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Performance Appraisals:

The performance appraisals should be conducted for all employees who has been
at the service of Regency Group Holding for a period that exceeds 9 months. (i.e.
starting date should be before June 30,2015).

The performance appraisals should be filled as follows:

- In section A, personal Info and date of the review.

- In section B, you put your comments on the positive and the well –done things
of the previous year (first pane to the left) and what could have been done
differently (in the pane to the right.)
-In Section C, you kindly put only when rating /indicator (row).
Rating 1 means he is always underperforming
Rating 2 means he has mixed outcomes. His performance varies.
Rating 3 means good and he is doing as expected and as per his job description.
Rating 4 means he is doing well with even sometimes exceeding the expectation
and duties from his job description
Rating 5 means he is the ACE (ambitious, competent, and engaged) candidate
who always exceeds expectation.

Bear in mind rating of 3 is what good employees should get. 4 & 5 should be for
the WOW employees.

-In Section D, you kindly fill the developmental focus for the people whom you
consider as a talents.
People who reaches their ultimate ceiling of performance or ability to perform
and couldn’t give any more or can’t be developed any more should be excluded
from this section and so keep it empty.

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