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Janet recently bought a house.

Sepa but is a big garden that you got it at a good price but as we all know with every good deal
some additional work will need to be done to make it a dream home.
Part and parcel of selecting a fixer-upper is understanding that "DIY" activities will need to be
completed there were things that Janet and Ben could both live with like the old fireplace that was
no longer working some shabby carpets on the floors and a garden that was inserious need of
landscaping however the one thing that needed the most attention was retailing the kitchen floor
janet knew that the kitchen would be the heart of a home and it needed to be just the way she
wanted. it although ben wasn't really one to do or how to do it. she had to frequently consult with
him to ensure they would both be happy with the final outcome.

Janet called this project her "DIY" proyect it really was a series of firsts her first house the first
time she owned something independently and the first time she would be undertaking any kind of
"DIY' tiling activity. since it was the first time Jenne didn't really know where to start or what she
needed to consider. she knew that she wanted to have this completed with a month since she
could only dedicate time to do work on the weekends she knew the type of tiles that she wanted
to use and the approximate amount of money she was prepared to spend but beyond that she
didn't know much else.

Where can I buy new chips?

Should I also replace kitchen cabinets?

What else do I need for work?

What do I do with broken tiles?

Can Ben help?

Can I complete this in 4 weekends?

Janet considered this to be a one-woman job with occasional input and ideas from Ben.

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