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Many people are being affected by racial discrimination.

The people that are mostly affected by

this, are slightly dark skinned people and Africans. It hurts to be judged by your appearance. This also
causes depression to most people. Until now people are still being discriminated, but the discrimination
in the past was worse than now. In discrimination there is an inequality to both races. Discrimination is
not just in skin color, but in race. Imagine an African child being mocked by white people. That does not
just hurt his feelings but it lowers his pride. Now let’s talk about discrimination on sexuality. First of all
being gay, bisexual, or being part of the LGBT+ community is not a sin. People say that if you’re part of
the said community you’re not a servant of God. Discrimination is a wide spread problem but we have
some solutions for it. If you see someone being discriminated, you help him/her instead of being a
bystander. If you are being discriminated you should seek for help from friends, family, or from a
specialist. You should spread the word to stop discriminating to influence others to stop. You should
love others like how you love yourself. Don’t let others cut your wings to achieve your dreams. You
should not tolerate discrimination, and ask for help. Always remember this quote ‘’No matter what your
gender, skin color, identity, hair, race always remember you are loved’’. –RM.

You should always love yourself by who you are. Never get revenge on your enemy’s, instead
love them back. Never judge a book by its cover. When you are hurt always pray to God. When you have
discriminated others, you should pray and ask for forgiveness. Help others who are in need and guide
them. If you are tempted to hurt others, you should pray and ask for guidance. Always love your
neighbor for who they are. Always remember that Jesus loves you.

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