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Just like any other movie in Bollywood, Ankur Arora Murder Case marketing team used

various tools for promoting the film and engaging the audience. The producers wanted to
communicate the mother child bond in order to sensitize the people. But the team was not able
to communicate this message to the audience because the marketing communication tools were
not integrated. The first reason was the target audience which was people of age more than 13
years. The movie was a Medical Negligence Drama and people between the age of 13 to 18
might not be able to connect with the theme. The second reason was that the movie belonged
to the category of unconventional cinema and was meant for those people only who enjoy such
kind of movies. But they promoted the movie as a family drama which communicated a wrong
message. The third reason was that the movie lacked the entertainment quotient because of
which youth is attracted to a movie. The fourth reason was that that the movie was very plain
and had not drama. This communicated an opposite message in the public because initially
movie was promoted as family drama woven with entertainment. The fifth reason behind the
failure of IMC campaign was that the promos were not so engaging. They showed hospital
scenes in the promos but the court scenes were missing from them. Hospital scenes were not
able to communicate the message they thought of delivering. At the end when they started light
the candle campaign they witnessed increase in views of trailer. If they had done this kind of
promotion before which would have engaged the audience the case would have been different.
Therefore I would rate their marketing campaign 6 on 10 because IMC is about communicating
the same message through all channels which they were not able to do.

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