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Gary L. Sampson,41, addicted to alcohol and cocaine,was a deadbeat dad, a two-bit thief , and a bank
robber with a long history of violence. On August 1,2001, he turned himself in to the Vermont State
police after fleeing from a string of three munders he committed in masschusetts and New Hampshire.

Those who knew Sampson speculated that his murders were a desperate finale to a troubled life.
During his early life in New England, he once bound, gagged, and beat three elderly women in a candy
store, hijacked cars at knifepoints, and had been medically diagnosed as schizo phrenic. In 1977, he
married a 17-year-old girl he had impregnated,two months later he was arrested and charge,his wife
noticed that Sampson had started developing a hairtrigger temper and had become increasingly violent,
their marriage soon ended

Career criminals like Gary Sampson also seem to defy the aging-out process.We know the most
young offenders do not become adult criminals.Why is it that some kids become delinquents and then
abandon the delinquent way of life as they mature,whereas others persist in criminality into their

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