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ME- Good Morning Sir, Am I speaking to Mr. XYZ?

ALUMNI- Yes, this is XYZ speaking. May I know who is this?

ME- Sir, I am Geetanjali Kale from Department of Management Sciences, PUMBA.

ALUMNI- Yes, Geetanjali

ME- Sir, may I know is this the right time to talk?

ALUMNI- Yes, please go ahead

[ In case of NO-
ALUMNI- No, actually I am in meeting right now, can you call me later?
ME- Sure sir, May I know the time when you will be available?
ALUMNI- You can call me at evening around 4:30 pm.
ME- Sure, I will call you back at 4:30 pm. Thank you sir, have a nice day.
ALUMNI- Good day to you too.]

ME- Sir, I am a member of Alumni Relations Cell at PUMBA. Like every year, we
are organizing “Chapter Meet” for our beloved alumni. It will be held in 5 cities-
Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi. And we would like to invite you
for this event in Pune.

ALUMNI- That’s great, can I know more about it?

ME- Sure, Chapter Meet in Pune will be held on 30th of November 2019 in PUMBA
Auditorium and timing for same will be 6:30pm in evening. Also sir, we are
coming up with a unique theme this year- “ ZHEP-Expanding new Horizons,
Reaching new Heights”
ALUMNI- It is interesting.
ME- Yes sir, I will send you a mail relating all details of the meet along with a link
for registration. You will get all updates about the meet on that link. Looking
forward for your presence. In case of any doubt or any other information you
need, you can contact me anytime.
ALUMNI- Sure , Thank you.
ME- Thank you for your time sir. Have a nice day.

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