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Reduction of inequality to enhance equity are significant macro-economic objectives.

The increasing income rift between the poor and the rich has reiterated the significance of

understanding the causes of poverty and inequality and the construction of suitable policies to

narrow the income gap and reduce poverty. The policy towards the eradication of poverty and

inequality is driven by the desire to realize both vertical and horizontal equity. One of the

strategies of addressing this disparity is breaking down the social barriers. Conversations should

be created across income divide. Another technique is improving public schools by unifying

them. Solid education is the only sure way of getting out of poverty. This will be facilitated by

making education affordable and equally distributed. Education should be an equalizer rather

than a division. Lastly, there should be efforts to raise the minimum wage to the levels of 1960s.

it is not possible to live on the current minimum wage (Sutter, 2013).

Sutter, J. (2013, October 30). Ways to narrow the rich-poor gap. Retrieved from CNN Website:

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