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A basic psychological activity which we all do in many aspects of life to get things on our
own terms or to make ourselves satisfied for something. We may regret sometimes but
mostly we feel proud for our art of negotiations.Its never been an easy task to negotiate for
things but whenever we get the things negotiated on our own terms we get the feel of
satisfactory joy.


We are humans and we have a wonderful lust of keeping our pockets warm i.e. we always
want everything on the cheapest rate possible for the article so we can have a satisfying feel
of savings. This is also a reason for negotiations of products. The another most probable
reason is getting our personal choice satisfied.


Usually we negotiate on small things like color,clothes and basic thing related to have them
on our own terms and conditions whereas we negotiate to the conditions of life on not on our
terms which results in living an unhappy life and unfulfilled wishes.We should negotiate to
life situations on our own terms.


It is never been an easy task to perform,It's always an art to negotiate as negotiation is a

mutual midway of two different perspectives/terms/conditions or say people on which both
agrees.Its not only about reducing the amount of article to your desired price.In situation of
taking decision selfishly it's about negotiating with your own soul, your own greed in order to
negotiate with yourself you always need to focus on the consequences and the aspects it's
going to affect.


● Its a psychological process which humans perform to get things on their own terms.
● Negotiation comes along our way in every decision making situation whether to
please us or the other persons depending upon who negotiated well.
● It is compiled with our lifestyle as it gave us a feeling of satisfaction and cleverly
handling of the situation.
● It's not related to only sell or buy ,we also negotiate with ourself while settling down
for any decision.

By Hritik rajan ….
● It's the mutual way in which we try to get things on our own terms and also to
convince ourself .

By Hritik rajan ….

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