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I never really thought about where my life was going.

I always believed life took me where I wanted to

go, I never thought that I was the one who took myself were I wanted to go. I believe that highschool life
will give me the keys to unlock the doors of life because i believe in the saying where high school life is
the best four years in our life. During high school you meet so many new people, from all walks of life,
and from all over the world. You will love some of them, but others not so much. During your four years
in high school you will fall in and out of love,lose and gain friends, and make too many memories to
count. But from the experience of my parents and older siblings, there are many challenges that you will
face in the near future with your friends, family or just yourself. When you look back you will thank your
school that has become your home for the last four years. You will look back on the happy times and cry,
but you will also look back on the sad times and laugh. But you notice that these have been the best four
years of your life, and no one will ever be able to replace the memories that you have made.

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