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Kyla May Estañol


TTH, 2:30-4:00PM

1. What is the main purpose of propaganda movements?

Propaganda is concerted set of messages aimed at influencing
the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people. The main
purpose or goals of the propaganda movements was to the
Philippines. Students, who created the movement, wanted the
Philippines to be acknowledged to be a province of Spain and to be
represented in the Spanish Cortes. Status of the Filipinos and
Spaniards was supposed to be equal as well as the human rights, for
example freedom of speech and press. One of the main goals was
also to secularize parishes of the Philippines. Filipino used the
propaganda movement as medium in their pursuit for independence
from Spain. The campaign called “Propaganda Movement”, which
they had created, fought aggressively, but peacefully at the same
time, with the Spanish system, by the use of words in form of
speeches as well as pieces of writing. This is how the propaganda
movement was created. The propagandist used literature to create
change and in this way provide people with knowledge.
2. Why did the Katipunan failed?
The failure of the reform movement was already evident in
1891 when Rizal was arrested and banished to Dapitan. Yet the more
hopeful among the middle class still hung on to the conviction that
they could soften the heart of mother Spain into granting the reforms
demanded. It is for this reason that the reform movement continued
for four more years or until 1896 when the masses, led by Andres
Bonifacio, were forced to take to the field against the Spaniards.
Andres Bonifacio, a man of scanty education but nevertheless highly
intelligent, founded the Katipunan on the very night that news of
Rizal’s deportation to Dapitan leaked out. Unlike the members of the
middle class, Bonifacio and his plebeian associates did not dream of
mere reforms. They were interested in liberating the country from the
tyranny of the Spaniards, and the only way, to their minds, to
accomplish their end was to prepare the people for an armed conflict.
Thus, the Katipunan was founded on a radical platform, namely, to
secure the independence and freedom of the Philippines by force of
3. Who do you think is the best leader of Katipunan?
The best leader is Andres Bonifacio because in 1895, he
became the top leader or President Supremo of the Katipunan. Along
with his friends Emilio Jacinto and Pio Valenzuela, Bonifacio
published a newspaper called the Kalayaan or “Freedom”. Under
Bonifacio’s leadership in 1896, Katipunan grew from about 300
members to more then 30,000
4. Explain why the Americans are considered the manifest
destiny by the Filipinos
The Philippines was likely candidate for a number of reasons,
the largest being that the archipelago is situated in such a way in
relation to other powerful nations (such as Japan and China) that
would allow commerce between these countries and perhaps more
importantly, in the case of conflicts with these powerful nations, a
strategic warfare position.
These motives were of course candy-coated under the veil of
being the bringer of civilization and peace to the uncivilized natives of
the Philippines. The nation of “Benevolent Assimilation” of 1898 was
issued by the United States in regards to the Philippines. In the
original statement, the United States clearly were attempting to
overtake the Philippines in terms of political control. The statement
was sent to General Otis, the U.S military commander in the
Philippines, which was then censored by Otis and sent to Aguinaldo.
The censored version removed any mentions of rules by the United

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