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blood pressure;cardiac output - The activities of the respiratory centers are coordinated with
changes in cardiovascular function, such as fluctuations in __ and __

2. Alveolar Capillaries - as blood flows toward the __, it is directed toward lobules in which the
PCO2 is relatively high

3. blood to alveolar capillaries - this movement occurs because alveolar capillaries constrict when
PCO2 is low

4. PO2;PCO2 - if a peripheral tissue becomes more active, the insterstitial __ falls and the __ rises

5. lung perfusion and alveolar ventilation - local factors coordinate:

6. lung perfusion - blood flow to the alveoli

7. alveolar ventilation - airflow to the alveoli

8. low O2; high CO2 - by directing blood flow to alveoli with __ levels and improving airflow to
alveoli with __ levels, local adjustments improve the efficiency of gas transport

9. medulla and pons - the intrinsic rhythmicity of respiration is primarily controlled

INVOLUNTARILY by specific neural areas located in the reticular substance of the __

10. DRG and VRG - two groups of respiratory neurons in the medulla oblongata responsible for
coordinating the intrinsic rhythmicity of respiration

11. DRG - inspiratory center contains neurons that control lower motor neurons innervating the
external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm
12. EXxternal intercostal muscles;Diaphragm - DRG innervates the __ and __

13. Respiratory Reflexes - the motor neurons in the spinal cord are generally controlled by __

14. Corticospinal Pathway - motor neurons can also be controlled voluntarily through commands
delivered by __

15. DRG - functions in every respiratory cycle, whether quiet or forced

16. VRG - functions only during forced breathing

17. VRG - contains both inspiratory and expiratory neurons

18. Reciprocal inhibition - there is __ between the neurons involved with inhalation and exhalation

19. inspiratory neurons - they remain quiet for 3 seconds and allow the respiratory muscles to relax

20. DRG;VRG - during forced breathing the level of the activity in the __ increases, it stimulates
neurons of the __ that activate the accessory muscles involved in inhalation

21. increases - during quiet breathing, activity in the DRG __ over a period of about 2 seconds,
providing stimulation to the inspiratory muscles

22. active exhalation - at the end of each inspiration, ___ occurs as the neurons of the expiratory
center stimulate the appropriate accessory muscles
23. central nervous system stimulants; increase your respiratory rate by facilitating the respiratory


24. CNS depressants:

Ethyl alcohol
Barbiturates or Opiates

25. Apneustic and Pneumotaxic - located in the Pons

26. Apneustic and Pneumotaxic - are paired nuclei that adjust the output of the respiratory
rhythmicity centers

27. Apneustic and Pneumotaxic - their activities regulate the respiratory rate and depth of
respiration in response to sensory stimuli or input from other centers in the brain

28. Apneustic center - each __ provides continuous stimulation to the DRG and VRG in the medulla

29. Apneustic breathing - prolonged, gasping type of inspiratory maneuver called __

30. Apneustic center - during quiet breathing, stimulation from the __ helps increase the intensity of
inhalation over the next 2 seconds

31. Vagus nerves - during forced breathing, the apneustic centers also respond to sensory input
from the __ regarding the amount of lung inflation
32. Pneumotaxic center - inhibit the apneustic centers and promote passive or active exhalation

33. Centers in the hypothalamus and Cerebrum - can alter the activity of the pneumotaxic centers,
as well as the respiratory rate and depth

34. Pneumotaxic area - enhances the rhythmicity of the breathing pattern

35. Pneumotaxic center - depth of breathing to decrease; rate of breathing increase

36. Pneumotaxic center - some investigator believe that this center is closely related to panting
center in animals such as dogs

37. reduced blood flow - several clinical conditions that can depress the function of the respiratory
components of the medulla (1)

38. acute poliomyelitis - several clinical conditions that can depress the function of the respiratory
components of the medulla (2)

39. excess ingestion of depressing drugs - several clinical conditions that can depress the function of
the respiratory components of the medulla (3)

40. - The activities of the respiratory centers are modified by sensory information from several

-Changes in blood pressure
-Stretch receptors
-Irritating physical or chemical stimuli
-Other sensations (pain, changes in body temp)
41. Factors affecting rate and depth of breathing:
-Depth is determined by how many respiratory muscle motor neurons are activated
-Rate is determined by how quickly the inspiratory center is turned on and off
-Stretch and irritant receptors generally inhibit the respiratory centers in the medulla

42. Cranial Nerves IX and X - the respiratory centers are strongly influenced by chemoreceptor
inputs from __

43. Chemoreceptors - are located on the ventrolateral surface of the medulla oblongata

44. Chemosensitive area - Chemoreceptors are located on the ventrolateral surface of the medulla
oblongata in a region known as __

45. Excess concentration of H ions in the CSF - the most powerful stimulus known to influence DRG
and VRG

46. Central Chemoreceptors - the neurons in that area respond only to the pH of the CSF and are
often called __

47. Central Chemoreceptors transmit signals to the respiratory components of the medulla by the
following mechanism: -

-As the CO2 level increases in the arterial blood the CO2 molecules diffuses across a
semipermeable membrane
-The BBB is very permeable to CO2 molecules but impermeable to H and HCO3
-as CO2 moves into the CSF it forms into carbonic acid
-Because the CO2 lacks the hemoglobin and carbonic anhydrase and relatively low bicarbonate
and protein level, the overall buffering system in the CSF is very low
-The H generated from the reaction rapidly increases and therefore reduces the pH level in the
-the liberated H ions causes the central chemoreceptors to transmit signals to the respiratory
component in the medulla which increases alveolar ventilation
-the increases ventilation reduces the PaCO2 and subsequently the PCO2 in the CSF
-As the PCO2 in the CSF decreases, the H ion also falls
-This action decreases the stimulation of the central chemoreceptors

48. Central Chemoreceptors - Neural signals to the respiratory components in the medulla also

49. Central Chemoreceptors - causes alveolar ventilation to decrease

50. Central Chemoreceptors - regulate ventilation through the indirect effects of CO2 on the pH
level of the CSF

51. Peripheral Chemoreceptors - are specialized oxygen sensitive cells that react to reduction of
oxygen levels in the arterial blood

52. Peripheral Chemoreceptors - located high in the neck at the bifurcation of the internal and
external carotid arteries and on the aortic arch

53. 9thCN;10thCN - when activated by the low PaO2, afferent signals are transmitted to the
respiratory components in the medulla by the way of __ from the carotid arteries and by the
way of __ from the aortic bodies

54. Glossopharyngeal Nerve - CN IX

55. Vagus Nerve - CN X

56. Carotid bodies - Compared to the aortic bodies, the __ play a much greater role in initiating an
increased ventilatory rate in response to reduced arterial oxygen levels

57. Peripheral Chemoreceptors - are not significantly activated until the O2 content of the inspired
air is low enough to reduce the PaO2 to 60mmHG
58. >30mmhg - Suppression of the peripheral chemoreceptors is seen when the PaO2 falls __

59. Peripheral Chemoreceptors - in patient with low PaO2 and a chronically high PaCO2 level (end
stage of Emphysema) the __ may be totally responsible for the control of ventilation

60. Peripheral Chemoreceptors are also stimulated by: -

1. Hypoperfusion
2. Increased temperature
3. Nicotine
4. Direct effect of PaCO2 is minor and not so great as response generated by the central

61. Other responses activated by peripheral chemoreceptors –

1. Peripheral vasoconstriction
2. Increase pulmonary vascular resistance
3. Systemic arterial hypertension
4. Tachycardia
5. Increase in left ventricular performance

62. increase - when blood pressure falls, the respiratory rate __

63. declines - when blood pressure rises, the respiratory rate __

64. Hering Breuer inflation reflex - generated by stretch receptors located in the walls of the bronchi
and bronchioles that become excited when the lungs overinflate

65. Hering Breuer inflation reflex - appears to be a protective mechanism that prevents pulmonary
damage caused by excessive lung inflation
66. Deflation reflex - when the lungs are compressed or deflated, an increased rate of breathing

67. Irritant reflex - When the lungs are exposed to noxious gases, it causes the ventilatory rate to
increase; produce cough and bronchoconstriction

68. Irritant reflex - located in the subepithelial mechanoreceptors

69. Juxtapulmonary Capillary Receptors - located in the interstitial tissues between pulmonary

70. Juxtapulmonary Capillary Receptors - when stimulated a reflex triggers a rapid shallow breathing

71. Juxtapulmonary Capillary Receptors activated by: -

1. Pulmonary Capillary congestion

2. Capillary hypertension
3. edema of the alveolar walls
4. lung deflation
5. emboli

72. Protective reflexes - operate when exposed to toxic vapors, chemical irritants, or mechanical
stimulation of the respiratory tract

73. Protective reflexes - receptors involved are located in the epithelium of the respiratory tract

74. Protective reflexes - Sneezing, Coughing, Laryngeal Spasms

75. Sneezing - triggered by an irritation of the wall in nasal cavity

76. Coughing - is triggered by an irritation of your larynx, trachea, or bronchi

77. Apnea - a period where respiration is suspended

78. Glottis - is forcibly closed while the lungs are still relatively full

79. 160kph - Air leaving the larynx can travel at __

80. Laryngeal Spasms - result from the entry of chemical irritants, foreign objects, or fluids

81. reduction - __ in body temperature leads to decrease in the respiratory rate

82. Hypothalamus - activates sympathetic NS

83. Hypothalamus - modulates depth and rate of breathing

84. 60-100bpm - Normal heart rate

85. 12-20 per minute - normal respiratory rate

86. 25-35 per minute - respiratory rate for 1-2 years old

87. 500ml - tidal volume for adults

88. Increase respiratory rate - how to increase alveolar ventilation?

89. Cortex - for controlled breathing

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