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In a small forest on the edge of the village there is an arrogant rabbit.

He likes
to mock other weaker animals. Other animals such as turtles, snails, ants and other
small animals do not like those arrogant rabbits.
One day, the rabbit walked arrogantly to find a weak opponent to mock him. He
happened to meet a turtle.

Rabbit: "Hey, turtle, the slow one, you don't just walk ... run away, so that it
will quickly arrive."
Tortoise: "Let it be a rabbit, indeed my path is slow. The important thing is that
I arrived safely to my destination, rather than quickly falling and getting hurt. "
Rabbit: "Hey turtle, what if we run away.

Turtles: "Wow, where's the rabbit that I might compete quickly with you, you can
run fast,
Rabbit: "You can't, you can't refuse my challenge. I will contact the bear bear for
the referee. "And I will ask friends to come and see our race.

Turtles can only be silent.

The next day the rabbit waited arrogantly under the banyan tree. Mr. Bear also came
to become a monkey referee and also came to see the race. After the turtle comes
sir the bear says.

Mr. Bear: "The rules are like this, you start from this start line and run this
park once and then go back to this line, you understand!
Rabbit: "Okeh ..."
Tortoise: "Okeh ..."
Mr. Bear: "Now who can come first at this start line, that's what wins."
Okay, ...... one ...... two ...... three ... start! "
The rabbit immediately jumped ahead of the turtle, who began to walk slowly because
he could not leave his house.

Rabbit: "Come on, turtle, run away!" Let me wait here huh ... "

Rabbits sit under a tree while singing. The wind blew slowly and coolly, making the
rabbits sleepy and soon the rabbit fell asleep.

Tree: "Get some sleep, let's go to sleep, sleep

After the rabbit falls asleep slowly but surely the turtle steps as hard as
possible. He quietly passed a rabbit who was fast asleep. A few more steps he will
reach the finish line.

Monkey: "Let's run and continue to turtle turtles almost until you can.

Trees: "let's turtle quickly quickly.

Keletipun wake up because of hearing a noise. How shocked he was to see a turtle
almost reaching its finish as hard as he could, he ran and jumped to chase a
turtle. But it was too late, the tortoise's foot had touched the finish line and
the bear bear had decided that the winner was a turtle. The arrogant rabbit fell
silent, as if he could not believe he could fall asleep. So who is the winner,

Monkey: "You are a great turtle.

Tortoise: "Thank you.

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