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Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the Koran, which

establishes as a fundamental premise (shahada). The Arabic word Allah,
Hispanicized as Allah, means God and its etymology is the same as the
Semitic word El, with which God is named in the Bible. Islamic scholars vary
to Islam as: "Submission to God the Most High through monotheism,
obedience and abandonment of idolatry." The followers of Islam are called
Muslims. They believe that Muhammad is the last of the prophets sent by

1. PROFESSION 2. prayer (salat): 3. almsgiving: It 4. THE FAST: It is Some consider

OF FAITH: It must be is the obligation done on that there is a
Summarize the performed five times of every Muslim occasional sixth pillar called
expression of a day, Fayr (before to give to the festivities and "holy war" (jihad):
Islamic faith in the dawn), dhur (at needy. during the this dictates that
phrase: “There is noon), Maghrib
no true God but celebration of Muslims fight in
(after nightfall and
Allah and Ramadan (the the defense of the
Ishaa (before
Muhammad is the ninth month of the faith.
completing the
messenger of darkness. Islamic calendar.

El Corán (del árabe ‘la recitación’, persa,
también transliterado como Alcorán, Qurán o Korán, es el libro
sagrado del islam, que según los musulmanes es la palabra de Dios, revelada
a Mahoma quien se considera que recibió estas revelaciones por medio
del arcángel Gabriel.



It must be covered at least Conservative veils

from the navel to the knee, are required for
silk and gold are women and there
prohibited. In some are different types.
countries Muslim men wear The hijab, Niqad,
a traditional loose tunic Burka, chador,
from the neck to the ankles
Sahyla, are some of
and a turban.
the types.

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