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This is Sahil Nayak, sending an update about the status of my dissertation work :

1. The topic I have finalized is Scrapping of Article 370 and its impact on the
Indian Stock Market
2. I have done content analysis of 26 Papers, out of which I found 12 were
relevant for my topic(Including the PhD thesis of Dr. Narayan Parab)
3. Most of these papers have used the following methodology:
1. Selected which sector, stocks they want to measure the impact on
2. Define the time window of the event
3. Use market trend of returns before the event to predict the normal
returns during the event using regression model
4. Calculate the difference in actual return and predicted return to
measure the impact
4. Most of these use the Event Study methodology as proposed by Brown and
Warner (1985)
5. Further I have worked on the technique given to me i.e. Granger Causality
and how to run the test in the software E-views
6. I have also learnt how to run the GARCH test in E-views however I am not
very clear on this test as of yet.

Sahil Nayak
Roll No 33-2018
Mcom Part 1

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