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I was that that friend who wanted to make you happy. I was that friend who made sure that
you had everything you needed, from honesty, love and support.

But what happened exactly?

Envy happened. She happened. Hehappened. We forgot about trust. You forgot about me. You
stopped texting. You stopped making contact with me. You chose him. You chose her. You
chose to be away from me simply because we hardly see each other. You promised we’d be
friends forever but what did you do? You found someone else, someone you just recently met,
someone you hardly even knew.

I tried to be the best person you ever dreamt of meeting because you are the greatest person I
have ever met. And that was the truth. But you chose to keep distance. You chose to humiliate
me. You chose to talk badly about me. Popularity became your ambition. I turned into a

Was I even important to you? Did you even care? Were we even friends? Were we truly
friends? I’m sad. I’m hurt. I thought I was special. I thought we’d attend each other’s
graduation. I thought our kids would be friends. I thought we’d still make contact even when
we’re old and gray.

I was wrong.

I ‘ve turned myself into s laughing stock. I was that friend who used to defend you. I was that
friend who skipped claases just so I can keep you company. But I guessed you never appreciate
any of my efforts. You’ve never posted any of our pictures. You’ve never greeted me on my

What should I do? I feel so upset, so sad, so… so… so… depressed. You ruined the one good
thing that friends should cherish. I lost faith because of you.

What did I do to deserve this? Why should I be punished knowing that I’ve done nothing wrong!

Tell me. Speak to me. I’ve got two ears, ready to listen to your answers. I deserve to know. But
then again you won’t say a thing. You’ve disappeared. I ‘ve lost the friend I once knew. So go
ahead. Hate me. Spit on me. Your existence shouldn’t matter. You stopped caring. You stopped
being my friend.

I will go on with my life… I will continue. Don’t worry about me, old friend. I’ll be fine.


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