particular problem (Nachmias 1996). In teaching speaking, teacher usually
using dialogue technique in order to training the student to speak using
English language in the classroom. The other technique used by the
teacher is student reading a passage in order, with different student in
every sentence of the passage. The problem of the strategies above is the
teacher constanly using the same technique in every meeting. Using a new
technique in teaching speaking will bring a new condition in teaching
atmosphere. Based on explanation above, research problem of this
research are following :
1. How is effect of Strip Stories on students’ speaking achievement at
eight grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Terentang in academic year
2. How strong is the effect of Strip Stories on students’ speaking
achievement at eight grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Terentang in
academic year 2018/2019?
C. Research Purpose
Research purpose is a part of a research which is explain about the
purpose or the target the researcher will achieve in the end of this
researcher. According to beckingnam (1974) research purpose is a
statement of “why’ the study is being conducted , or the goal of a study
might be to identify or describe a concept or to explain or predict a
situation of solution to a situation that indicates the type of study to be
conducted. In teaching speaking skill conducting a new technique will
help the student to learn the same materi with different technique that
hopefully make them more exaited to learn. Using strip stories in teaching
speaking skill is a new thing in teaching and learning process at SMP N 3
Terentang. This statement proved by the pre-observation, the researcher
conclude that the technique use by the teacher in teaching speaking only a
dialogue and reading in order. By the explanation before, the purpose of
this research are :
1. To figure out the effect of Strip Stories on students’ speaking
achievement of SMP Negeri 3 terentang in academic year 2018/2019.
2. To find out how strong is the effect of Strip Stories on students’
speaking achievement of SMP Negeri 3 terentang in academic year
D. Significant of the Research
This research is about to finding a new technique called “strip
stories”, that will apply in teaching speaking speacially for Junior High
School level. The finding of this researcher hopefully has significant in
education realm. The significant of this research are following :
1. For the Student
Using strip stories in learning speaking in the classroom make the
students become more active in the learning process. Before, the
student only sit down and read or come infront with pair to make a
conversation. Here while using the strip stories as a technique, student
will work in group and read the passage in order.
2. For the Teacher
The benefit of this research for the teacher is the teacher using a
new technique is to maintain and develop the teacher knowledge about
new technique and making something new in the classroom so the
student not bored in the teaching and learning process.
3. For the Other Researcher
This study also has contribution to the other researcher, the
contribution is this research can be a relevan previous study. The other
researcher also can make a decision either to using this technique or
not in their research.
E. Scope of research
The scope of the research basically means all those things that will
be covered in the research project, and here the researcher will defines
clearly about the variables such the independent variable and the
dependent variable also the researcher will give the explanation of the
other scope of research it is called research methodology.
1. Research Variable
Variable is a term frequently used in research that define and
identify while designing a research project. According to Kerlinger
Freed (1983) variable is a property that takes on different value.
Variables can defined in terms masurable actors through a process. It is
essential to define the term as a variables so that they can be quantified
and measured (Aparna Bhaduri and Marie Farrell on their book Health
Research: A Community-based approach, p.70). There are two kinds
of variables,first is independent variable, and the second is dependent
a. Independent Variable
An independent variaffected able is the variable that is affected
the dependent variable. According to Creswell (2012:116) “an
independent variable is an attribut or characteristic that influences
or effects an outcome or the dependent variable”. Independent
variable is the atecedent while the dependent variable is the
consequent. In this research the independent variable of this
research is the use of strip story technique in teching speaking.
b. Dependent Variable
Creswell (2009:50) state that “dependent variables are those
that depend on the independent variable they are the outcomes or
result of the influence of the independent variables”. The dependent
variable is choosing by the researcher fo find out to see the
dependent variable will changes or not by the influence of the
independent variable. Dependent variable of this research is
students’ achievment in speaking.
2. Research Terminology

In research terminology the rsearcher will explain about some

terms and their use and also the spesific meanings of each term.

a. Speaking

Speaking is a productive skill in the organs of speech to express

meaning which can be directly and empirically observed (Cameron,

2001: 40; Brown, 2004: 140). There are three important points

within this definition of speaking skills. First, by productive skill is

meant the ability of a person to actively produce the language by

coordinating the organs of speech such as the lips, tongue, teeth,

vocal cords, larynx, pharynx, etc. Second, to express meaning

means that the purpose of producing language in verbal

communication is to deliver ideas and experiences so that the

speaker can convey meaning to the listener.

b. Aspect of speaking skills

There are some aspects of speaking skills according to Brown

(2001:268) there are fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and


1) Fluency

As the first aspect, fluency is also the first sight of someone

either they can or cannot speak in English laguage. Fluency is

the ability to speak quickly and automatically that has signs

including the speed of speaking and few pauses which are used
to characterize a person’s level of communication proficiency

(Harris and Hodges, 1995:14; Brown, 2001:10; Richards,

2006:108-109). By the definition about, a student is said to be a

fluent speaker of a language if he or she can use the grammatical

accurately and automatically at the normal conversation speed.

Fluency is considered to be the ability to keep going when

speaking spontaneously. It also has signs that indicate that the

speaker does not spend a lot of time to search the words needed

to express the message.

2) Accuracy

The second aspect is accuracy. Accuracy is the ability to

produce correct sentences using correct grammar and

vocabulary in natural interaction (Brown, 2001:268) means that,

accuracy is achived by allowing the speaker to focus on the

elements of phonology, grammar and discourse in their spoken


3) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the act or manner of speaking a word.

There are many English words are not pronunced by the way

theye are spelled. Pronunciation is a person ability to use the

acurate way in speak a word. Having a good pronunciation of

the language can be helpful in a normal communication,

particularly for intelligibility (Derwing and Munro, 2005).

4) Vocabulary

As the fourth aspect, vocabulary is one of the most

important aspect in learning a foreign language. According to

Hornby (1995) vocabulary is all the words that a person knows

or uses and it is all the words in a particular language.

c. Strip Stories

According to Oxford Pocket Dictionary, “Strip” is part. So,

strip story is part of the story. Gibson stated that:

“The strip story is an adaptation of the scramble sentence

type of exercise in which each student memorize on

sentence of a story for which the proper sequence is not

known. With each student being the sole source of one

peace of information, his sentence, the story is put back

together strictly through verbal interaction of the class.

Many otherwise diffi cult – to – teach grammatical items

are learned and pronunciation problem over-come

surprisingly easily and quickly, without the direct aid of a

teacher. The reasons for the success of this technique are

discussed a long with some of the ways the procedures can

be extended to include related skills areas of ESL.”

From the theory from Gibson above, it can be take the

conclusion that Strip stories are story which has been separated

into smaller segments from begining to end. These story could

consist enterely of pictures that related to the story. As a new

technique strip stories will help the students more active in

speaking in the classroom.

d. SMP Negeri 3 Terentang

SMP Negeri 3 Terentang was inaugurated on november 16th

2007, that located at Markati jaya street, Terentang sub-district,

West Kalimantan Regency, Indonesia. SMP Negeri 3

Terentang has three classes divided into VIIth grade, VIIIth

grade, and IXth grade, with total 25 female student, 18 male

student and total of students are 43 student.

F. Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a conjectural statement of the relation between two or

more variables (Kerlinger, 1956). Hyphothesis also can be defined as a

formal statement of the relation between two or more variable (Creswell,

1994). A research question is essentially a hypothesis asked in the form of

a question and here the hypothesis will be defide into two, are follow:

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Alternative hypothesis will be take or use if strip stories technique

is effective toward students’ writing of the eight grade students of

SMP Negeri 3 Terentang in academic year of 2018/2019.

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

Null Hypothesis will explain that strip stories technique is not

effective toward students’ writing of the eight grade students of SMP

Negeri 3 Terentang in academic year of 2018/2019.

G. Research Methodology
Methodology is one of the important factors in the research activity.

By using suitable method, the research activity will get a good result. In

this part the researcher explains the research methods that were used. The

researcher presents research design, population and sample, and technique

and tools for collecting data.

1. Research Design
This research is a pre-experimental design using quantitative
approach with One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. In this study the
experimental research will be done in the class with taking students as
the sample. According to Arikunto there are three kind of Pre-
experimental design, those are: one shot case study, pre test and post
test group and static group comparison. In pre test and post test group
the observation do two times, those are: before experiment call pre test
and after experiment call post test.
Table 1 : one group pre-test and post-test

Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

Y1 X Y2

Adapted from Ary, et al (2010:304)

According to Gebhard in applying the Strip Stories Technique in
the classroom, there some steps that should be implemented in the
teaching and learning activities in general as follows:
a. Pre – activity
Before the main activity in Strip Story technique, it is helpful to
activate the background knowledge that the student have and to
prepare them for new vocabulary and grammatical structure they
are going to encounter in the text. To do so, the teachers can use
the activity likes ‘Vocabulary Bingo’ or they write down the
vocabularies in to the whiteboard and discuss together with the
b. During – activity
It is the main activity in using Strip Story Technique. The Strip
Story activity is done by the students in a group. The stages of
speaking activity by using strip story technique as like stated by
Gebhard, such as;
1) The students are put into small groups and given one or two
lines of short story;
2) They are not allow to show their lines to other students to put
the story together;
3) They have to negotiate who has the first line, second line, and
so on;
4) The student which already order the strip story have to
present the story infront of classroom with their group.
c. Post – activity
In the post – activity is giving feedback from the teacher to
the students. The feedback is about the activity that they have
already done before.
2. Population and Sample
a. Population
According to Sugiyono (2011: 80) population is not only
people, but also all of the quantity of object or subject that will be
learn, but also involve the whole of characteristics of the subject or
object. Population in this research are all the students in SMP N 3
Terentang with total 25 female student, 18 male student and total
of students are 43 student.
b. Sample
In this research, the researcher will use purposive sampling to
obtain the sample. According to Arikunto (2010:183), purposive
sampling is the process of selecting sample by taking subject that is
not based on the level or area, but it is taken based on the specific
purpose. Sample is a part of population which will to be analyzed.
Sample must be representative as one is to be able to generalize
with confidence from the sample to population. According to
Arikunto (2006:109), a sample must be representative to a
population. Based on Ary (2002:163) a sample is a group of a
population. It means that good sample must be representative of
the entire as possible, so that the generalization of the sample of
this research. This research is focus to the eighth grade with total
11 students, and it is possible for the researcher to take the all the
student in the eighth grade become the sample of this research.
3. Technique of Collecting the Data
In this research, the researcher will use a quantitative data analysis
technique. Quantitative research involves the collection of data so that
information can be quantified and subjected to statistical treatment in
order to support or refute “alternate knowledge claims” (Creswell,
2003, p. 153). This research is a pre-eksperimental research which is
one of kinds of experimental research. Leedy and Ormrod (2001)
alleged that quantitative research is specific in its surveying and
experimentation, as it builds upon existing theories.
4. Tools of Colleting the Data
There are some tools or instruments will be use in this research for
collecting the data. According to Sugiyono (2006) tools or instruments
is a media used to collect the data. There are some instrument will be
use in this research, following:
a. Speaking Test
Speaking test will use on both pre-test and post-test. The
student will divided into a pair and the teacher will give a short
dialogue with a certain topic and perform the dialogue infront of
classroom. While the students are performing the dialogue, the
teacher will give students’ score objectively with implementing a
rubric score by Harris (1974: 84) with some modification. The
rubric consisted of four aspects: fluency, accuracy, pronunciation,
and vocabulary. Here is the sample of the Oral rating sheet:

1) Fluency
Score Indicators
Speech as fluent and effortless as that of a native
Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by
language problems.
Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by
language problems.
Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language
Speech as so halting and fragmentary as to make
conversation virtually impossible.

2) Accuracy
Score Indicators
Makes few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or
word order.
Occasionally makes grammatical and /or word order
errors which do not, however, obscure meaning.
Makes frequent errors of grammar and word order
which obscure meaning.
Grammar and word orders make comprehension
2 difficult. Must often rephrase sentences and / or restrict
him basic pattern.
Errors in grammar and word order so severe as to
make speech virtually unintelligible.
3) Pronunciation
Score Indicators
5 Has few traces of foreign accent
Always intelligible though one is conscious of a
definite accent
Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated
listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.
Very hard to understand because of pronunciation
problems. Student Must frequently asked to repeat.
Pronunciation problems so severe as to make speech
virtually unintelligible.

4) Vocabulary
Score Indicators
Uses of vocabulary and idioms are virtually that of a
native speaker.
Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and/or must
rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies.
Frequently use the wrong words: conversation
somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary.
Misuses of words and very limited vocabulary make
comprehension quite difficult.
Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make
conversation virtually impossible.

In order to obtain the validity of the test, the researcher

use content validity by showing that the content of the test was a
representative sample of the domain that was to be tested
(Fulcher and Davidson, 2007: 6).
Table 1.Scoring Rubric

N Score of the speaking aspect Total

m Fluen- Pronuncia- Accura- Voca-

e cy tion cy bulary

1 A
2 B
Ect Ect
. .
(Adapted from Fulcher and Davidson, 2007: 6)
b. Video Recorder
The second tool will use as a media for collecting the
data is video recorder. The video can be record using
smartphone. the video will focus on the student and classroom
while the researcher conducting three activity, on pre-test
activity, on the researcher’s treatment activity (using strip stories
technique) and on the post-test activity. video recorder will help
the researcher easier to measure the data.
c. Students’ Speaking Transcript
The third tool will using by the researcher is atudents’
speaking transcript. The script is made by the teacher based on
the video recorder before. The script also can be use as an
evident and put it on the research finding as the outcome of this
5. Technique of Data Analysis
This research is using statistical analysis in order to find out of the
answer of research questions and to test the hypotheses of the research
procedures of data analysis were required. The numerical data will be
put into and analyze using windows-based program, Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) statistic 20. The technique of
data analysis in this research are following:
a. Analysis of Students’ Pretest and Posttest Score
The score of the students’ pretest and posttest will be
measure using a formula. In this case, the researcher made an
equation of making students’ oral tests. The score if each was
multiplied by four, so, the highest score would be 100. There are
four aspects in speaking skill with each aspect has five indicators
on it. To make the score equal and reach the interval score, each
indicator which has each score for example in fluency, indicator
number one has five score as the highest score. For making the
interval score “100” will defide into four acpect so that can take the
conclusion each aspect has 25% contribution and each indicators.
For the 25% devide into five aspects each indicators, so here we
have five score for each indicators of the four aspects in students’
speaking skill. The formula can be defini as:

Table 2.Scoring Formula

Score Percentage
Aspect Indicators Value
(*5) (100%)
No.1 5 25
No.2 4 20
Fluency No.3 3 15 25%
No.4 2 10
No.5 1 5
No.1 5 25
No.2 4 20
Accuracy No.3 3 15 25%
No.4 2 10
No.5 1 5
No.1 5 25
Pronunciation 25%
No.2 4 20
No.3 3 15
No.4 2 10
No.5 1 5
No.1 5 25
No.2 4 20
Vocabulary No.3 3 15 25%
No.4 2 10
No.5 1 5

b. Analysis of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Mean

Mean score is equal to the sum of all values in the data set
devided by the total number of values. A mean is the same as an
average. For the speaking test in pretest and postest, the mean
score will be measure by the following formula :
∑ 𝑌1
𝑀1 =

Where :

M1 = Mean of pretest

∑ 𝑌1 = the sum of pretest

𝑁 = Number of Students

∑ 𝑌2
𝑀2 =

Where :

M2 = Mean of posttest

∑ 𝑌2 = the sum of posttest

𝑁 = Number of Students

Hatch and Lazaraton’s formula (1991:162)

c. Analysi of the Students’ Standard Devinition
In this research the standard deviation is the measure of
dipersion of a set of data from the students’ mean score. Here, the
researcher will measure the absolute variability of the students’
mean scores. To analyze the students’ standard deviation, the
researcher will use this formula below :
2 (∑ 𝑋)
√∑ 𝑋 𝑁
S =

Where :

S = Standard deviation

∑ 𝑋2 = Sum of the squares of each score

(∑ 𝑋)2 = Sum of the scores squared

𝑁 = Number of sample

(Ary et al, 2010:177)

d. The Normality Test

To assign if the data which is distribute as a normal
distribution or not, the researcher need to compute the normality of
the test. In order to know the data distribution, the researcher will
use Kolgomorov-Smirnov test that available in SPSS. The use of
Kolgomorov-Smirnov test will found out the data distribution by
comparing the p-value (p) to the alpha-value (α). If the value of (p)
< 0.05 (α), it means that the data is not normally distribute. If the
value of (p) ≥ 0.05 (α) it means that the data is normally distribute.
e. Readability Test
Readability is an important issue and finding the right fit
between students’ reading ability and text difficulty is an important
and challenging task for. Readability is usually determined
according to a mathematical formula. According to Brown
(2004:251), self-assessment is one of the forms of alternatives in
assessment. It is to collect additional measures of students in an
effort to triangulate data about students in minimizing the
weaknesses of standardized tests. In this research the form of
readibility can be find in the appendix. Furthermore, self-
assessment is providing opportunity for students to do reflecting of
their learning (O'Malley and Pierce 1996; Johnston 1987; Carroll
and Hall 1985). Selfassessment is the basis for setting the
individual learning goal (O'Malley and Pierce 1996). Since setting
the learning goal is based on the self-assessment, the intra-rater
reliability is required.
f. Inter-rater technique
Hadley and Mort (1999), de Wet, der Walt and Niesler
(2009) assume that there is a tight correlation between scoring
system and rater reliability and they suggest that the scoring bands
and their meaning need to be made explicit. Two observations on
the use of self-assessment have been done, i.e. that on writing by
Hall and that on oral English by Burn (both in Johnston, 1987:
125). The studies suggested teacher to let students explore the
elements used for building good presentations and make the
elements as the criteria for assessing their own work. The process
will bring the students to understand the notion of setting their own
learning goals.
In this research, the researcher will put sthe students’ score
into an excel worksheet and alculate it to get the final score of all
of the students (as the sample). It is possible to quantify the
reliability of a test in the form of a reliability coefficient. Lado's
statement (1961) on reliability coefficient of good oral production
test as cited in Hughes (2003:39) can be used as a help in judging
whether the reliability is considered high or low, that "oral
production tests may be in the .70 to .79 range”. He adds that "a
reliability coefficient of .85 might be considered high for an oral
production test but low for a reading test”. It has been mentioned
in the findings that the results of the observations are as follows: 07
= 0.611; 02 = 0.634; 03 = 0.652; 04= 0.658; 05 = 0.682; and 06 =
0.752. In relation to the range of intra-rater reliability of the self-
assessment of the speaking performance is 0.611 to 0.752; it can be
said that intra-rater reliability of the selfassessment of the speaking
performance is moderate high to high. Because of the explanation
above, the researcher will directly using the form of the test of the
speaking test as a tools in this research.
g. Analysis the Hypothesis
Hypothesis is the probability or a prediction of a study. In
this research there are two probability of the result of this research.
The first is H0 or we called it null hypothesis. This hypothesis will
be take as a result if strip stories technique is not effective in
teaching speaking skill. Secondly, Ha or alternative hypothesis will
explain if strip storie is a effective technique in teaching speaking
skill. Before making the conclusion of those result either h0 or ha
the researcher will measure the score of the hypothesis first. The
formula will use by the researcher is:

𝑡count =
∑ 𝐷 2 − (∑ 𝐷)
√ 𝑁
𝑁(𝑁 − 1)

Where :

tcount = Total value of t-test

𝐷 = Mean of differences pretest and posttest

ƩD2 = Total of quadrate deviation

ƩD = Sum of deviation

N = Number of sample
Adapted from Ary et. al (2010;177)

Finally, to answer the first question, whether strip stories

technique is effective or not, the researcher will use t-table as the
comparison of the t-count. There are two probability for the result,
after compare the t-count with t-table. If t-count higher than t-table
of 5% alpha level (0.05) it means that the difference students’
speaking skill before and after using strip stories technique is
significant. So Ha is acceptable and H0 is rejected. On the other
hand, if t-count lower than t-table, the researcher will take the
conclusion that using strip stories technique is not effective in
teaching speaking skill or H0 is acceptable and Ha is rejected.

h. The Effect Size

To answer the second question about how strong is the use
of strip stories technique in theaching speaking effect, the
researcher will use a effect size formula that adapted from Creswell
(2012:195) as follow:
X̅ 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 –X
̅ 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
ES = 𝑆𝐷𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑

Where :
ES = Effect Size

X̅ 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 = the students’ mean score of posttest

X̅ 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 = the students’ mean score of pretest

𝑆𝐷𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 = the average standard deviation of both test

i. The Implementation of the Research

There are some procedure that the researcher will do while

conducting this research. The procedure are following :
1) Administration
The first procedure for doing a research is the researcher
have to ask permission to the headmaster of SMP N 3
Terentang before doing a research. While asking the
permission the researcher also explain about how the researcher
reson for taking the school as the population and taking
students as the sample an so on, in clearl simple and easy to
2) Pretest
After gainning the permission, and the researcher will enter
a classroom to face the students, as the second procedure,
giving the student pretest is not directly after the researcher
have the permission, but after dicide the time and schedule with
the English teacher at the VIIIth class of SMP N 3 Terentang.
Pretest will giving after the researcher explain what the purpose
of the test.
3) Giving Treatment
As the third step on the procedure giving the treatment is an
important part. Here, the researcher will implementing a new
technique called “strip stories” in the classroom that choosen
by the researcher.
4) Posttest
Posttest will doing by the researcher in order to take the
data. Posttest will be heald after the researcher implement the
treatment. The researcher will taking the score of posttest after
all the treatment done, and all of the sample already take a role
in learning speaking using strip stories technique.
5) Analysing the Result
The last step of the procedure is analysing the data. Here,
the researcher starting to measure the raw score and after all
steps of data analysis has done, the researcher will answer two
research problems before.
A. The Nature of Speaking
1. Definition of Speaking
Speaking is an instance of reciprocal in which both reception and
productive participation. Apeaking also refer to the realization of
language as use in spoken interaction and visual media since it is an
activity which makes a good use of gesture, and facial expression
(widdowson 1978:59). Other perception comes from Brown and Yule
(1983) proposes that spoken language is process consisting of short,
often fragmentary utterrences, in a range of pronunciation. There is
often a great del of repetition and overlap between one speaker and
another, and speakers frequently use non-spesific references.
Brown (2001:267) state that when someone can speaka a language
it means that he can carry on a conversation reasonably completly. In
addition, he states that the bencmark of successful acqusition of a
language is almost always the demonstration of an ability to
accompalish pracmatic goals through an interactive discourse with
other language speakers. Richards and Renandya (2002:204) state that
effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language
appropriately in social interactions that involves not only verbal
communication but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as
pitch, stress and intonation.
Polland (2008:33) state that speaking is the most difficult aspects
for the student to master. Mostly student got confuse to considers
every thing that is involved in speaking activity such as an idea, what
to say, language, how to use grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation
as well aslistening to and reacting to the person who they are
communicating with. As a student who learning a foreign language, an
Indonesian student can confirm how difficult speaking is.
According to Nunan (1991:23) speaking is described as an activity
as the ability to express onself in the situation, or the activity to report
acts, or situation in precise words or the ability to converse or express
a sequence of ideas fluently. Speaking is fundamentally an instrument
activity, speaker talk in order to have some effect on their listener. For
the studets of EFL, speakingis realy important as the first sight for the
teacher judge that student has a good result in teaching speaking in the
classroom. As state by Nunan in the same page that students’ speaking
skill in conversation is core aspect in language teaching learning.
From all the statement above, it can be conclude that speaking is
the most important skill in the mastering language. Someone who
learns a language can be said to be succes or have a skill in mastering
the language when theye are matters speaking skills. It means that a lot
of time and effort is needing in order to give opportunities for the
learners in speaking not only in the classroom but also outside of the
class. Because more practice make someone improve their own skill in
mastering something.
2. Definition of Speaking Skill
Speaking is already elaborate by some definition and explanation
above. Here, the researcher will explain and elaborate more specific
about a part of speaking as a language first aspects that make someone
define as a subject on speak a language. As Tarigan (1990;3-4) defines
that speaking is a language skill that developed in child life, which is
produced by listening skill, and at the period speaking skill is learned.
Speaking is one of the four basic competences that the students
should gain well. It has an important role in communication. Speaking
can find in spoken cycle especially in Joint Construction of Text stage
(Departmen Pendidikan Nasional, 2004). In carrying out speaking,
students face some difficulties one of them is about language its self.
In fact, most of students get difficulties to speak even though they have
a lot of speaking is for communication. In order to express effectively,
the speaker should know exactly what they want to speak or to
communicate, they have to be able to evaluate the effects for the
Based on the statements above the researcher infers that if someone
speaks, the listener should understand what is the speaker talking
about. In this section, the writer should develop ideas or build some
topics to be talked and to make other responds to what speakers says,
as the feedback.
3. Types of Spoken Language
Based on nunan in Brown (2001:251) suggests types of spoken
language shown in the following figure :
Monologue Dialogue

Planned Unplanned Interpersonal Transctional

Unfamiliar Familiar Unfamiliar Familiar

Figure 1: Types of Spoken Language

By the figure above we can elaborate that spoken language have
some type, there are monologue and dialogue. In monologue, when one
speakers uses spoken language for any length of time, as in speechs,
lectures, readings, news broadcasts, and so on, the hearer must process
long streches of speech without interruption the stream of speech will
go on whether or not the hearer comprehends the meaning of the speech
that made by the speaker.
There are two kinds of monologue speech, there are planned and
unplanned, both are differ considerably in their discourse structure.
Planned monologue ussually manifest little redundancy and relatively
difficult to comprehend, on the other side unpplanned monologues are
more redundancy, which make it ease to comprehension, but the
presence of more performance variables and other hesitations can either
help or hider comprehension.
Second type of speech is dialogue. Dialogue involve two or more
speakers and can be subdivided into those exchanges that promote
social relationship or usually called interpersonal and those for whose
purpose is to convey propositional or factual information ussually
called transactional. Each case, participants may have a good deal of
share a knowledge or a new information, therefore familiarity of the
interlocutors will produce conversations with more assumtions,
implications, and sometimes other hidden meanings between the lines.
In conversation among the pasrticipants who are unfamiliar with each
other, references and meanings have to be made more exxplicit to
assure effective comprehension, ant its references are not explicit,
misunderstandings can easily follow both of the speaker and the hearer.
4. The Micro Skill of Speaking
According to Brown and Abeywickrama (2010) micro skill of
speaking is an ability to handle interjections’ and an ability to respond
spontanteously nd almost effortlessly as they re the most widely used
in real life and at least traines in a classroom. An ability to handle
interjections’ involves the use of set expressions, stock phrases and
various language cliches as a guidence.the skill not only allow the
speaker to keep a conversation going or give the impression of active
participation in it, it also helps keep the exchanges in turn and allows
the speaker to gain time while formulating what to say. There are some
micro skill in speaking:
a. produce differences among English phonemes (one of the units of
sound that distinguish one word from another) and allophonic (the
pattern of sound) variants.
b. Produce chunks of language of different lengths.
c. Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed
positions, rhytmic structure, and intonation contours.
d. Produce reduce forms of words and phrases.
e. Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish
pragmatic purposes.
f. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.
g. Monitor one‟s own oral production and use various strategic
devices-pauses, filters, self-correction, backtracking to enhance the
clarity of the message.
h. Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc), system (e.g.,
tense, agreement, and pluralization), word order, pattern, rules, and
elliptical forms.
i. Produce speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases,
pause groups, breathe group and sentence constituents.
j. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.
k. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.
For all of the micro skill in the speaking skill above, can conclude
that in studying English language especially in speaking skill as a
lerners and as a teacher have to understand about the abilities to
distinguish sound on every words for example with using stressing or
5. Criteria of Good Speaking skill
Based on Brown (2001:168) explanation speaking is not simply
expressing something orally. However, the students need to acquire
some speaking aspects to have a good speaking skill. those aspects are
fluency, accuracy, pronunciation and vocabulary.
a. Fluency
As proposed by Harris and Hodges (1995: 14) fluency is an
ability to speak quickly and automatically. It means that fluent
speaker should be able to speak quickly and automatically. Fluency
can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately suited
with professional necssity. Basically, being fluent means being able
to keep the language corning. There may be mistakes, fillers
repetition, but there are no unusually long pauses in flow of talk.
b. Accuracy
Accuracy is an ability to produce sentences or utterance with
correct grammar as stated in Longman Dictionary (2000: 204). The
speakers need to follow the rules of the language such as grammar
and structure to be able to speak accurately. Accuracy concern with
how to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. It is line with the
explanation given by Heaton (1988:5) that the students ability to
manipulate structure and to distinguish appropiate grammatical
from in appropriate ones. The utility of grammar is also to learn te
correct the way to gain expertise in a langguage, both in oral and
written form.
c. Pronunciation
Based on Longman Dictionary (2000: 429) pronunciation is the
way a certain sound or sounds are produced. It covers they way for
speakers to produce clear language when they speak. To make a
successful communication happens, the speakers need to be able to
deliver clear message for listeners. In speaking, teaching
pronunciation including stress, rhythm, and intonation is very
d. Vocabulary
Vocabulary means the appropiate diction which is used in
conversation. Without having a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot
communicate effectively or express ideas in both oral and written
form. Having a limitted vocabulary is also barries that precludes
learners from learning a language. When they do not know how to
enrich their vocabulary, for example, they often gradually lose
interest in learning.
Based on Longman Dictionary (2002: 580), vocabulary is a set
of lexemes, consisting single words, compound words, and idioms
that are typically used when talking something. To be able to speak
fluently and accurately, speaker of foreign language should master
enough vocabulary and has capability to use it accurately.
6. Types of Classroom Speaking Activities
Harmer (2002:271-274) explain some type in the classroom
speaking activities, the activities are follows:
a. Acting from script
This type of activity allows the teacher to ask the students to act
out scenes from plays, course books or dialogues written by
themselves. Sometimes it can be followed by filming the result. By
giving students practice in these things before they gave their
performances, it means that acting out is both learning and
language producing activity.
b. Playing communication games
This type of activity makes use of games which are designed to
provoke communication between students. It frequently depends on
an information gap, so that one student has to talk to the partner in
order to do the required tasks.
c. Discussions
This activity need to be encouraged by the teacher in order to
provide productive speaking in language classes. It can be achieved
by providing activities which force students to reach a decision as a
result of choosing between specific alternatives in the discussion.
d. Prepared talk
This activity allows a student (or group of students) make a
presentation on a topic of their own choice. The talks are not
designed for informal spontaneous conversation. This activity
represents a defined and useful speaking genre and can be
extremely interesting for both speaker and listener if properly
e. Questionnaires
This type of activity allows the students to design questionnaires
of any appropriate topic. The questioner and respondent have
something to say each other using the natural use of certain
repetitive language patterns and thus are situated in the middle of
our communication continuum. The results obtained from
questionnaire can form the basic of written work, discussions, or
prepared talks.
f. Simulation and role play
This type of activities can be used to encourage the general oral
fluency or to train students for specific situations by simulating a
real-life world. They are suitable for students of English for
Specific Purposes (ESP). It has three distinct advantages. First, they
can be good fun and motivating activities. Second, it allows
hesitant students to be more confident in speaking since they do not
have to take responsibility for about they are saying. Third, they
allow the students to use a much wide range of language.
7. Teaching Speaking
Teaching English language will direcly lead a teacher to make
students learning about all skills in English language. In teaching
speaking skill, it can sometimes be easy to get students to speak in the
classroom if the atmosphere of the class is good such as students who
get on with each other and whose English is in an appropriate level
(Harmer 2007: 345).
However, he added that it will be difficult for the teacher to make
the students to speak if they are reluctant to speak, the topic chosen is
not appropriate, the organization of teaching plan is not appropriate,
and if there is an unpredicted event happen. Therefore, the roles of the
teacher and the techniques that the teacher using are essential. During
speaking activities, the teachers need to play a number of different
roles. Harmer (2007: 347-348) points out three roles of teachers in
teaching speaking.
a. Promter
Students are sometimes confused, cannot think of what to say
next which make lose the fluency we expect of them. The teacher
as a prompter has a rule to help them by offering discrete
suggestions. It can be done supportively (without disrupting the
discussion) or ask them to go out of their roles.
b. Participant
Teachers should be a good animator when asking students
to produce language. Sometimes this can be achieved by setting
up an activity clearly and with enthusiasm. The teachers also
may participate in discussions or role-plays themselves to help
the activity along, ensure continuing students’ engagement or
maintain creative atmosphere.
c. Feedback Provider
It is vital that the teacher allows the students to assess what
they have done. However, it is important to think about
possibility that overcorrection may inhibit the students in the
middle of a speaking activity.
B. Teaching Speaking Using a Technique
Technique is particular strategem or procedure used to
accommplish a particular objective. Technique is a implementational
which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular strick or a
contrivance. Technique also can be define as a way of carrying out a
particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work
or a scientific procedure (Anthonys in Fauziati, 2009: 17). Thus, technique
encompasses the actual moment-to-moment practices and behaviors that
operate in teaching a language according to a particular method. In other
words, technique is classroom practices done by the teacher when
presenting a language program. This is the way the classroom activities are
integrated into lessons and used as the basis for teaching and learning.
C. Strip Stories as a Technique
A strip story is one of the techniques that could stimulate the
students to speak during the learning process especially in speaking class.
The aim of this study was to find out the significance difference of
students’ speaking achievement after they were taught by using strip story
technique. The pre experimental study was the method of the study. The
one group pretest-posttest design approach was used in this study.
Strip story technique was introduced by Prof. Robert E. Gibson in
“Strip Story: A Catalyst for Communication” which was then further
developed by Mary Ann and John Boyd in TOSEL Newsletter and
described with fi eld experience by Carol Lamelin in the same magazine.
While it was initially created to help foreign student deal with the
problems of oral communication in real situations. Technique trough this
media start from an approach that prioritizes the real creativity of
communication so that later students can easily and do not hesitate to
communicate with a foreign language.
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