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Drug Symposium

Drug Symposium with Sergeant Christopher, Anna Lorraine D. Cades, and nurse are Jose
Mari Arcado at Tubod National High School on August 29,2019. To educate students that drugs can
cause miserable life.
“Drug is a chemical substance that brings physical, emotional, or even behavioral change in
person”. Nurse Jose Mari Arcado said.
Each year school provide a symposium which helps student to be educated about something,
and now the school conduct drug symposium which is very beneficial to the student, to take caution,
avoid, and immediately respond when know a house that is used for illegal doings. The students
listen attentively to all the speakers, especially when Sergeant Christopher is in front talking, the
students learned about the law about drugs and what are the consequence after doing illegal drugs.
When the symposium is almost done come up with an idea, that if students ask a question there
would be prices. The students actively rush to ask a question not to have but to fulfill their curiosity.
Students ask question to the speaker, as the speaker also answer the students question theoretically.
The symposium ended with heads up high as they learn new things.
“Drug take you to hell, disguised as heaven”

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