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The New Gay Liberation Escaping the Fag End of Feminism By Matthew Lye ©2015 Zeta Press All rights reserved 0% - Posicéo 2 Dicas de Vocabulario The author has dedicated The New Gay Liberation, Escaping the Fag End of Fem- inism to Paul Elam, for his unswerving commitment to addressing the rights and welfare of men and boys every- where. As the founder and director of A Voice for Men, the largest men’s rights organization in the world, Elam has never perceived gay and bisexual men to be anything other than men who are facing most of the same issues cur- rently confronting that particular de- mographic. Elam’s inclusive approach to men’s rights activism may be an affront to the ghetto mentality of many LGBT or- ganizations, but it is one of the many reasons why A Voice for Men almost im- mediately transcended all other men’s rights organizations to become the most relevant, respected and genuinely egalitarian beacons of human rights ad- vocacy in the world. Paul Elam is creating an extraordinary legacy for which all men and boys, re- 0% - Posicéo 13 Dicas de Vocabulario gardless of their race, religion, ethnic- ity, nationality, ability or sexual orien- tation should be profoundly grateful. This is an achievement which is as re- markable as it is unique. 1% -1 hr38 minsresta... Dicas de Vocabulario Table of Contents i. Introduction ii. About the Author iii. Foreword Chapter One - Challenging Assumptions Chapter Two - The Takeover Chapter Three - Gay Bashing Chapter Four - Brotherhood 1% - 22 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario Introduction by Paul Elam I met Matthew Lye online in his persona as “Andybob,” a doggedly honest and brutally surgical commentator on sex- ual politics. He wrote his way into the hearts of countless readers on the pages of A Voice for Men. From the beginning he displayed an understanding of male-female relation- ships that could only be grasped by a man free from the sometimes slavish obsequiousness to women that domi- nates the psyche of heterosexual men. He demonstrated the same incisive un- derstanding of traditional female priv- ilege that has reached psychotic pro- portions in the modern west. In other words, as a gay man he understands straight men and women better than they understand themselves. He applies that understanding to mod- ern sexual politics and delivers it with brutal, unassailable efficiency. As an advocate for men and boys, all 2% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario men and boys, Lye has never sunk into the comforting safe space of victim or identity politics. He does not represent a “gay faction” of the men’s movement, nor would he be anything but dismis- sive of someone who undertook such an effort. What he does in The New Gay Liber- ation: Escaping the Fag End of Femi- nism, is identify and call out how the majority of “Gay Rights” activists have become the sexual Uncle Toms of the modern age; how the transparently ho- mophobic heart of modern feminism has coopted the movement for gay rights and how it has driven a wedge be- tween gay men and their straight broth- ers. His words are both prophetic and rooted in our untold history. The New Gay Liberation: Escaping the Fag End of Feminism, is comparable in length to Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, and as saturated with wisdom as the same. The book was not written to bring com- 3% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario fort to the masses of straight men pum- meled with accusations of homophobia for the utterance of anything perceived as non PC, though it does, in fact, de- liver that very healing salve. Its purpose, at least in the mind of this cishet shitlord reader, is a wakeup call to gay men across the western world. Feminists who claim to be your advo- cates bring their “support” with some very interesting caveats. You are gay, which means you are not Matthew Lye embraces his masculinity, 3% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario indeed all masculinity, with pride and honor. Rather than coming meekly be- fore feminists, with hat in hand, plead- ing for acceptance, he stands as all great men have before him, on the founda- tion of his ideals, not asking for his dig- nity, but taking it without compromise. In doing so, he stands as one of the greatest advocates for men and boys of our time. 4% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario About the Author Matthew Lye is an Australian-born Men’s Human Rights Activist (MHRA) who has frequently written online under the pseudonym, ‘Andybob’. Like most people who have attempted to address key issues that affect the rights and welfare of men and boys, Lye could not ignore the vehemence with which feminists have undermined those efforts, as well as the role that feminists have played in promoting leg- islation and social policy that have ex- acerbated the problems. Lye is one of many gay men who are critical of allowing an anti-male ideol- ogy like feminism to infiltrate the gay rights movement, which has achieved nothing but to shatter its egalitarian credibility and politically marginalize the gay men within it. Lye is doubt- ful that many gay men would welcome feminists into their movement if they were aware of what feminists really think of them — especially the deeply- 5% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario ingrained homophobia of its most prominent thinkers and theorists. As the world grows weary of femi- nist bigotry and extreme demands, Lye hopes that gay men re-evaluate their al- legiance with feminism and reject it as the corrupt and divisive ideology that it has always been. The New Gay Liberation; Escaping the Fag End of Feminism was adapted from a speech entitled Why Gay Men Don’t Need Feminism that author intended to present at the International Conference on Men’s Issues 2015 in Houston, U.S.A. that was eventually cancelled. 5% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario Foreword by David Palmer If we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately. -Benjamin Franklin I’m a gay man. Iam not a feminist. There’s a shocking statement. How could any gay man not need, want, sup- port, affirm feminism? To be fair, I was a feminist for years. I remained a feminist while phrases like “Old white guy”, “Cishet guy”, and “Male privilege” made their way into the lexicon. I remained a feminist while straight men were demonized by fem- inism-because, of course, I wasn’t “one of them”. I remained a feminist while GLBT became LGBT. I remained a femi- nist for years. Over time, however, I found myself, with ever increasing frequency, in the 6% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario position of feeling that I had to use my sexual orientation to defend myself in conversations with feminists, and feel- ing as if I were a “token” male, only acceptable to feminists because of my orientation. Of course I made all the excuses: “not all feminists are like that”, “well, that’s not real feminism” and so on-until I began to actually take the time to learn about feminism. What I learned sur- prised me. I learned that feminism was not about equality. I learned about the feminist history of hatred toward gay men. And eventually, I learned that feminism was actively engaged in a campaign that was doing to all men what others have so often done to gay men: demonize them as sexual preda- tors and abusers in the interests of their own power and their own ideology. Feminism wasn’t about equality: It was about bigotry. During the course of that journey, that red pill trip from feminist to anti-femi- 6% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario nist, if you will, I had the good fortune to encounter many people. I found men and women, all sorts of them, who cared about the issues facing men and boys and who spoke out about those is- sues despite feminist efforts to slander and silence them. Andybob is one of those people. In “The New Gay Liberation; Escaping the Fag End of Feminism”, Andybob has, in many ways, written a part of my own journey, and the history of the relationship between feminism and gay men-and he has written it far better than I would have done. He has pro- vided, in a single place, much of the in- formation I found over the years about feminism, feminist history, and the ho- mophobia underlying much of feminist thought. He has destroyed feminism’s false facade of “it’s about equality” and has given a clear, articulate explanation of why gay men not only do not “need” feminism, but should reject feminism outright. 7% -1minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario He has also done much more than that. What he has written is not only a well thought out, well researched and well- supported discussion of the history of feminism. It is more than just a lesson in why gay men don’t need feminism. It’s a foundation, a basis for change, a reason to end the divisive ideologi- cal rhetoric that has sought to sepa- rate gay and straight men from one an- other for the benefit of others. Matthew Lye teaches us that men, all men, need to come together, to work together, as men, to address our common concerns. He imparts a lesson, and a warning, that in the face of a mindset that sees all menas athreat, and sees all men as “the enemy”, that Mr. Franklin was right. 8% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario The New Gay Liberation: Escaping the Fag End of Feminism Chapter I Challenging Assumptions In April, 2012, Gloria Steinem re- peated one of modern feminism’s most durable and self-serving myths when she reaffirmed the unity be- tween feminism and gay rights. She claimed that they were “completely the same thing”.’ Predictably, no prominent media pundit publicly contradicted her. This is due in part to the fact that St Gloria is a feminist, which means she gets a pass from the mainstream media to spew whatever offensive nonsense pops into her head without it ever being challenged, and partly because no-one is entirely sure if she’s still chummy with the CIA. However, the main rea- son is that feminists like her have suc- ceeded wildly in hoodwinking people who ought to know better - including hordes of gullible gay men - that it’s 8% - 1 minrestantes no... Dicas de Vocabulario true. To be fair, Steinem called it ‘women’s rights’, but she meant ‘feminism’, in the same way that feminists refer to something called ‘the patriarchy’ when they’re really just talking about ‘men’. It’s always amusing how often femi- nists think they’re fooling anyone by conflating these terms whenever it suits them. Like many gay men, my re- sponse to Steinem’s baseless assump- tion that feminism and gay rights are completely the same thing is: “Not so fast, Gloria”. While there is a large number of gay people, often involved in LGBT ac- tivism, who - through a combination of fear, political convenience or just plain old ignorance — are content to hud- dle obediently on the coattails of fem- inism as it stomps its destructive path through our social, political, legal, edu- cational and media institutions, there is also a significant number gay men who are under no illusions about the true 9% - 10 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario nature of feminism and are outraged that their own rights movement is so closely, consistently and publicly asso- ciated with it. One of the many gay men who weren't buying what Steinem was selling had this to say in the comments section of the website that conducted the original interview: “Women have had equal rights for years. Modern day feminists are seek- ing female supremacy. It’s really quite disgusting that an allegedly gay-ori- ented site would compare a legitimate civil rights movement to the nonsensi- cal, insane ideology that is feminism. They’re not the same thing, not in any sense. Feminists are some of the worst enemies gay men will ever encounter.”* To be completely blunt, it never fails to astound me whenever I come across any man, regardless of their sexual ori- entation, who doesn’t know that femi- nists, to put it mildly, really don’t like them. This is an ideology that has spent 9% - 10 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario many decades loudly and aggressively blaming men for every single problem the world has ever known. It has demo- toxic aberrations that need to be It has pathologized male sexuality to the extent that all sexual activity in- volving men is interpreted as some form of violent sexual abuse - lead- ing some prominent feminists to con- clude that sex between consenting male adults is a re-enactment of heterosex- ual rape.’ The absurdly perverse view that all intimate relations involving men is an expression of so-called rape culture is so tightly woven through feminist ideology, that feminists have succeeded in convincing governments to fund nation-wide campaigns and compulsory seminars and workshops in educational institutions, the military and the workplace in order to teach men and boys not to rape. 10% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario Whether or not governments really be- lieve that men and boys won't realize that rape is wrong unless some gender studies graduate tells them so, or are simply hoping to avoid being branded misogynists for not giving in to the in- creasingly outrageous demands of fem- inist lobbyists, academics and media pundits, is ultimately irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that governments have no place colluding with feminists to promote the assumption of the in- herent criminality, violence and sexual deviancy of half of their constituents, and their sons. It is an open and direct assault on the dignity of men and boys that serves absolutely no purpose other than to validate feminist threat narra- tives and impose them on to the whole of society. Feminists believe that men and boys stitutions have made it clear that they agre 1, as does LGBT - be- cause allying with feminism can only 10% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario mean that LGBT supports this kind of hateful, anti-male propaganda. Perhaps they see it as anti-straight male propa- ganda, which somehow makes it OK. If that’s the case, then LGBT has forfeited whatever credibility it may have had to lecture anybody about the sins of big- otry and discrimination. The goals of feminism and the gay rights movement may look identical to Gloria Steinem, but to keen observers of what feminists actually say and do — as opposed to the thumbnail defini- tion in whatever dictionary they insist on waving in the faces of unbeliev- ers’ — their goals and interests could not possibly be more diametrically op- posed. One would have thought that the fact that feminists loathe men to the point where they will stand back in silence whenever one of their own sug- gests, culling, exterminating or genet- ically modifying the male population in order to solve what they call ‘the man problem’ would have alerted gay men who identify as feminists to the 11% - 8 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario fact that feminist ideology is not their friend.’ As LGBT’s continued public support of feminism proves, gay men can be as clueless about the true nature of femi- nism as anyone else, and feminists like Gloria Steinem are only happy to ensure that they stay that way in order to ex- ploit the political benefits of their alle- giance.* Feminism has been relentless in pro- moting false and misleading assump- tions about the MHRM. Many may won- der why they are not referred to here as accusations rather than assumptions. While they are usually asserted in the unmistakable tone of accusation, they are invariably based on assump- tions which may be genuine miscon- ceptions, but are most likely to be intentional mischaracterizations. Apart from Steinem’s glib assumption that feminism and gay rights are the same thing, there are three other significant assumptions about the MHRM that 11% - 8 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario are particularly relevant to the topic of Why Gay Men Don’t Need Feminism, and need to be addressed before moving on to examine how feminism bullied gay men into an alliance with man-hat- ing bigots who openly despise them. Assumption One: The MHRM ignores issues relevant to gay men It must be understood that the author of this series of articles does not rep- resent the Gay Division of the Men’s Human Rights Movement (MHRM) for the simple reason that there isn’t one. Nor is there a Ladies’ Auxiliary Com- mittee full of Honey Badgers tena- ciously organizing bake sales to raise money to help fund The Patriarchy’s evil plan to restore its privileges, silence women and promote rape culture.* The MHRM doesn’t have a Gay Division, a Non-white Division, an Other-abled Division or, mercifully, a Feminist Divi- sion. This is because the MHRM is not about division. It is about unity - unity among men, and the women who love 12% - 7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario them, to address issues that impact the rights and welfare of men and boys, re- gardless of their race, religion, ethnic- ity, ability, political affiliation or sexual orientation.’ This is not to say that the MHRM doesn’t recognize the fact that many men and women experience adversity, particularly in the form of political and social discrimination, as a result of their various identities, it is simply that there are already well-established, well-organized and well-funded advo- cacy groups dedicated to addressing is- sues specific to those identities. The MHRM has a well-documented his- tory of wishing these groups well in their pursuit of their goals, providing of course, that those goals are geared towards fighting genuine injustice, and that they do not engage in promoting dishonesty or bigotry, or endorse bul- lying, censorship or violence in order to achieve them. With such limited re- sources, organizations like A Voice for 13% -7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario Men, cannot offer much in the way of meaningful assistance to these already well-funded groups. This is the princi- pal reason why A Voice for Men limits its focus to those issues which can impact the lives of all men and boys. In many ways, this is a relief, and something of a blessing. Leaving these various identities at the door, so to speak, enables MHRAs to completely side-step the utterly pointless and in- dulgent game of comparing what fem- inists call ‘points of intersectionality’. The number of points you manage to accrue establishes your victim-cred and determines where you sit in the Hier- archy of Oppression, and who gets to have the loudest voice.* White, middle- class, able-bodied women feminists ob- viously cheat when playing this game as they invariably hog the top rung of this hierarchy every time they play. Then again, it’s their game, so they be- lieve that they get to make the rules as much as they believe that they get to create and control the narratives re- 13% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario garding all issues. The MHRM is not interested in play- ing feminist games involving identity politics which achieve nothing but cre- ate division and suspicion where there should be agreement and resolve. The MHRM encourages open and honest discussion which has inevitably re- sulted in the debunking of false fem- inist narratives and conclusively in- validated their most hitherto reliable myths, tropes and memes. I participate in the MHRM, not as a gay man, but as a person, with a deep con- viction that men and boys matter as much as everybody else. As such, I have always been accepted in this movement as a man who is concerned that men and boys are confronting urgent issues that deserve to be addressed honestly and openly, without having those is- sues constantly derailed, marginalized, ridiculed, demonized and misrepre- sented by feminists and their enablers. The sexual orientation of MHRAs, like 14% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario their sex, race, religion and ethnicity is ultimately irrelevant to the credi- bility of their perspectives. Being gay does not give a MHRA any special in- sight into the devastating impact that feminism has wrought onto the gay rights movement. Anyone who can read and conduct research can reach similar conclusions to mine. Being gay simply makes this particular issue more per- sonal to gay MHRAs like this author — nothing more. The fact that feminists have gained such complete control over the political wing of the gay rights movement — and uses organizations like LGBT to attack its ideological oppo- nents, like the MHRM - makes this an issue that needs to be addressed.” Assumption Two: MHRAs believe that feminism created men’s prob- lems This ridiculous and frequently-touted assumption is typical of how feminists try to cope with being called on their bigotry, hypocrisy and deceit: they at- 14% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario tempt to cover up their obvious lies with more lies that are even more un- founded and absurd.’° No MHRA has ever blamed feminism for creating the issues addressed by the MHRM because that would be as foolish and impossible to support as asserting the existence of a so-called patriarchy. Domestic violence, workplace deaths, suicide, homelessness, anti-father bias in family courts, genital integrity, chivalry justice, the assumption of male disposability, indifference to male pain and lack of reproductive rights were around long before feminism reared its ugly head to claim a monop- oly on the public discourse addressing these issues — and by addressing these issues, I really mean ignoring, deny- ing, minimizing and ridiculing them, as well as the men and boys whose lives they affect. Feminists have certainly exacerbated these problems by lobbying for anti- male legislation and social policy, and 15% -5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario by promoting a social and political cli- mate so hostile to men and boys that the very idea of addressing men’s issues honestly, compassionately and effec- tively is widely dismissed, thus ensur- ing that society now cares less about men and boys than it ever did. How- ever, feminists did not actually create the issues themselves." Feminists will continue to make this claim because they know that the mainstream media will continue to report that the MHRM blames feminism for all men’s prob- lems without bothering to find out whether or not this claim is actually true.” I don’t know what they teach in jour- nalism courses these days, but it ob- viously doesn’t include instructions on how to use Google, send emails or make the necessary phone calls to dis- cover what MHRAs themselves actually believe. Knowing the stranglehold that feminists have on modern academia, it is entirely possible that journalists are taught that feminists never tell lies, so 15% -5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario it simply isn’t necessary to fact-check their claims. Assumption Three: MHRAs don’t un- derstand feminism This is one of feminism’s most con- descending assumptions about MHRAs and it deserves to be vigorously chal- lenged. Feminists never tire of claiming that feminism is not a monolith. We are constantly reassured that ‘not all femi- nists are like that’ - NAFALT for short — and only radical gender feminists hate men. The rest of them care about men and have, in fact, always been working tirelessly on men’s issues. Some feminists even claim to have male family members and friends that they care about, despite them being cis-gen- dered patriarchs who wallow in male privilege they are too ignorant to check. Anyone who identifies as a feminist ac- cepts both the existence of ‘the patri- archy’ and the idea that we live in a ‘rape culture’ - and are convinced that even their most beloved male relatives 16% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario and friends collude in it, however un- wittingly. In other words, feminist believe that so beastly that they actually need to be taught not to rape and abuse wom- enfolk. This caricature of reality is so foundational to feminist ideology that rejecting it would be akin to a self-iden- tified Christian rejecting the divinity of Jesus Christ. Many feminists struggle to reconcile the anti-male bigotry inher- ent in their chosen ideology’s dogma with their own personal relationships with the men in their lives, but that’s their problem, not ours. Unless 2 a feminist has actively engaged 16% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario their silence, and provide cover and cre Only a tiny handful of feminists have earned the right to make the claim that they are not ‘like that’, and they deserve to be mentioned. These feminists, all women, embody the egalitarian prin- ciples that NAFALTs like to pretend they possess. Their innate integrity has never allowed these women to step away from the truth, but to speak to it boldly and eloquently, often at great personal and professional cost. Their rarity proves the rule about the mono- lithic nature of feminism. The late, Karen DeCrow, friend and col- league of renowned men’s rights cam- paigner, Dr. Warren Farrell, was an avid supporter of shared parenting. This former president of The National Organization for Women declared, “I’ve become a persona non grata because I’ve always been in favor of joint cus- tody.”” Consider how much indepen- 17% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario dence of thought, genuine belief in equality and raw courage it must have taken for the president of N.O.W. to make the following statement about male reproductive rights: ‘Justice therefore dictates that if a olo. mid finance their choice. Dr. Warren Farrell eulogized his friend with these words: “With Karen’s death passes a feminist who, were her lead- ership allowed to be the guiding light, would have allowed millions of chil- dren to have a dad to guide and love them.”** Unfortunately for those chil- dren and their fathers, feminism could never be sustained under wise and benevolent leadership due to the anti- 18% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario male bigotry which underpins it — it would be disbanded. Karen DeCrow was marginalized within the feminist movement because her egalitarian in- stincts were at odds with feminism’s misandric dogma. She stood by her in- stincts until the end of her life, ensur- ing that her memory will be always be honored by those who share them. Christina Hoff Sommers identifies as a feminist in the belief that femi- nism could be miraculously redeemed if feminists developed self-awareness and stopped hating men and boys. This demonstrates a kind of pie-eyed optimism that is oddly endearing. I say “oddly” because one would have thought that the author of The War on Men and Boys and Who Stole Feminism?, which are both intensively-researched studies of feminist corruption and its devastating impact, would have known better than anyone just how far femi- nism is from the possibility of redemp- tion. 18% - 2 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario Christina Hoff Sommers has made the following observations: “We must have moral education in the schools, anti- bullying programs, but this does not mean programs to feminize boys.”** She also stated: “I’m concerned that boys have become politically incorrect, that we are a society in the process of turn- ing against its male children.””* Sommers blames feminism for under- mining the rights and welfare of boys, which explains the vitriolic response she receives whenever she accepts speaking engagements at universities to share her concerns about these de- structive developments.” She may cling to the notion that ‘the patriarchy’ exists in some form, and advocate some dis- turbingly thankless traditionalist roles for men as protectors and providers — what woman doesn’t? — yet, few people have defended the dignity of boys more passionately than Christina Hoff Som- mers. For this, she is widely respected among MHRAs. 19% - 2 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario No summary of feminists who aren’t ‘like that’ would be complete without including the fearless Camille Paglia. This brilliant woman has never hesi- tated to employ her robust wit to give whining feminists and their kin the kind of verbal spanking they so richly deserve. I wonder how many trigger- prone feminists had to be bundled into hug boxes** when she made this com- ment: “Let’s get rid of Infirmary Fem- Anyone familiar with the self-infatu- ated hypochondriacs who enjoy flaunt- ing their endless array of physical and psychological ailments with each other on feminist websites like We Hunted the Mammoth will require no further expla- nation.” Paglia challenges some of feminism’s 19% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario most cherished myths, like the one about male sexuality being a weapon used to oppress women: “Men are run ragged by female sexuality all their lives. From the beginning of his life, to the end, no man ever fully com- mands any woman. It’s an illusion. Men are pussy whipped. And they know it.” Paglia usually puts ‘patriarchal society’ in scare quotes, which indicates that we should probably put ‘feminist’ in scare quotes when describing this admirable woman. Feminists like to assert that MHRAs dis- cuss feminism as a monolith due to our ignorance about feminism, whereas the truth is that MHRAs usually know more about feminism than most peo- ple who identify as feminists. It is important to celebrate these very rare feminists who really aren’t ‘like that’ in order to emphasize the glaring differences between these genuine egal- itarians and the rest of the individu- als involved in the feminist movement 20% -1 min restantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario — a movement which is failing more miserably than ever to disguise its ve- hemently anti-male premises and pre- cepts behind predictably disingenuous sham rhetoric about equality. How on earth did such a deeply misan- dric ideology like feminism manage to glob onto a human rights movement as heavily populated with men as the gay rights movement — and why have so many gay men not only tolerated this, but continue to avidly support it? In order to examine these questions, it is necessary to pinpoint the moment when feminism took over the gay rights movement. Fortunately, this can be done without detailing the entire his- tory of gay liberation. So, with all due respect to the Gay Liberation Front, the Gay Activists Alliance, the Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis, we can cruise right onto feminism’s Second Wave. In Chapter II: The Takeover, we will go back to when the parasite that is 21% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario feminism bullied and manipulated the gay rights movement into playing host, and demanded, as it still does, that gay men be grateful for it. This enter- prise has been so successful, that many gay men today can only nod in ig- norant agreement when someone like Gloria Steinem asserts that feminism and gay rights are sibling movements with complimentary goals. As we shall see, nothing could be further from the truth. 21% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario Chapter II The Takeover Once upon a time, there was an emerg- ing affiliation of hetero-abnormative persons known as GLBT that was just starting to gain some influence in the playground of gender politics. Unfortu- nately, L had long been overrun by a surly cabal of mean-girl bullies known as feminists. Betty Friedan, getting it right for once, referred to these lesbian feminists as ‘The Lavender Menace’ and tried to warn anyone who would lis- ten, especially heterosexual feminists, that this gang was bad news. [1] When a querulous rat-bag like Betty Friedan warns against fraternizing with a group of women on the basis that they don’t work well with others, you just know that it would be ill-advised to give them anything other than an extremely wide berth. Perhaps if G had paid closer attention to this warning, it may have been better 22% -12 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario prepared to handle the moment when L told G to check its privilege and remove its limp-wristed self from the front of the queue - L didn’t particularly care where G went, so long as it didn’t stray too far away from its monitoring glare. For reasons that some people, especially many gay men, struggle to understand, G meekly obeyed, and allowed itself to be relegated to second-class status within its own movement - a position which it retains to this very day. When GLBT became LGBT, there was no longer any doubt that feminists had commandeered the Rainbow Float, and G - along with B, T and eventually, I, P and a very confused-looking question mark that didn’t seem to know why it was there - quickly learned that it was expected to do as it was told. [2] Worse still, L managed to convince this ragtag gaggle of the orientationally-aggrieved that they all owed something to its dominant ideology: feminism. Gay men have even been publicly re- 22% -12 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario buked by straight, feminist celebrities, like Patricia Arquette and Rose Mc- Gowan, for being insufficiently grate- ful to feminism. In what one can only assume was some kind of post-Oscar daze, Arquette declared that it “was time for all... the gay people and people of color that we’ve all fought for to fight for us now.” [3] One less than grateful gay media pundit of colour responded with: “Dear Patricia Arquette: Blacks and gays owe white women nothing”, [4] and proceeded to call her a “fool”. Carol Hanisch: “[GJay liberation carries contempt for women to the ultimate: total segrega- tion.” Wrong. Arquette is not a fool. She is just a feminist who couldn't resist exploiting an internationally-televised event to regurgitate Feminist Sacred Babble about wage gaps, the oppression of white women, the plight of Third World women who, according to fem- inists, are the only people in Third 23% -12 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario World regions who suffer human rights abuses and deprivation — apparently, the men and children are doing just great — and peevish lamentations about the ingratitude of minorities upon whom feminists claim to have lavished decades of love and support. Spreading lies and misinformation at every opportunity is what feminists do, and Arquette is a feminist. The only surprise is that she didn’t conclude her speech by making a plaintive cry about where all the good men had gone. Per- haps she’s saving it for when she hands out the Best Supporting Actor award at the 2016 Oscars. No doubt, the tal- ented-but-feminist Meryl Streep will be there to offer an embarrassment of in- appropriately shrill support. Rose McGowan attempted to rally sup- port for feminism among gay men by opting for the infinitely more bizarre approach of hurling a barrage of all-too- familiar Code Black Shaming Language [5] at them: “Gay men are as misogy- nistic as straight men, if not more so,” 23%-11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario she said. “I have an indictment of the gay community right now, I’m actu- ally really upset with them.” With this one statement, McGowan reminded gay men that the accusation that they are ‘as bad as straight men’ - the most scathing insult in the entire feminist ar- senal - is a fundamental tenet of femi- nist ideology. [6] Gay men are no better than straight men. Got it? Rose McGowan: “Gay men are just “people who have basically fought for the right to stand on top of a float wearing an orange speedo and take molly [MDMA].” McGowan even threw in a comment about gay men being “delusional idiots” just in case her charge of misogyny wasn’t enough to inspire gay men to rally around the feminist cause. Per- haps most alarming of all was Mc- Gowan’s claim that she had been a long- time supporter of gay men and their rights, thus offering an insight into the rather curiously ham-fisted approach 24% - 11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario that feminists tend to adopt toward their supposed allies. Predictably, the mainstream media de- fended McGowan by suggesting that she was only being criticized for her comments because she was a woman: “As a woman and a Hollywood actress, McGowan is seen as fair game for scru- tiny.” [7] Fortunately, this wheezy old feminist meme is not working as effec- tively as it used to, and many gay men indignantly dismissed it with the con- tempt it deserves. Some even took the opportunity to give feminism itself a dressing down in a manner which must have alarmed those who were hoping that McGowan’s comments would suc- ceed in whipping gay men back into towing the feminist line. As one gay man observed: {It is] not inaccurate to say that Mc- Gowan is using guilt and illogical ap- peals to our emotions in an attempt to chain gay men directly to our oppres- sors. Was that hyperbolic? Not in any way that even compares to what Mc- 24% - 10 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario Gowan has said. Feminists are big on a story of oppression always being valid if someone feels oppressed, right? Well, I feel strongly that feminism has been oppressive to gay men, to all other men, to anyone with any masculine traits, and, in many ways, even to women (sometimes especially to women). Ca- sual and accepted deference to femi- nism no longer works for me, and it shouldn’t work for McGowan.” [8] A note to Rose McGowan: being in- formed by a minor celebrity that she is “really upset” about my lack of enthusi- asm for her bigoted, anti-male ideology that regards gay men as, at best, token lackeys who ought to be ashamed of our misogynistic ‘rejection’ of women, is not something that will interrupt my sleep any time soon. The fact that she assumes that it will, speaks more to her narcissism, her staggering sense of entitlement and the supremacist lean- ings of her chosen ideology than it does about the gay men she has publicly, and rather ironically, condemned as “delu- 25% - 7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario sional”. Public attacks like these have the bene- fit of alerting many gay men to the fact that feminism is one belligerent, foot- stomping Diva they would be well-ad- vised to step as far away from as pos- sible, and proceed to expose her true nature to the world at large. Feminism will just have to find some other BFF to fetch its morning lattes, because all except the most self-loathing gay man would choose to continue being its compliant doormat. Another more im- portant benefit of such attacks is that they leave many gay men somewhat bewildered as to what exactly feminism has done for them. This is a rather im- portant detail which feminists like Mc- Gowan and Arquette always leave sus- piciously vague, if indeed, they ever get around to expanding on it at all. From the website Everyday Feminism: “The gay rights movement has won rights and recognition that largely serve the interests of white, wealthy cisgender 25% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario gay men to the detriment of poor queers and queer people of color, and to the detriment of racial and economic justice more generally.” Like many gay men, the only thingI can discern that feminism has ever done for me is to commandeer my own human rights movement under the guise of a purported alliance, and using it as a vehicle to promote an anti-male hate movement hell-bent on undermining the rights and welfare of men and boys — a demographic that includes me — attempting to rope me into helping it to demonize my own masculine iden- tity and, if that weren’t enough, brain- washing the more suggestible of gay men into accusing our straight brothers of being responsible for every problem and injustice the world has ever known. By allowing themselves to be so pub- licly allied to such a blatantly corrupt and destructive ideology as feminism, the gay men of LGBT have sold them- selves out. They have betrayed what- 26% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario ever egalitarian principles they may have once had by participating in or- ganized feminism’s relentless campaign to demonize, demoralize and criminal- ize straight men - especially those of the white, cis-gendered variety - in what has become aconcerted global rit- ual of perpetual condemnation. Call me a purist, but that is not some- thing in which any credible human rights activist, organization or move- ment should be participating. It is little wonder that as early as 1976, renowned gay rights activist, John Lauritson, was already lamenting the fact that feminists had bullied their way into the gay rights movement, effectively marginalizing the gay men within it, and turning the gay rights movement into what he called “the fag end of feminism.” [9] John Lauritson ought to know because he was there when it happened. As a primary source for this phenomenon, it is imperative that his experiences and observations 26% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario be presented in detail. Here is an excerpt from a speech he gave at the 4 Gay Academic Union Conference in the city of New York back in 1976: “I remember a number of such [disrup- tions] in the early days of the Gay Liber- ation Front, in the fall of 1969. Women we had never seen before would come in and deliver tirades against the GLF men; they would say that not only were gay men more sexist or more male chauvinist than straight men, but men in GLF were among the worst of all. These charges were unfair and untrue [and] had a cer- tain demoralizing effect. Some of the men felt that rather than acting against our oppressors... we should turn our atten- tion inward to confront the enemy which was: Ourselves!” At the first gay conference at Rutgers in 1970, the major panel on the last day was disrupted by a group of women who demanded that all proceedings come to a halt. They charged that the panel was “elitist” and “sexist” (al- 27% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario though half of the panelists were women); their main ostensible griev- ance was that on a table in the hall, provided for leaflets and free literature, were copies of Gay newspaper, in which they had found a reproduction of a beautiful, lush, reclining female nude, painted in the style of classic romanti- cism. This, they charged, was designed to titillate men, and was degrading to women. Overlooked was the fact that the picture illustrated an article written by a lesbian. The conference organizers were cruelly attacked, apparently for the sin of not having policed and censored the free lit- erature table. It was a senseless, abu- sive, and thuggish disruption. For the most specious of reasons, a beautiful and mellow gay conference - one of the very first — had been turned into a nightmare. One could go on and on. I imagine most of the people in this room [at the 4” Gay Academic Union Conference] 27% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario have witnessed or read accounts of sim- ilar disruptions. There was the first in- ternational gay liberation conference in Edinburgh, where women discovered evidence of “sexism” and demanded that the conference change its focus from legislative reform to “confronting sexism”. Laws, they argued, only affected men, and therefore it was sexist to concen- trate upon things like repealing sodomy statutes. A majority of the men went along with this demand, and that was the end of an internationally coordi- nated campaign to change the laws. It’s amazing it should be considered trivial that after two millennia, homosexual men are still criminals. A certain pattern emerges. The people in power do not like movements for so- cial change. When such movements are in their infancy, they will try to destroy or divert them. When movements have grown large and viable, then they will try to render them innocuous through 28% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario co-optation.” [9] Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Co-opting movements after they have already been set-up, organized and funded by others is a well-established feminist strategy. Feminists are parasites who are notorious for appropriating other people’s issues and resources. [10] Nei- ther are they shy about intimidating, la- beling, censoring and threatening those who dare to object to their methods, their motives or the gaping logical, fac- tual, ethical and moral flaws in their ideology. [11] Lauritson’s experiences will have a painfully familiar ring to the leg- endary domestic violence activist and researcher, Erin Pizzey, Editor at Large at A Voice for Men, because that is ex- actly what radical lesbian feminists did to the battered women’s shelter move- ment that she established in Great Britain in 1971. This is how Erin Pizzey remembers the co-optation of the movement that she pioneered: 29% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario “I went to work in the Women’s Lib- eration Work Shop in Newport Street, off Shaftesbury Avenue. I also attended the first women’s conferences and I was struck by the hundreds and hundreds of women claiming to be radical militant lesbians. The first women’s conferences were destroyed by violent fisticuffs be- tween these women and most of us were very afraid of them. As far as I was con- cerned these women did not speak for my gay friends any more than the radi- cal feminists spoke for all women in our country who were very happy at home with their husbands and their children. “In reality, this was a very minor group of women who were only able to hurl abuse at heterosexual women and their families because they were white, mid- dle class and had media jobs. Before very long they were employing each other and ‘marginalizing’ the men who tried to work alongside them. Men, intimidated by their brutal, violent behavior, moved on and out of many jobs. According to 29% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario these women all women were victims of men’s violent behavior, any attempt for men to fight back met with behind-scenes maneuvering and men LET IT HAP- PEN.” [12] In fact, Ms Pizzey’s evidence-based re- search was identified as such a threat to derailing what was to become one of feminism’s most lucrative gravy trains —the Domestic Violence Industry — that they targeted her with terrorist threats that forced her to flee to The United States, and ensured that her findings could not be published in her own country for nearly a quarter of a cen- tury. [13] It deserves to be noted that, unlike gay men and her fellow domestic violence activists, Erin Pizzey eventu- ally fought back, and continues to do so well into her seventies — as a celebrated Men’s Human Rights Activist. Video game enthusiasts also fought back against an attempted ideological takeover by feminists, like Anita Sar- keesian, who aimed to impose strict 30% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario feminist-approved standards and cen- sorship upon their entire industry. [14] The only perceivable interest Sarkeesian seems to have ever had in video games are the opportunities they have pro- vided for her to score the feminist tri- fecta of damseling for dollars, creating false threat narratives and supervising other people’s pastimes. This may explain why, despite failing to vanquish her Gamergate opponents, she still manages to look perpetu- ally pleased with herself. Sarkeesian re- affirmed to feminists everywhere that posturing as perpetual victims contin- ues to be extremely rewarding, even after being exposed and denounced as deceitful and avaricious busybod- ies. [15] Gamergate has inspired many by demonstrating that it is possible to unite in opposition to feminists who seek to impose their virulently crude and joyless ideology upon all aspects of life, even those as innocuous as per- sonal hobbies. 30% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario It was a rude awakening for many fem- inists. Sadly, it wasn’t rude enough to dissuade them from punishing the dis- senting perspectives of The Honey Bad- gers, who dared to display a Gamergate poster in their booth at the 2015 Comic Expo in Calgary. [16]. The Honey Bad- gers present at the Comic Expo in- cluded the graphic animation designer and prominent MHRA, Alison Tieman (a.k.a. Typhon Blue), and the influen- tial anti-feminist videographer Karen Straughan (a.k.a. GirlWritesWhat). Their ousting from the Comic Expo was, essentially, an intentionally brutal as- sault on Alison Tieman for daring to exercise her independent intellect and freedom of speech rights by express- ing her well-supported rationale for re- jecting feminism and its methods, de- spite being granted permission from the feminists in charge to do so. The lack of scruples displayed by the femi- nists in their treatment of Ms. Tieman and her associates only highlighted the 31% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario validity of her position — and revealed that feminists could only respond to it by giving vent to their notoriously to- talitarian instincts. The integrity of The Honey Badgers has also been an inspira- tion for many people hitherto fearful of incurring feminist displeasure. It is interesting to note that Lauritson believes that one of the main reasons why feminists got away with co-opt- ing the gay rights movement all those years ago, and have enjoyed virtual im- munity from criticism for doing so, is because — like Erin Pizzey’s fellow do- mestic violence advocates — most of the gay men were afraid of them. [9] In their defense, most men are afraid of feminists, and for good reason. Femi- nists routinely accuse men of misogyny for the most facile of reasons. These can include any alleged transgression from wearing a colorful shirt [17], point- ing out the many positive attributes of men and masculinity [18], or simply or- ganizing, supporting and participating in international conferences addressing 31% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario men’s issues. [19] These accusations can destroy lives and careers, as Larry Summers dis- covered when he was forced to step down as president of Harvard Uni- versity in 2005 for challenging fem- inist dogma by suggesting that men and women had innate differences. [20] “I just couldn’t breathe because this kind of bias makes me physically ill,” said strong, independent professor, Dr. Nancy Hopkins through her oxygen mask as she lay prostrate on what must be her very heavily-utilized faint- ing couch. “Let’s not forget that people used to say that women couldn't drive an automobile,” she added for no dis- cernible reason. Feminist accusations of misogyny don’t have to actually make any sense to achieve their desired results — they just have to be made. Feminists like to make examples of men like Larry Summers to serve as warnings to other men, and some- times other women [16], simply be- 32% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario cause they can. It is an expression of the tyrannical triumphalism of a powerful and well-connected political orthodoxy with the soul of an over-indulged child with a taste for retribution. Summers’ fate was sealed when Hopkins stated that she found his comments “deeply concerning.” [21] This is popular code- speak deployed by feminists to de- scribe the thoughts and actions of any non-compliant person whom feminists would publicly hang from a butcher’s hook if they thought they could possi- bly get away with it, which, metaphor- ically-speaking, is exactly what femi- nists did to Larry Summers. For gay men, the most damaging re- sult of the feminist takeover of the gay rights movement was the imposition of feminist theory onto how gay men should perceive and define themselves. It seems almost custom-designed to in- still self-loathing and guilt. [22] In a nutshell, it is built on one achingly familiar reductionist feminist maxim: Lesbians Good, Gay Men Bad - very bad. 33% - 2 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario I told you it was familiar. No-one has ever explained this fundamental fem- inist maxim with more damning elo- quence than John Lauritson: “According to this [feminist] ideology, lesbians are doubly oppressed — both as homosexuals and as women — where ho- mosexual males are merely singly op- pressed. Gay men still enjoy a “male privilege” because, according to a cen- tral dictum of radical feminism: ALL MEN BENEFIT FROM THE OPPRESSION OF ALL WOMEN. So it would seem that gay men are not really so badly off, and perhaps it would be better if they did not devote their energies to repealing sodomy statutes and fighting discrimination, be- cause these goals if realized would sim- ply give them equality with straight men, thus objectively increasing the oppres- sion of women. Instead, gay men should spend their time “dealing with sexism”, which they acquired from having been born male and in learning how to ‘give up their male privilege.’ 33% - 2 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario “According to this ideology, the best thing that gay men can so is act as [the] “men’s auxiliary” for women’s liberation, taking their cues from feminists. And since men are the enemy, gay men should be will- ing to enlist as agents in the fight against males and against maleness.” [9] These are prophetic words indeed, es- pecially in light of how the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE) was treated by Gay Pride Toronto. [23] The feminists who obviously control this LGBT organization revoked CAFE’s per- mission to march in the 2014 Toronto Pride parade the moment they got wind of the fact that CAFE is an organization focused on offering support to men in crisis. Pride Toronto, an organization whose concerns supposedly include the rights and welfare of men who happen to be gay, bisexual and transgendered, stood by silently and allowed feminists to do it. As gay men are no less likely to re- quire support in times of crisis, there 34% - 2 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario can be no more glaring evidence of feminists bullying gay men into acting against their own interests than this. The gay men of Pride Toronto fell into lock-step formation behind the man- hating feminist bigots who obviously call the shots within their organization. Spinelessly acquiescing to feminist de- mands is nothing to be proud of, and exposes whatever claims its members like to make about standing for toler- ance and equality as nothing more than a pretentious pose. The fact that the organizers used CAFE’s alleged but non-existent affiliation with A Voice for Men - which they labeled as misogynistic on the grounds that it focused on the rights and welfare of men and boys who were, get out the holy water, straight [24] — as their rationale for banning CAFE for all eternity from marching in their pa- rade should have been shocking. Unfor- tunately, it wasn’t. As Lauritson chillingly predicted, fem- 34% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario inists did indeed “enlist gay men as agents in the fight against males and maleness” - especially straight males. None of this has anything to do with advocating for gay rights, but every- thing to do with fulfilling feminist agendas which LGBT frequently ex- presses and promotes. It is always an added bonus for feminists if they can create division between men of differ- ent sexual orientations by manipulat- ing us into adversarial positions and pitting us against each other. It works to everyone’s advantage but our own. One of the greatest threats to feminism is tolerance and understanding among men. It is even more of a perceived dan- ger than tolerance and understanding between men and women. One of the reasons for feminists’ rabidly negative response to A Voice for Men is that it provides opportunities for men to ex- plore their shared experiences as men, creating a cohesive unity of purpose and mutual respect that feminists have always actively sought to undermine. 35%-1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario As Lauritson observed nearly forty Feminists prefer gay men, like ce to perceive themselves as per- petual victims, and to cast straight men as the villains who are responsible for everything they hate about their lives and the world they in which they live. Feminists even constructed an entire field of study called Queer Theory in order to provide gay men with their very own binary model of systemic op- pression. Straight men get to be the bad guys all over again, only they are re- ferred to as the ‘Institution of Hetero- normativity’ (no, really) rather than ‘the Patriarchy’. There is no need to go too deeply into Queer Theory here - it’s just feminism in a thong, only loopier. [22] Perhaps the real purpose of creating Queer Theory was to divert the atten- tion of gay men away from feminist rhetoric in the hope that they wouldn’t 36% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario notice the staggering homophobia of feminism’s most prominent and influ- ential theorists. When gay men identify as feminists, you can be certain that they have never read much feminist theory, because if they had, they would never embrace an ideology that relent- lessly denigrates them in a manner that would make a placard-wielding West- boro Baptist cringe. [25] The feminist take on gay men ranks as among the most offensive, deranged and spectacularly stupid of all femi- nist theories. The most important take- away for gay men who read it is that there is no counter-theory from prom- inent feminists that refutes any of the relentlessly hateful drivel that has been offered by the vanguards of feminism over the past five decades - and it is much too late to for them to attempt to do so now. They cannot hide it, deny it or justify why none of them have ever even attempted to defend the gay men at whom feminists feel entitled to wag censorious fingers for failing to be suffi- 36% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario ciently dutiful allies. In Chapter III, we shall examine what prominent and influential feminists re- ally think about gay men. Suffice to say that it is not very complimentary, or a particularly big secret — except perhaps to the gay men of Gay Pride Toronto, who would probably want to rethink al- lowing feminists to continue poisoning their ranks, providing, of course, that they ever get around to reading it. 37% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario Chapter III Gay Bashing All feminists, from influential aca- demics to obscure, blog-publishing hys- terics, have explicitly declared that all men belong to something called ‘the patriarchy’ which systemically advan- tages them as beneficiaries of unearned male privilege. This disturbingly reduc- tionist belief is foundational to fem- inist ideology and demonstrates its profoundly ignorant understanding of how the world actually functions. It has also enabled feminists to rationalize their remarkable propensity towards freely expressing their often violence- infused fear, loathing and distrust of all men, [1] even those men who identify as feminists - men who don’t seem to realize that it is possible, and preferable, to support women’s rights without em- bracing feminism. “One of the hardest parts of coming to grips with the depth and breadth of the 37% -12 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario patriarchy is recognizing that there are no exceptions. Maybe you didn’t, per- sonally, do anything wrong, but you were still born into a power structure that gave you unjust rewards...The fact is that even though you know better, and are truly a male feminist, you’re still stuck being the bad guy.” [2] According to Kat Stoefell, all men are “stuck being the bad guy”, even the obedient ones who identify as feminists and “know when to sit down, shut up, and listen.” [2] Stoefell actually refers to her baseless and grotesque value judge- ment as a “fact” and refuses to acknowl- edge any exceptions. Even Jezebel, no- torious cesspit of bilious misandry, and advocate of female-perpetrated domes- tic violence against men, [3] allowed that it was possible to be exempted from being labelled a patriarchal “bad guy”. The only catch is you have to be the late Curt Cobain, or a man who is equally hip, cool, rich, successful, handsome, 37%-11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario famous — and dead. [4] Feminists’ soft spot for ‘bad boys’, as distinct from “bad guys” (ie: men who aren't ‘bad boys’) is but one example of their un- paralleled ability to rationalize abso- lutely anything — including their vagina tingles — to fit conveniently within the framework of their relentlessly honed and reiterated narratives. What feminists are not able to do, is refrain from casting men as the de- fault villains in their ideological pan- tomime. They cannot even throw out the welcome mat to potential male al- lies without soaking it with suspicion and contempt, as evidenced in this un- intentionally hilarious quote from an article entitled, Feminists Reach Out to Men and Boys — Rules of Engagement by that most obsequious of gay male femi- nists, Michael Flood: “We won’t make much progress to- wards gender equality without men’s support. Not because women are weak and can’t do it on their own. Not be- 38%-11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario cause poor men have been left out and are now the victims. No, but because men are the problem.” [5] ‘Men are the problem’. While informed egalitarians would concur that Michael Flood is correct in identifying himself as a problem, they would reject his con- tention that half of the world’s popu- lation should also be denigrated in this manner. If ever orchestrated feminism had a familiar leitmotif that has re- curred with tedious regularity through- out the decades, the woefully bigoted assertion that ‘men are the problem’ must surely be it. Prominent feminist theorists have al- ways made a point of demonizing straight men as inherently danger- ous problems that require urgent, gov- ernment-funded solutions. However, many people may not be aware of the fact that feminists have been equally strident in their condemnation of gay men. These increasingly disobedient feminist allies are widely regarded by 39% -11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario feminists as doubly problematic. As men, gay men are accused of inhab- iting some kind of tastefully appointed rainbow wing of ‘the patriarchy’ from which they benefit as recipients of those aforementioned unearned male privileges, making them ‘part of the problem’. As gay men, they demon- strate their inherent misogyny by ‘re- jecting’ women and being less suscep- tible to female shaming, approval and manipulation than straight men. This was certainly the position taken by Red- stockings co-founder, Carol Hanisch, at the dawn of feminism’s Second Wave. “Redstockings were also opposed to male homosexuality, which they saw as a deeply misogynist rejection of women.” [6] Most ‘problematic’ of all, is the ten- dency for gay men to unashamedly celebrate and enjoy their male sexual- ity without adequate feminist super- vision, or the need to acquire signed and witnessed declarations of enthusi- 39% -11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario astic consent. The very existence of the overwhelmingly sex-positive nature of mainstream gay male culture openly challenges the widely-held assumption among feminists that feminists alone hold a monopoly on the topic of male sexuality. Instilling fear of male sexuality is one of male sexuality impedes those efforts and directly contradicts this essential tenet of feminist dogma -and feminists bitterly resent gay men for it. It is indeed fortunate for researchers looking for insights into what feminists really think and how they really feel that feminists have the rather quaint belief that their multiple points of in- tersectionality [8] give them some kind of impunity from criticism whenever 40% - 10 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario they feel compelled to share their in- variably hateful and bizarre opinions with the world. It is equally fortunate that the Internet has forever broken the seal on what used to be feminism’s safe and comfort- able echo chamber. It is no longer the challenge it used to be to demonstrate that the various attitudes that femi- nists have expressed about gay men are profoundly ignorant, and riddled with envy, contempt and ill-disguised revul- sion. When reading what many femi- nists have to say about gay men, one can almost envision a group of gullible Amish teenagers huddled around a campfire swapping horror stories about what goes on in the steam room at their local YMCA. It is a sad indictment of modern academia that feminist dogma has ever been confused with valid scholarship. In 1983, Distinguished Woman Philosopher of the Year, Marilyn Frye, [9] published the most influential 40% - 10 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario of her collections of speeches and polemic, Politics of Reality: essays in feminist theory. Included is a chapter called Lesbian Feminism and the Gay Rights Movement: Another View of Male Supremacy, Another Separatism. [10] In this one epic bitch-fest, Frye manages to distil the anti-gay male rhetoric of the prominent feminists who preceded her, adds a number of convoluted ad- dendums of her own, and provides something of a blueprint upon which future feminists have projected their own rationalizations and justifications for demonizing gay men. This is the principal reason why Frye’s homopho- bic screed is required reading in many Women’s/Queer Studies courses across the globe. Frye contends that the gay male rights movement and gay male culture are “more congruent than discrepant” with what she calls ‘the phallocracy’ — her term for ‘the patriarchy’ - which, “is so hostile to women and to the woman- loving to which lesbians are commit- 41% - 10 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario ted.” Frye lists six fundamental princi- ples of ‘the phallocracy’: The presumption of male citizenship; Worship of the penis; Male homoeroticism, or man-loving; Contempt for women, or woman-hating; Compulsory male heterosexuality; The presumption of general phallic ac- cess. Before exploring these principles, Frye makes the following observation which is prophetic in a way that she would never comprehend due to her crudely warped understanding of men of all sexual orientations: “As one explores the meaning of these principles and values, gay and straight male cultures begin to look so alike that it becomes something of a puzzle why straight men do not recognize their gay broth- ers...” Frye begins her muddled journey through her ‘phallocratic principles’ by expressing her confusion about the fact 41% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario that gay men lay claim to ‘male citizen- ship’, declaring that it is more “logical” for them to challenge the presump- tion of this ‘citizenship’, and believes that, instead, gay men should proudly demand ‘citizenship’ as women. She is affronted by the notion of gay men self- identifying as men on the grounds that it results in gay men providing inad- equate service to feminism. Feminists have been rousing on gay men for their disloyalty to feminism for decades. Frye laments that: “In so doing, they acquiesce in and support the reserva- tion of full citizenship to males and thus align themselves with the po- litical adversaries of feminism.” Even more damning is her claim that, “gay men generally are in significant ways, perhaps in all important ways, only more loyal to masculinity and male- supremacy than other men.” How dare they? Frye contends that one of the main rea- sons why gay men prefer to identify as 42% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario men is because, like all men, they are obsessed with what she calls “the magic of the penis”, the mystical deity that all privileged members of ‘phallocratic cul- ture’ worship. Baffled? Frye helpfully explains: “It is a culture in which an identification of the penis with power, presence and cre- ativity is found plausible — not the brain, the eyes, the mouth or the hand, but the penis. In that culture, any object or image which at all resembles or suggests the pro- portions of an erect penis will be imbued with or assumed to have special mythic, semantic, psychological or supernatural powers. “If worship of the phallus is central to ‘phallocratic culture’, then gay men, by and large, are more like ardent priests than infidels, and the gay rights move- ment may be the fundamentalism of the global religion which is Patriarchy. In this matter, the congruence of gay male cul- ture with straight male culture and the chasm between these and women’s cul- 42% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario tures are great indeed.” Whoever said that lesbians can’t be funny has obviously never heard them talk about penises — those mythic mis- siles with supernatural powers that are worshiped by the priests of the patriarchy. Unfortunately, the laughter stops when you remember that Frye actually won awards for this. As the anointed ones in this ‘phallocratic cul- ture’, Frye warns that gay men are to be regarded by women in general — and feminists in particular — with even deeper fear and suspicion than they re- gard straight men because: “Women generally have good experien- tial reason to associate negative values and feelings with penises, since penises are connected to a great extent with their degradation, terror and pain...So far as living with the threat of rape permits, many women’s attitudes toward penises tend to vacillate between indifference and contempt.” “Indifference” and “contempt” are the 43% - 8 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario only two points between which het- erosexual women’s feelings and atti- tudes towards penises vacillate? This is hardly a surprising claim from some- one who once declared that, “wide- spread heterosexuality among women is a highly artificial product of the pa- triarchy” and that, “most women have to be coerced into heterosexuality,” [11] but it is not scholarship. It sounds more like the embarrassingly absurd ram- blings of a bitter ideologue who spent too much time under the sun on Les- bos. Like many feminists - Kate Millett springs to mind [12] — Frye cannot con- ceive of any relationship among men as anything other than an expression of a power dynamic with varying degrees of closeted perversion. She describes het- erosexual male culture as “homoerotic” and derides all male attachments to other men as “man-loving” — going so far as to claim that most straight men are incapable of loving women because their love is reserved exclusively for 44% - 8 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario other men: “The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire... those are, overwhelmingly, other men... From women they want devotion, service and sex.” This is a staggeringly hateful and in- sulting denigration of straight men. Dismissing straight men’s capacity to love women is a blatant denial of their essential humanity. It echoes Shu- lumith Firestone’s startling declaration in The Dialectic of Sex that “men can’t love”. [13] If Frye perceives men’s abil- ity to love other men as a manifestation of their penis-worshipping embrace of ‘phallocentric culture’, then one can only assume that she is going to direct her most virulent censure towards gay men - and indeed she does: 44% - 8 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario “Gay male culture is also homoerotic. There is almost nothing of it which sug- gests any extension of love to women, and all of the elements of passion and at- tachment, including all kinds of sensual pleasure and desire, are overtly involved in its male-male relations. Man-loving is, if anything, simply more transparent to the lovers and more complete for gay men than for straight men. ‘If man-loving is the rule of phallocratic culture, as I think it is, and if, therefore, male homoeroticism is compulsory, then gay men should be numbered among the faithful, or the loyal and law-abiding cit- izens...” Frye is echoing some of the ideas put forward by the aforementioned Kate Millett in her seminal work, Sexual Pol- itics [12]. Millett refers to ‘phallocratic culture’ as ‘men’s house culture’, but is no less suspicious of the ‘men’s house institutions’ in which all-male relation- ships flourish with the “throb of homo- sexual sentiment.” 45% - 7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario “The tone and ethos of men’s house culture is sadistic, power-oriented, and latently homosexual, frequently narcis- sistic in its energy and motives. The men’s house inference that the penis is a weapon, endlessly equated with other weapons is also clear.” Throughout her polemic, Millett con- flates homosexuality with sadism and violence. She contends that the taboo imposed on the latent homosexuality inherent in ‘men’s house institutions’ is inevitably channeled into violence, going so far as to cite the, "Nazi ex- perience as an extreme case in point here.” This is a particularly ignorant and offensive reference in view of the fact that the “Nazi experience” for thou- sands of gay men was to be herded into concentration camps and being gassed to death. [14] Millett may be offer- ing her idea of a white flag to gay men by conceding that the, “negative and militaristic coloring of such men’s house homosexuality is, of course, by 45% - 7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario no means the whole character of homo- sexual sensibility”, but that white flag looks like a pink triangle to me, as it probably does to most gay men. Frye states categorically that, “woman- hating is an obvious corollary of man- loving.” Men’s Human Rights Activists (MHRAs) are frequently targeted by feminists with the accusation that their valid concerns for the rights and wel- fare of men and boys is irrefutable proof of what feminists wrongfully assume to be their hatred of women. [15] Feminist activist, Amanda Levitt, in- voked this familiar threat narrative to justify her participation in organizing one of the feminist protests against the 2014 International Conference on Men’s Issues in Detroit, U.S.A: “The protest really came out of the fact that what they say is not about men’s issues, it’s about violence against women, it’s about blaming feminism for issues that feminists in a lot of cases actually work {on].” [16] 46% - 7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario Levitt maintained this threat narrative by posting an on-line letter to her fel- low feminist activists warning that, “due to concerns for physical safety we have decided the best way to op- pose the conference that is now going on in St. Clair Shores is to keep our distance.” [16] Other feminist activists, like Emma Howland-Bolton, exploited the threat narrative in order to justify advocating the use of violence to intim- idate conference speakers and partici- pants into silence. [17] She failed. In many ways, Frye’s assumption of men’s inherent hatred of women is hardly surprising, as feminists have al- ways regarded ‘woman-hating’ as one of the conquering tools of ‘the pa- triarchy/phallocracy’: “Contempt for women is such a common thing in this culture that it is sometimes hard to see.” Not for Frye. Through the femi- nist lens which distorts every feminist’s vision, Frye sees “contempt for women” everywhere — even in the discrimina- 46% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario tion that many gay men have en- dured. Frye interprets violence against gay men as a form of indirect violence against women, and claims that it is perpetrated by the very ‘phallocracy’ in which she accuses gay men of en- thusiastically colluding as its most du- tiful and civic-minded, penis-worship- ping ‘citizens’. The following statement is nothing short of transparent victim- blaming at its most logically tortured: “In the society at large, if it is known that aman is gay, he is subject to being pegged at the level of sexual status, personal authority and civil rights which are pre- sumptive for women. This is, of course, really quite unfair, for most gay men are quite as fully men as any men: being gay is not at all inconsistent with being loyal to masculinity and committed to con- tempt for women. Some of the very things which lead straight people to doubt gay men’s manhood are, in fact, proofs of it.” According to Frye, gay men are the most real of ‘real men’ due to the fact 47% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario that they hate women even more than straight men hate women. Frye offers what she considers to be evidence of this by referencing what she calls, “the gay institution of the impersonation of women,” which she claims, “displays no love of or identification with women or the womanly.” Quite the contrary: “What gay male affectation of feminin- ity seems to me to be is a kind of serious sport in which men may exercise their power and control over the feminine, much as in other sports [in which] one ex- ercises physical power and control over el- ements of the physical universe.” Men ‘mocking’ women by donning women’s attire has long been a problem for the now mercifully retired Sheila Jeffreys. [18] When policy was being proposed to protect the rights of trans- gendered women in Australia, Jeffreys fretted that cis-gendered men wearing frocks would exploit these laws to ful- fil their vouyeristic fetishes. She com- plained that, “transgender people will 47% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario access women-only housing, toilets and prisons,” [19] as though it were the ambition of Australia’s transgendered women, cross-dressers and drag queens to hang out in women’s toilets and pris- ons in order to prey on unsuspecting cis-gendered women and girls. Under the right to gender identity, male-bodied persons, in many cases with penises intact, are likely to be per- mitted to enter women’s toilets,” she says in a submission to the Senate in- quiry. “There are quite a surprising number of cases in which men wearing women’s clothing have been arrested for ... secret photographing of women using the toilets and showers, peeping at women from adjacent stalls ... (and) luring children into women’s toilets in order to assault them.” [19] In a conversation with Julie Bindel, [20] Jeffreys articulates her concern that gay male fashion designers are prone to ex- pressing their ‘woman-hating’ through their collections and runway shows. 48% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario Jeffreys argues that many male fashion designers are “projecting their misog- yny on to the bodies of women, and gives examples of collections featur- ing images based on sexual violence — Alexander McQueen’s show for his mas- ters [sic] degree was entitled Jack The Ripper, and depicted bloodied images of Victorian prostitutes. A later show in 1995, Highland Rape, featured stagger- ing, half-naked, brutalised models. And John Galliano, in his 2003 collection for Christian Dior, Hard Core Romance, used the imagery of sadomasochism, putting his models in seven-inch heels and rubber suits “so tight they had to use copious amounts of talcum powder to fit into them”. [21] Tasteless nonsense in the name of art perhaps, but only a militant, separatist feminist like Jeffreys would interpret these examples as evidence of gay men’s desire to inflict sexual violence onto ex- tremely well-paid clothes horses. Bindel also notes that in one of Jeffrey’s 49% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario books, Unpacking Queer Politics, she writes of her concern that gay male culture has had a detrimental effect on women, especially lesbians, by promot- ing sado-masochism as an expression of gay liberation, thus eroticizing the power differences inherent in hetero- sexual practices. Susan Brownmiller, the singularly destructive Second Wave feminist and notorious ‘rape epidemic’ hoaxer, conflates all sex between con- senting gay men as a re-enactment of violent heterosexual rape. In her most influential work, Against Our Will, Brownmiller simply cannot distinguish between the two, and doesn’t even try. [22] John Stoltenberg, [23] author of the ap- propriately titled books Refusing to Be a Man: Essays in Sex and Justice andThe End of Manhood: A Book for Men of Con- science, as well as an article called Why talking about ‘healthy masculinity’ is like talking about ‘healthy cancer’, [24] is also convinced that heterosexual sex is an expression of sadistic male 49% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario supremacy: “I also believe that male supremacy constructs male sexuality such that there is a literal eroticism of owning that accompanies both the pri- vate-property and the public-property views of women’s bodies.” [23] As the man who carried the oafishly repellent Andrea Dworkin over the threshold, Stoltenberg doesn’t need to convince anyone that he is an authority on masochism, but he has some very absurd misconceptions about the dy- namics of heterosexual relationships. He is a testament to the perils awaiting gay men who eagerly swallow feminist dogma while ignoring the poisonous nature of its contents. John Lauritson rightly dismisses Stoltenberg as both a feminist and as an enemy to gay men everywhere: “Stoltenberg attacks all of the goals of the gay liberation movement, claiming that if realized they would only give gay men equality with straight men; he puts forward the propositions that males con- 50% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario cerned with “gender justice” should em- brace “a total repudiation of masculin- ity” (including a repudiation of erections and pelvic thrusts during sex), and a total repudiation of male relationships... Stoltenberg deserves only our contempt when he dismisses the yearning men have for male affection by writing: “...all he was ever programmed to long for in re- lationship with men connects at its cen- ter to a process that keeps women op- pressed.” [25] There it is again: the feminist claim that men are incapable of loving women. It’s almost as if they think we’re inhu- man rapists, abusers and oppressors, or something. Marilyn Frye would wholeheartedly agree with Stoltenberg. She yearns to be critical of gay men’s alleged pro- motion of power differences in sex- ual relationships as an expression of their supposed dedication to male sex- ual supremacy, yet she becomes so ob- tuse and convoluted in her claims and 50% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario conclusions that one wonders why she included “compulsory heterosexuality” as a principal of ‘the phallocracy’ in the first place. Then again, Frye is a feminist, so she is never inhibited about making out- rageous claims that don’t even make sense to her. For example, Frye claims that straight men resent gay men for not engaging sexually with women, or what Frye calls, “not pulling [their] share of the load.” In other words, straight men are annoyed with gay men for not subjugating women through sex as much as they should. Perhaps Frye’s confusion would be alleviated by being enlightened about the reali- ties of sexual competition among men. Straight men do not resent other men from removing themselves from that particular field of competition. In fact, they’re generally very happy about it. Frye, however, is not at all confused about what she calls, gay men’s pre- sumptive right to “general phallic ac- 51% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario cess”. In fact, one can sense Frye scowl- ing in disapproval when she refers to what she believes to be gay men’s most damnable contribution to ‘the phal- locracy’ in which they reign hedonis- tically supreme: gay men’s insidiously arrogant belief that they are entitled to engage in unsupervised, consensual sex with whomever they choose. It is necessary to examine Frye’s contention in some detail here because it encapsu- lates many of the fundamental gripes that numerous feminists today have in regard to gay men - especially their deep distrust of gay men’s freely-ex- pressed sexuality combined with their almost palpably envious response to it. Rose McGowan’s snide swipe at gay men for believing in their “right to stand on top of a float wearing an orange speedo and take molly,” [26] is infused with the same resentment which is so discern- able throughout Frye’s following dia- tribe: “The proscription against male-male fucking is the lid on masculinity, the lim- 52% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario iting principle which keeps masculinity from being simply an endless firestorm of undifferentiated self. As such, that pro- scription is necessarily always in tension with the rest of masculinity...As long as males are socialized constantly to masculinity, the spectre of their running amok is always present. The straight male’s phobic reaction to male homosex- uality can then be seen as a fear of an un- restricted, unlimited, ungoverned mas- culinity. “To assuage this fear, what the rhetoric and ideology of the male gay rights movement has tried to do is to convince straight men that male-male ass-fuck- ing and fellatio are...expressions of male bonding...What I want to note is just this: if it is the claim of gay men and their movement that male-male fucking is really a form of male bonding, an in- tensification and completion of the male homoeroticism which is basic to male- supremacy, then they themselves are ar- guing that their culture and practices are, after all, perfectly congruent with 52% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario the culture, practices and principles of male-supremacy. “According to the general picture that has emerged here, male homosexuality is congruent with and a logical extension of straight male-supremacist culture. It seems that straight men just don’t under- stand the congruency and are frightened by the “logical extension.” In response, the male gay rights movement attempts to educate and encourage straight men to an appreciation of the normalcy and harmlessness of gay men. It does not challenge the principles of male-suprem- acist culture.” Is Frye attempting to warn straight men that gay men are out to persuade them that gay sex is ‘normal’ in an effort to infect them with ‘gay’, result- ing in feminists being confronted with their ultimate nightmare: the “spectre” of unbridled masculine lust “running amok” in a world that would render women all but sexually irrelevant? If so, then she is engaging in the all-too- 52% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario familiar feminist tactic of creating fear and suspicion among men of different sexual orientations in order to under- mine their unified opposition to femi- nism. Here, Frye is trying instill straight men with fear of gay men. Feminists know instinctively how to manipulate men, and gay men have proven to be especially vulnerable to this divide-and-conquer strategy. All feminists have needed to do is convince gay men that straight men are their en- emies and that feminists will provide them with protection — feminists never tire of telling gay men that they must now reciprocate for this ‘protection’ by pledging their loyalty to feminism. The problem for feminists is that many gay men are now waking up to the fact that they’ve been scammed all along by ideological racketeers and starting to re- assess their alliances. The only mystery is why it has taken gay men so long to realize that feminists have always de- spised them as much, sometimes even more, than their straight brothers — it’s 54% - 2 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario not as though feminists have been par- ticularly secretive about this. Frye evokes Orwell’s O’Brien by de- manding that all potential gay male allies, “must come to understand the values and principles of phallocratic culture and how his own life is interwo- ven with them, and must reject them and become disloyal to masculinity.” Like John Stoltenberg, gay male allies can demonstrate their loyalty to femi- nism by refusing to be men. This would certainly be a key step in achieving the feminist utopia envisioned by Shu- lumith Firestone: “The end goal of feminist revolution must be, unlike that of the first feminist movement, not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself: genital difference between human beings would no longer matter cultur- ally.” [27] Firestone was predicting the ‘end of men’ long before Hanna Rosin was cele- brating it. [28] 54% - 2 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario It has been more than thirty years since Marilyn Frye revealed her staggeringly ignorant and contemptuous condem- nation of gay men as penis-worship- ping colluders in her phantom anti- woman ‘phallocracy’. Feminists have not only failed to refute any of Frye’s warped and bigoted assertions in the intervening decades, they have actually developed them further into what has become a deafening cacophony of stern and reproachful lectures on gay men’s ‘failure’ as worthy feminist allies. Here are but a few screeches from that whiny and entitled din: “Gay men need to stop perpetrating misogyny and ally themselves to the fem- inist movement. And the first step to be- coming a true ally is listening to women speak about the issues that are important to them, whether its wage equality, repro- ductive rights, access to birth control or anything else. We can start there.” [29] “So many of us are only familiar with the idea that male privilege being the prov- 54% - 2 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario ince of straight men that we discount how gay men are able to exert dominance and control over women.” [30] “In order to combat misogyny, gay men should claim feminism as allies, but not in a queer-opting or mansplaining way.” [31] “Gay men are men. They rape women just like straight men etc.” [32] Azalia Banks claims not to realize that the word ‘faggot’ is a derogatory word for gay men: “And it was always just a man who hates can be a straight faggot. Faggots are men who want to bring women down...control them... When I use the word ‘faggot’, it comes from a feminist point of view, not a ho- mophobic point of view.” [33] Yes, Azalia Banks; men, regardless of their sexual orientation, know all about your use of the word ‘faggot. It’s called gay-shaming - and it isn’t acceptable just because you do it in the name of feminism, or that you do it to straight 55% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario men too. Banks is actually proud of the fact that she does not discriminate be- tween gay men and straight men when she engages in gay-bashing. Honestly, you just can’t make this stuff up. It was foolish of feminists to assume that gay men would “sit down, shut up and listen” [2] to this kind of offen- sive tripe forever. In March 2015, the influential gay men’s magazine, The Ad- vocate, published an article in which it issued an unequivocal rebuke to fem- inists for their endless censure of gay men for being remiss in their duty to feminism. It is clear that MHRAs aren't the only people who have paid close at- tention to the wisdom of John Laurit- son: “Furthermore, the “women have helped the gay movement” line of reasoning is as grandiose a generalization as the contention that gay men are misogynis- tic. Yes, many women have lent support, but in 1969 (the year of the landmark Stonewall riots), the radical feminist 55% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario group the Redstockings was founded and claimed that male homosexuality was a blatant rejection of women and therefore completely objectionable. What’s more, a 1976 book, Dangerous Trends in Femi- nism, goes into detail about the rampant criticism of the gay movement by certain feminists, adding that gays were too po- lite to reciprocate the attack.” [34] Gay men are starting to revolt against this tirade of feminist abuse and casting off the ideological yoke that feminists have used to train gay men to support their corrupt hate movement for far too long. Here is a response from a gay man who is obviously very familiar with the feminist orthodoxy on gay men which has been promoted by ideological van- guards like Marilyn Frye - and has con- cluded that he definitely doesn’t need feminism: “Feminism expects me to own up to “male privilege”, then tells me I’m op- pressed by the Patriarchy because I’m gay, then tells me that this oppression 56% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario is really oppression of women because it’s secondary misogyny, and finally still expects me to be a feminist, because fem- inists are supposedly the reason I’m grad- ually gaining equality in this society. No. Feminists aren’t the sole saviors of LGBT people. LGBT people themselves (along with straight allies) are the ones who de- serve the credit for fighting for their own equality. Leave your totalitarian ideol- ogy out of it.” [35] Feminists cannot leave their “totalitar- . Gay men don’t need feminism for the same fundamental reasons straight men don’t need it. Not only is it foolish to embrace an ideol- ogy built on faulty premises, but there is absolutely nothing to be gained from supporting a movement whose most influential thinkers have targeted you 56% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario for nearly five decades as their enemy. Moreover, it is morally indefensible to support an ideology that promotes vi- olence, bigotry, injustice and division. In this regard, women don’t need femi- nism either — nobody does. In the 4" and final part of The New Gay Liberation; Escaping the Fag End of Feminism, we will examine the many ways in which the Men’s Human Rights Movement [MHRM] addresses issues rel- evant to the rights and welfare of all men and boys, regardless of their race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, age, abil- ity or sexual orientation. It is aptly ti- tled, Brotherhood, which is something which can never be achieved until gay men reject the hate-mongering ideol- ogy that feminism has always been, and proudly take their rightful place along- side their straight brothers with whom — as the vanguards of feminism have been telling them for years — they have far more in common than not. 57% -1minrestantes n... Dicas de Vocabulario Chapter IV Brotherhood Demonizing individuals and organiza- tions engaged in promoting the rights and welfare of men and boys is one of the key tactics employed by feminists to silence their dissenting voices, and to prevent men of all sexual orientations from uniling against them in the spirit of shared purpose and brotherhood. It is essential to expose how feminists do this, and examine some of the damage it has caused because it demonstrates how complicit feminists are in continu- ing to prevent gay men from achieving true liberation. In June, 2015 Pride Toronto [1] an- nounced that it had decided to uphold the ban it had placed the previous year [2] on an organization focused on assisting men in crisis called the Cana- dian Association for Equality (CAFE) [3] on marching in its annual parade, adding that CAFE would be perma- 58% -15 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario nently banned from all future Pride Toronto activities. Pride Toronto’s dis- pute resolution arbitrator, Paul Bent, re- leased a statement explaining the deci- sion: “I considered CAFE’s response that inclu- sion, diversity and equality are values the organization shares with Pride versus the numerous complaints filed against CAFE’s participation arguing that CAFE, as an organization and through its affil- iation with men’s rights groups, contra- venes Pride Toronto’s vision to, ‘create a safe space to engage communities in the celebration of their sexuality.” [4] Bent did not explain how CAFE’s par- ticipation in any of Pride Toronto’s ac- tivities could possibly pose any kind of threat to the safety of the colour- fully-attired gay men and women who like to parade themselves at such events. Nor did he offer any details of the alleged “numerous complaints” that led to CAFE’s ousting. The online magazine, Vice, managed to track down 59% -14 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario the source of these complaints to a disgruntled Toronto feminist who op- erates under the pseudonym, Emma R: “Tt all began when she started a Face- book event urging people to speak up after realizing that there was a very real possibility CAFE could be permitted to march in this year’s Pride parade.” [4] Emma R proudly explains: “I created the Facebook event right before I went to bed and when I woke up in the morning, over 1000 people had joined and confirmed that they they’d submit- ted complaints to Toronto Pride’s execu- tive director Mathieu Chantelois.” [4] It is worth noting that Pride Toronto’s board of directors formalized the ban against CAFE only two weeks after Emma R's created her late-night Face- book event without offering a single shred of evidence to support com- plainants’ assertions that CAFE posed a credible thread to parade participants. Predictably, Emma R did not offer any evidence either, only her feelings - and 59% -14 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario her feminist-driven desire to perpetu- ate false threat narratives about any or- ganization concerned with the rights and welfare of men and boys: “My motivation for spearheading this was around comfort... So to have a group that has such a demonstrated history of making people feel uncomfortable, [it] is just asinine to me that they would want to take part.” [4] Emma R did not feel the need to explain why the idea of helping men in crisis made her feel “un- comfortable”. Vice journalist, Neha Chandrachud, cites the fact that there are no “queer initiatives or programming” on CAFE’s website in order to support her doubts about “the sincerity of CAFE’s commit- ment to the LGBTQ community.” Like many critics of the Men’s Human Rights Movement [MHRM], Chandrachud does not grasp the concept that CAFE, like A Voice for Men, is not a gay rights or- ganization, but an organization which concerns itself with issues such as sui- cide, mental health, domestic violence, 60% - 14 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario fathers’ rights and chivalry justice, that can affect the rights and welfare of all men and boys. As a committed feminist, [5] Chadrachud is keen to promote the fal- lacy that “queer advocacy and men’s rights are ideological opponents” in order to create division among men of different sexual orientations, and to disguise the fact that the only ideological opponents to men’s rights within and around LGBT organizations like Pride Toronto are feminists like her- self and EmmaR. A major obstacle to these feminists is the existence of the many gay and bi- sexual men and women who actively support men’s human rights organiza- tions like CAFE and A Voice for Men. Naturally, Chandrachud chose not to consult any of these people, many of whom would have been more than happy for an opportunity to explain why they identify as Men’s Human Rights Activists [MHRAs], support the 60% - 13 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario goals of egalitarian organizations like CAFE and A Voice for Men and share their many evidence-based reasons why feminism should be repudiated as a big- oted and destructive ideology that ac- tively undermines the rights and wel- fare of men and boys - a demographic that includes gay and bisexual men. Some gay MHRAs, like this author, would have even provided her with photographic examples to what gay men should do when confronted with a feminist who is trying to convince him that he is a woman-rejecting member of ‘the patriarchy’ who bene- fits from unearned privilege which he uses to oppress women by promoting ‘rape culture’, maintaining wage gaps and making feminists ‘uncomfortable’ by challenging their manufactured sta- tistics, exposing their corruption, de- bunking their false threat narratives and denouncing their anti-male hate- mongering: No, Chandrachud doesn’t consult any 61% - 13 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario gay MHRAs. She consults anti-MHRA feminist, Emma R, who, while acknowl- edging that “men have it really hard in a number of areas”, takes the opportu- nity to demonize the MHRM through a variety of frequently-employed femi- nist methods, such as conflating ‘fem- inism’ with ‘women’ and claiming that MHRAs accuse feminists/women of not merely exacerbating men’s problems, but creating them: “But I think that in- stead of addressing these problem, the men’s rights movement is scapegoating feminism and scapegoating women as the cause of their problems.” Conflating ‘women’ with ‘feminists’ conveniently ignores the fact that not all women are feminists and not all feminists are women, but it enables feminists to label any criticism of feminism as an attack on women. Feminists never tire of con- juring up misogyny that doesn’t exist. Emma R also uses the feminist method of reiterating a slight variation on Gloria Steinem’s attempt to force an alliance between feminism and the 62% - 13 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario gay rights movement when Steinem claimed that they were, “completely the same thing”. [6] “The struggles of women and the queer community may not be exactly the same, but they over- lap. Feminism is a queer issue.” [4] Con- flating ‘feminism’ with ‘gay rights’ im- plies that the MHRM’s antithetical po- sition to feminism is an indirect attack on gay rights. Feminists create these kinds of semantic contortions because it leaves so many potential critics fa- tigued and bewildered from the tedious effort required to unravel them. Predictably, Emma R cannot resist in- voking feminism’s most potent tactic of manufacturing false threat narratives when she demonizes the MHRM by sug- gesting that it poses some kind of im- minent danger to women and girls: “... the thing is that the men’s rights move- ment isn’t just about a crazy opinion, they’re people with a demonstrated his- tory of doxing women and perpetuat- ing violence.” 63% - 12 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario Like all totalitarian ideologies, femi- nism cannot withstand close scrutiny — it crumbles beneath the weight of its own logically fallacious hypocrisy and the faulty premises upon which it is built. No movement has threatened feminism’s cultural and legal hege- mony with a greater barrage of sus- tained, evidence-based criticism than the ever-expanding MHRM. Feminists are becoming increasingly alarmed by this criticism and have reacted the way totalitarians invariably do by attempt- ing to silence it ina concerted campaign of demonization propaganda. They’re not widely-referred to as ‘feminazis’ for nothing. Falsely accusing individuals and orga- nizations within the MHRM of threat- ening feminists with retributive vio- lence and harassment taps into soci- ety’s gynocentric instincts to protect women and revile those who seek to do them harm - which, according to fem- inists, includes making them feel ‘un- 63% - 12 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario comfortable’ — by debunking their end- less litany of lies and copious use of anti-male shaming language. [7] These false threat accusations are made against critics of feminism, like the MHRM, with such alarming frequency that it is necessary to examine some of them in order to prompt gay male fem- inists into asking themselves why they have chosen to align with a movement that goes to such morally corrupt ex- tremes to shut down discussions about issues that can devastatingly impact their own lives. Hopefully, gay men will think twice about marching cheek- by-jowl with these reprehensible frauds the next time they are roped in to as- sisting feminists in their efforts to shut down such discussions - as they at- tempted to do in 2014, just prior to the First International Conference on Men’s Issues in Detroit, U.S.A. “The absolute last thing we need is a group coming in that is known for threatening women with rape, torture 63% - 12 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario and murder, and for being rape apolo- gists who make violent threats against courthouses and other official city build- ings...On June 7 [2014], union workers, feminists, leaders in the LGBTQ com- munity [and] queer activists...gathered at Detroit’s Grand Circus Park. Protes- tors carrying signs that read, “Misog- yny Kills,” “Blame the System, Not the Victim,”...quickly spread across the park. The sponsorship of the event came from across the political spectrum, including Gay/Bi/Trans men’s groups...” [8] The only evidence of violence in the lead up to the conference was that promised by feminists and their sym- pathizers. The most egregious exam- ples of this violence were the threats made to the original conference venue, Detroit’s Doubletree Downtown Hilton, forcing conference organizers to change locations at the last minute. [9] Emma Howland-Bolton supported the call to violence by organizing protests that encouraged some of her follow- ers to make grossly inappropriate com- 64% - 12 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario ments, including: “Trigger warning — these people [MHRAs] make me trigger- happy.” [10] Another opined that the best way to protest was to actually at- tend the conference and “storm it”. Howland-Bolton was rightly ad- monished by conference presenter, Jonathan Taylor, who suggested in an open letter on his website, A Voice for Male Students (now called boysmenedu-, that she adopt a more re- sponsible approach to her protest activ- ities. [11] Howland-Bolton responded by complaining to Ms Magazine’s Anji Becker Stevens that Taylor was target- ing her “in classic MRA fashion.” [12] In an email to Becker Stevens, Howland- Bolton made it clear that she did not in- tend to take any responsibility for her actions by writing: “When A Voice for Men started target- ing me...I was flabbergasted...But I guess it’s not surprising that they acted in such an irrational manner. Sexism is irra- tional. Misogyny is irrational. So a male 64% - 11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario supremacist hate group like A Voice for Men that embraces sexism and misogyny is also going to be irrational. You cannot connect to reality if your beliefs are pred- icated on the assumption that, simply by virtue of your gender, you are superior to another person.” Predictably, Becker Stevens sympa- thized with Howland-Bolton, even going so far as accuse A Voice for Men/Male Students of being, “hard at work harassing and _ threaten- ing women,” [12] and that Howland- Bolton’s protest deserved to be , “held in as safe of spaces as possible - safe from both physical harm and emo- tional trauma.” [12] Becker Stevens did not reveal whether or not she be- lieved that conference participants, like Jonathan Taylor, were entitled to the same protection, but she did manage to strongly imply that the feminist threats to the original conference venue were fabricated by A Voice for Men founder, Paul Elam, despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary. [13] One feminist even 65% - 11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario dismissed the evidence as, “the kind of vicious tactics that AVfM has used to derail and trivialize the response to [its] own ideology.” [14] Neither of these feminists accepted Paul Elam’s cordial invitation to, “Buy a ticket, come in and have a seat and let us help you earn your way out of ignorance,” [15] preferring to tow the feminist line by coddling their imagi- nary fears about the MHRM and per- petuating feminism’s imaginary threat narratives. The manner in which feminist activists attempted to shut down Dr. War- ren Farrell’s presentation addressing the issue of male suicide at the University of Toronto in 2012 [16] has been exam- ined in detail elsewhere, [17] particu- larly the shrill antics of the aggressively appalling Chanty Binx, who responded to hearing about the tragic increase in male suicide rates by warbling, ‘Cry Me a River’. [18] Less well known is the fact that Binx responded to being called out 66% - 11 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario on her callous and disruptive behavior by damseling as demurely as her abra- sive demeanour would allow: “Because I had the audacity to tell a dude to STFU [that ‘dude’ was Dan Per- rins, a respected Canadian MHRA whose beloved brother had committed suicide], [19] an MRA no less, I have since been the target of not only just online misogyny (as if that’s a surprise) but cyberstalking, rape and death threats...” [20] Feminists were quick to defend Binx for suffering such horrors as being com- pared to Pennywise the clown [21] and having total strangers indicate that they were sickened by her mockery of male suicide victims. Feminist play- wright, Sabina England, was outraged that people were offended by Binx’s lack of empathy: “The MRAs, they had their stupid little seminar interrupted. Awh, boo hoo. Obviously that is just SUCH a big deal.” [22] England interpreted the widespread condemnation of Binx as, “a serious reminder that women are not 66% - 10 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario safe anywhere.” [22] These committed feminists exhibit the same level of em- pathy that all feminists have for men in pain. Feminist media pundits and academics are not above making false claims of vi- olent harassment and abuse in the wake of being exposed to dissenting voices, as gay feminist critic Milo Yiannopou- los discovered after he unnerved Dr Emily Grossman with facts and logic in a televised debate in July, 2015: [23] “One of the most frustrating things about debating feminists and feminist academics is how readily they reach for words such as ‘harassment’, ‘abuse’ and ‘safety’ — particularly when they are los- ing the argument.” Yiannopoulos read a Tweet that Gross- man had posted following the debate: “Absolutely reeling from the misogy- nistic backlash my debate has received. Hadn’t quite realized the extent of #everydaysexism. Wow.” By that point, Yiannopoulos had learned to be sus- 67% - 10 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario picious of feminist claims of online harassment. Comedienne, Kate Smuth- waite, had made similar claims after she lost her temper during a debate with Yiannopoulos: “FFS this is proba- bly the worst online barrage of online misogyny I’ve ever faced...It’s horrible”. However, when pressed, Smuthwaite couldn’t produce more than two exam- ples of this “barrage”. Yiannopoulos and a fellow researcher decided to investigate Grossman’s claims and found that, of the 567 Tweets Grossman had received, many were supportive, many challenged her debate performance, many were crit- ical of her position, a few were slightly mean-spirited, but none were outright misogynistic or abusive: “Our conclusion was that her claims were unfounded.” Yiannopoulos echoed the sentiments of many MHRAs by observ- ing: “To those of us watching feminists and feminist academics, it can be tough to es- 67% - 10 mins restante... Dicas de Vocabulario cape the conclusion that they deploy the word ‘misogyny’ simply to indicate dis- agreement, and perhaps as a signal to white knights that they need backup be- cause their arguments are failing.” [23] Feminists, like Anita Sarkeesian, [24] Danielle D’Etremont [25] and the Women’s Studies Department at the University of Toronto [26] have all al- leged, or at least implied, to have been victims of MHRA-perpetrated violence, harassment, cyberbullying, and even terrorism. Feminists make these allega- tions faster than the law enforcement officials who investigate them can dis- miss them, which they invariably do, as lacking credibility. Police and FBI offi- cials usually refrain from suggesting that feminists fabricate these threats themselves, which is what University of Wyoming ‘rape culture’ promoter, Meg Lankers-Simon was caught doing in May, 2013. [27] It isn’t enough for feminists to drag dimpled doe-eyed darlings, like Emma 68% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario cape the conclusion that they deploy the word ‘misogyny’ simply to indicate dis- agreement, and perhaps as a signal to white knights that they need backup be- cause their arguments are failing.” [23] Feminists, like Anita Sarkeesian, [24] Danielle D’Etremont [25] and the Women’s Studies Department at the University of Toronto [26] have all al- leged, or at least implied, to have been victims of MHRA-perpetrated violence, harassment, cyberbullying, and even terrorism. Feminists make these allega- tions faster than the law enforcement officials who investigate them can dis- miss them, which they invariably do, as lacking credibility. Police and FBI offi- cials usually refrain from suggesting that feminists fabricate these threats themselves, which is what University of Wyoming ‘rape culture’ promoter, Meg Lankers-Simon was caught doing in May, 2013. [27] It isn’t enough for feminists to drag dimpled doe-eyed darlings, like Emma 68% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario Watson, before U.N assemblies to urge men to stop caring about themselves and each other in order to focus ex- clusively on fulfilling feminist agendas. [28] Nor are they satisfied with iden- tifying Isla Vista mass shooter, Elliot Rodger, as being either a MHRA - or like a MHRA - in article [29] after arti- cle [30] after article [31], despite the fact that he had no connection whatsoever to the MHRM, or made any reference at all to any of the issues addressed by the MHRM, even in his 140-page manifesto. Feminists may as well cite Daffy Duck or Pick-up Artist [PUA] guru, Roosh V, for all the relevance Rodger has to the MHRM. But cite him they do - every chance they get. Feminists have now launched an inter- national campaign to silence their crit- ics by attempting to shut down MHR sites like A Voice for Men, and are using the U.N to help them. [33] Failed British Labour Party leader candidate, Yvette Cooper, has even characterized the growing antagonism towards fem- 68% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario inist bigotry and corruption as bully- ing, online harassment and misogynis- tic abuse which is “increasingly mas- querading as political activism” and, predictably, dangerous to women. She warns: “Unless misogyny on the Internet is challenged, more women’s voices will be silenced, and more women will be op- pressed or feel prevented from speaking out just as if we’ve gone back to the Victorian age. We cannot let that hap- pen.” [34] Yet again, a feminist is conflating ‘women’ with ‘feminists’ in order to create an illusion of rampant misog- yny, perpetuate the myth that MHRAs yearn for a return to traditional gender roles — something which is anathema to the vast majority of MHRAs, espe- cially those at A Voice for Men [35]-and to signal to those white knights previ- ously mentioned by Milos Yianopoulos to come riding to the rescue. It never occurs to Cooper that it is 69% - 9 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario she who is trying to silence women’s voices: women like Dr Tara Palmatier of A Shrink for Men, [36] erudite anti- feminist videographer Karen Straughan (a.k.a. GirlWritesWhat), [37] dedicated men’s rights activists like Suzanne Mc- Carley, [38] Jasmin Newman [39] and Hannah Wallen, an MHRA who pithily observed that: “., feminists are claiming that their expe- rience of having ideological beliefs about women’s lives is a more valid description of us than our own experience of living them. They use that claim to treat any resistance to them as an attack, rather than a defense against a presumptuous violation of personal boundaries.” [40] These are just a few of the many women who care so much about the men and boys in their lives, and those who aren't, that they have added their eloquent voices to the MHRM, often at great personal risk from feminists who uniformly vilify them as gender traitors for daring to publicly reject big- 69% - 8 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario oted feminist orthodoxy and insisting that men and boys deserve to have their issues addressed openly, honestly and compassionately. These are the women that feminists like Yvette Cooper want to silence. More importantly, these women are welcomed into the MHRM, where they are greatly appreciated and respected. In stark contrast, feminist men are routinely shunned within the femi- nist movement — as James Ritchie dis- covered when he was removed from his elected position as Women’s Offi- cer at the University of Tasmania in Australia after the University of Tas- mania’s Women’s Collective launched a petition which expressed its outrage that Ritchie was unaware of his proper place. Apparently, Ritchie made the mistake of taking Emma Watson's call for “male leadership in address- ing women’s issues” at face value. [41] Hopefully, he has learned his les- son, and is now suspicious of femi- nist claims made by waif-like actresses 70% - 8 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario dressed in virginal white who once looked cute wearing pointy hats. In fairness, not all feminists are en- tirely unsympathetic to men like James Ritchie. At what point will gay men who iden- tify as feminists begin wondering why feminists are so determined to demo- nize the MHRM and shut down any discussion by or about men that are not monitored and supervised by femi- nists? How many false threat narratives about the MHRM have to unravel like cheap suits under the slightest scrutiny in order for gay men who identify as feminists to put aside their listen-and- believe feminist indoctrination long enough to realize that feminists are not remotely interested in addressing issues that affect them as men? When will gay male feminists start asking themselves why feminists have gone to such deceitful extremes to frighten them away from a movement that ac- tually does address their issues as men? 71% - 8 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario These questions are impossible to an- swer with any certainty, but that point will probably be the moment when gay male feminists finally get sick of read- ing offensive tripe like this: “He may be oppressed in some ways as a gay man, but he’s still a man, and therefore a member of a group with the greatest social power, a member of a group which institutionally oppresses women. Gay men may be oppressed in some ways, but they also benefit from the structures which advantage men over women...So yes, gay men need feminism. But that means they have a duty to fem- inism- they have a duty to think about their own sexism, their own misogyny, their own perpetuation of harmful stan- dards...And then they should come and help the feminist movement.” [42] To quote the late Dorothy Parker, “.it was at this point that Tonstant Weader fwowed up.” [43] That’s exactly what gay men need to do: ‘fwow up’ the fem- inist dogma that has always accused 71% -7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario them of being as equally culpable as their straight brothers in an imaginary patriarchy that systemically privileges them and oppresses women, and has always demanded that they reject their male identities in order to fulfil their feminist duties as third-rate ‘auxiliary women’. Gay male feminists need to purge themselves of their feminist in- doctrination before they can re-evalu- ate their male identities, and acknowl- edge that the MHRM addresses issues that are relevant to them in a way that feminism does not, never has and never will. To highlight this point, it is interesting to note that prominent male feminist, Jon Greenberg, prefers to post public apologies for what he imagines to be his male privileges rather than address any issues that are actually relevant to the rights and welfare of men and boys. [44] His top seven ‘patriarchal benefits’ are: I have the privilege of a short morning routine; 72% - 7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario T have the privilege of a gender that con- fers authority; I have the privilege of easy bathroom ac- cess —- even when there are no bathrooms; T have the privilege to show skin; I have the privilege to move about with- out fear of harassment, assault or rape; Ihave the privilege to enjoy the Internet without my gender being assaulted; I have the privilege of seeing myself widely and positively represented in the media. That’s right: feminism has convinced Greenberg that men don’t get ha- rassed, raped, assaulted, cyber-bullied or ridiculed in the media - and that men should feel guilty about being able to urinate while standing up and being permitted to remove their tank-tops at the beach. Anyone wondering if femi- nists responded to this by posting ar- ticles about the evils of ‘mansplaining’ ought to know the answer to that by now. [45] 72% - 7 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario In stark contrast to feminism, the MHRM isn’t concerned about a man’s sexuality any more than it is con- cerned about whatever points of ‘inter- sectionality’ he may or may not possess — though it certainly recognizes how these points might affect his experience as a man. The MHRM's principal con- cern is the range of issues which can, and frequently do, impact the lives of all men - issues which feminists rou- tinely ignore, minimize, deny and even ridicule. One such topic is male suicide. Dr Augustine J. Kposowa of the Univer- sity of California discovered that in the United States, men were 4.8 times more likely to commit suicide than women, and that this rate more than dou- bled among men undergoing divorce or marital separation. [46] Experts have observed that men are far less likely to discuss the problems which cause the depression which often leads to suicide or to seek help from support services. 73% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario [46] As male suicide is on the increase, gay male feminists should be pon- dering why University of Toronto femi- nists attempted to violently prevent Dr. Warren Farrell from discussing some of those problems - one of which is the difficulty many gay teenaged boys have in accepting their sexuality; and to ostracize CAFE — one of whose goals is to provide support services for sui- cidal men and boys on university cam- puses throughout Canada — by staging protests designed to thwart its efforts. Every independent (i.e.: non-feminist) study of domestic violence concludes that male victims of female-perpe- trated domestic violence are far from being the statistically-negligible minor- ity that feminists invariably claim them to be: “According to a 2010 national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and U.S. Department of Justice, in the last 12 months more men than women were 73% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario victims of intimate partner physical vio- lence and over 40% of severe physical vi- olence was directed at men...Despite this, few services are available to male vic- tims of intimate partner violence...More research is needed on IPV against men, its impact on men and the domestic violence service response to male victims. Public education is needed on the extent of IPV against males, and services need to be provided for these victims.” [47] This study, by Bert H. Hoff of the U- niversity of Phoenix, recommends that, “State programs need to ensure that do- mestic violence services be provided to men across the state,” and that, “Pub- lic education efforts...should be specifi- cally addressed to women and girls as well as men and boys.” [47] But this does not happen in Arizona, or, indeed, anywhere else. What does happen, is that feminist academics and activists demand that governments apply their ‘Duluth Model’ of domestic violence -a model which concludes that men can- not be victims of domestic violence 74% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario because they belong to the oppres- sor class known as ‘the patriarchy’, the same binary paradigm in which women are the oppressed class and therefore, incapable of being perpetrators [48] — to all legislation and social policy, thus eliminating both the existence of male victims and the need to provide them with adequate support services in one fell swoop. This is certainly what hap- pens in Australia. [49] Gay men who are victims of domestic violence receive no more sympathy or support than their straight male coun- terparts. [50] The only advice they are given, even from gay rights organiza- tions like the StoneWall Society Webring, is to call domestic violence hotlines and hope for the best. [51] Perhaps this is when they will discover what Hoff meant when he said that one of the problems with the ‘Duluth Model’ is that it is “based on ideology, not sci- ence”; [52] or to put it in visual terms: Suicide and domestic violence are just 74% - 6 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario two of the many issues that gay men share with their straight brothers and are addressed by men’s rights organiza- tions like A Voice for Men and A Voice for Male Students. Other issues include, the boy crisis in education, [53] chivalry justice, [54] male genital integrity, [55] false rape allegations and the erosion of due process rights for men; [56] and, for those gay male feminists who think that the injustice of the family court system could never impact them, think again. [57] These issues are explored in-depth at A Voice for Men, [58] which welcomes [59] anyone with a genuine concern for the rights and welfare of men and boys and who wants to offer suggestions about viable, non-violent solutions to the many problems currently con- fronting men and boys. That welcome is not extended to feminists who, as documented throughout this series of articles, are only interested in promot- ing their ideological dogma, fallacious myths about ‘the patriarchy’, feminist- 75% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario manufactured statistics and their end- less array of false threat narratives de- signed to hamper the efforts of activists who truly believe - as feminists decid- edly do not - that men’s and women’s rights are equally important. As they have made abundantly clear over the decades, feminists have de- lighted in exploiting the divide that has historically existed between men of different sexual orientations to en- sure that they maintain the fear and loathing that prevents them from unit- ing in opposition against feminist ide- ology which seeks to undermine the rights and welfare of every man and boy. Feminists do not want gay men to perceive themselves as men first, as feminists undoubtedly do, but as a kind of underclass of default women whom they expect to participate in feminism’s ideological mission of de- monizing straight men, and their ‘toxic masculinity’, as the cause of every one of the real and imagined problems con- fronting women and gay men - and 76% - 5 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario punishing them accordingly. Gay male feminists who have been vic- timized by straight men have no right to hold MHRAs accountable for their experiences any more than feminists have the right to hold men accountable for the fact women were once restricted by assigned gender roles — which fem- inists presumptuously refer to as ‘op- pression’ — while conveniently ignoring the fact that men, gay men included, were also restricted by the gender roles to which they were assigned. Gay male feminists who harbour re- sentment against straight men need to be reminded that some straight men may also harbor some resent- ment about the fact that so many gay men have actively supported feminism — an ideology that has relentlessly tar- geted straight men for as long as many of them can remember. Mutual under- standing and respect cuts both ways. It is time to put resentments aside and unite in opposition with all men, and 77% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario the women who love us, against an enemy which has always fed off our division. Feminism fears the day when men recognize each other’s right to ex- press their masculinities however they choose, whether it be attending Sun- day Service with the wife and kids or shaking their orange speedos atop a be- dazzled float. It is doubtful that many will want to continue expressing it as disposable utilities for ideologues who despise them. For those gay male feminists who are still dithering about whether or not they need feminism, consider the role that one feminist has so kindly carved out in her movement, especially for you. If feminism has not yet made you ‘fwow up’, perhaps this will do the trick: “Tm ready to see more gay men on the feminist front lines... want to imag- ine that someday, when I am dying of breast cancer (or whatever it may be), a loving gay man will change my bed- 77% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario pan, not simply because it’s his job, but because he’s part of the sisterhood, be- cause he’s part of an honored tradition of queer and feminist care. I’ll see you then my friend.” [60] Oh, no you won’t — and never, ever refer to meas your ‘friend’. 77% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario References Chapter I [1] steinem-feminism-and-gay-rights-are- completely-the-same-thing-20120423 [2] women/authors/millett-kate/ theory.htm [3] dictionary/feminism [4] feminism/feminist-violence/ alexacaliente-alyssapry- anitasarkeesian-jaclynf-abc-radfem- hub-the-underbelly-of-a-hate- movement/ [5] comment/barbara-kay-at-pride- toronto-militant-feminist-dogma- trumped-rights [6] 78% - 4 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario [7] policies/mission-statement/ [8] Hierarchy of oppression [9] think-free-blog/mens-rights-group- banned-from-marching-in-pride/ [10] i-learned-as-a-woman-at-a-mens- rights-conference/ [11] mens-rights/opposing-shared- parenting-the-feminist-track-record/ [12] uncategorized/persistent-pro- feminist-and-anti-male-bias-in-the- mainstream-media/ [13] Karen _DeCrow [14] quotes/authors/k/karen_decrow.html [15] 78% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario mens-rights/a-karen-decrow- appreciation/ [16] quotes/authors/c/ christina_hoff_ sommers.html [17] georgetown-university-upset-that- protest-was-filmed-and-is-on- youtube/ [18] art-entertainment-culture/eating- while-mgtow-hug-box-feminist- vegetables/ [19] quotes/authors/c/camille paglia.html [20] http:// Chapter II [1] Lavender Menace [2] banned-from-pride-toronto/ 79% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario [3] http:/ movies/2015/02/24/patricia-arquette- chided-on-backstage-oscar- remarks/23937935/ [4] patricia-arquette-blacks-gays-white- women [5] tactics/ [6] people/rose-mcgowan-attacks-lgbt- community-for-failing-to-campaign-for- feminism-gay-men-are-more- misogynistic-than-straight- men-9841873.html [7] comment/rose-mcgowan-and-bret- easton-ellis-need-to-realise-that-there-is- no-such-thing-as-the-gay- community-9846171.html [8] https:// homophobia/ [9] DTF.HTM 80% - 3 mins restantes... Dicas de Vocabulario 10] mens-rights/welcome-to-the-second- wave/ 11] dogma/mens-rights-feminism/violence- feminists-threaten-mens-rights- conference-in-detroit 12] how_women were taught to hate men.htm 13] http:// feminist-death-threats-anti-equality. htm] 14] Talk:Gamergate 15] featured/who-is-harassing-anita- sarkeesian/ 16] v=tVTZdqg0GjNE 17] shirt-storm/ 18] feminism/stand-up-for-your-manhood- 81% - 2 mins restantes... 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