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Month & year: March, 2019
Semester: Seventh
Subject code: 14CS IT 706 (common to CSE and IT)
Subject Name: Embedded Systems.


Prepared by

P. P. M. Prasad
Asst. Prof.
Department of ECE
Bapatla Engineering College
Mobile: 9000900392
Hall Ticket Number:


March, 2019 Open Elective
Seventh Semester Embedded Systems
Time: Three Hours Maximum : 60 Marks
Answer Question No.1 compulsorily. (1X12 = 12 Marks)
Answer ONE question from each unit. (4X12=48 Marks)
1 Answer all questions (1X12=12 Marks)
a) Define an Embedded System
b) Write any two application of embedded system.
c) What are the various classifications of embedded systems?
d) Define Data Flow Graph (DFG) model.
e) What is meant by State Machine Model?
f) What are the features of the USB protocol?
g) Define task and Task state
h) Define Message Queue.
i) Differentiate counting semaphore and binary semaphore
j) What are the processes involved in co- design?
k) What is the role of assemblers inSoftware design evolution
l) List out the advantages, if technology mapping integrated with logic synthesis
2 a) Explain the design challenges in embedded systems. 6M
b) Explain the processor technology in embedded systems. 6M

3 a) Explain the basic architecture of pipelining and design technology. 6M

b) List and define the three main IC technologies. What are the benefits of using each of the 6M
three different IC technologies?
4 a) How will you implement FSMD and state transitions? 6M
b) Briefly describe three computation models commonly used to describe embedded systems 6M
and/or their peripherals. For each model list two languages that can be used to capture it.
5 a) Write short notes on(i) IEEE 802.11(ii) UART 6M
b) Define the following terms: finite-state machines, concurrent processes, real-time systems, 6M
and real-time operating system.
6 a) Explain the architecture of kernel. 6M
b) Give the steps for creating list of tasks and task schedulers. 6M
7 a) Explain 6M
i. Mutex. ii. Mail boxes. iii. Message Queues.
b) Explain even registers, pipes and signals. 6M
8 a) Describe the role of memory management explaining the terms memory swapping, memory 6M
paging, and virtual memory.
b) What is computational model? Explain its role in hardware software co design 6M

9 a) Justify whether it is necessary to have an OS running in an Embedded System? 6M
b) Explain hardware software co-design. 6M
November, 2018 Electrical &Electronics Engg.
Seventh Semester Embedded Systems
Time: Three Hours Maximum : 60 Marks
Answer Question No.1 compulsorily. (1X12 = 12 Marks)
Answer ONE question from each unit. (4X12=48 Marks)

1 Answer all questions (1X12=12 Marks)
a) Define an Embedded System
Definition –1M
b) Name some DSP used in embedded systems?
Atleast two -1M
c) What are the various classifications of embedded systems?
Types -1M
d) Define Data Flow Graph (DFG) model.
Definition -1M
e) What is meant by State Machine Model?
f) What are the features of the USB protocol?
Atleast two-1M
g) Define task and Task state
Defintions -1M
h) Define Message Queue.
i) Differentiate counting semaphore and binary semaphore
Atleast two-1M
j) What are the processes involved in co- design?
Procedure -1M
k) What is the role of assemblers inSoftware design evolution
l) List out the advantages, if technology mapping integrated with logic synthesis
Atleast two-1M
2 a) Describe the architecture of a typical micro controller with a neat diagram 6M
Architecture -3M Explanation-3M
b) Explain the concept of design productivity gap with example 6M
Concept-3M Example-3M

3 a) Create a 3*3 grid with the three processor technologies along the x-axis, and the three IC 4M
technologies along the y-axis. For each axis, put the most programmable form closest to the
origin, and the most customized form at the end of the axis. Explain features and possible
occasions for using each of the combinations of the two technologies.
Grid diagram -3M Features and possible occasions-3M
b) List and define the three main IC technologies. What are the benefits of using each of the 8M
three different IC technologies?
List-1M Definitions -3M Benefits -2M
4 a) How will you implement FSMD and state transitions? 6M
Implementation diagrams -3M Explanation-3M
b) Briefly describe three computation models commonly used to describe embedded systems 6M
and/or their peripherals. For each model list two languages that can be used to capture it.
Description-3M Two languages-3M
5 a) Write short notes on(i) IEEE 802.11(ii) UART 6M
IEEE 802.11 -3M UART-3M
b) Define the following terms: finite-state machines, concurrent processes, real-time systems, 6M
and real-time operating system.
finite-state machines-2M concurrent processes-2M real-time systems-1M real-time
operating system.-1M
6 a) Differentiate counting semaphore and binary semaphore 6M
Differentiate atleast four -6M
b) Give the steps for creating list of tasks 6M
Steps -3M Explanation -3M
7 a) Explain the scheduler in which RTOS insert into the list and the ready task for sequential 6M
execution in a co-operative round robin model.
Explanation -3M Round robin model -3M
b) Give a function for receiving a message from a queue 6M
Queue Definition -2M Function explanation -4M
8 a) Describe the role of memory management explaining the terms memory swapping, memory 6M
paging, and virtual memory
Role -2M memory swapping-2M memory paging-2M virtual memory-2M
b) What is computational model? Explain its role in hardware software co design 6M
Computational model -2M Role in hardware software co design -4M
9 a) Justify whether it is necessary to have an OS running in an Embedded System? 6M
Justification -3M Explanation -3M
b) Illustrate FSM synthesis 6M
FSM -1M Explanation -3M Diagram-2M

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