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Workout 1: Workout 3:

e l t o ids Exercise Sets Reps Weight Used BACK Exercise Sets Reps Weight Used
D Seated Side Laterals 3 8 to 10 45, 55, 65 Pull-downs 3 10 to 14 250, 280, 300
(wide reverse grip)
Upright Rows 3 8 to 10 135, 155, 175
T-Bar Rows (close grip) 4 10 to 14 225, 315, 405, 405
Side Laterals w/
3 8 to 10 80, 80, 80 Bent-Over Barbell Rows
cables behind the back (reverse grip) 4 10 to 14 225, 315, 315, 315
Seated Front One Arm Dumbell Rows
3 8 to 10 50, 60, 60
Dumbell Raises Off Rack 3 10 to 14 130, 165, 205
Rear Delt 3 8 to 10 170, 170, 170 Seated Cable Rows 3 10 to 14 260, 300, 300
Machine Flyes Deadlifts (every other week) 3 6 315, 405, 495

Traps Exercise
Dumbell Shrugs
8 to 10
Weight Used
120, 140, 140, 165 BICEPS Exercise Sets Reps Weight Used
Standing Barbell Curls 3 10 to 12 75, 115, 135
Barbell Shrugs One-Arm Dumbell Curls 3 10 to 12 50, 60, 70
4 8 to 10 225, 315, 405, 495
behind the back Preacher Dumbell Curls 3 10 to 12 45, 45, 45

Hammer Curls 3 10 to 12 70, 70, 70
Exercise Sets Reps Weight Used

Bac Wide-grip Pull-ups

Close-grip Pull-downs
8 to 10
260, 280, 300, 300
ABS Exercise
Weight Used

Workout 2:
Hanging Leg Raises 3 15

Workout 4:
Quads Exercise Sets Reps Weight Used
Front Squats
Leg Presses
3 8 to 10
8 to 10
135, 225, 315 CHEST Exercise
Incline Dumbell Presses
10 to 14
Weight Used
100, 125, 135
3 700, 900, 1100
Hack Squats 3 Flat Barbell Presses 3 10 to 14 135, 225, 315
8 to 10 360, 540, 720
Barbell Lunges 3 8 to 10 135, 225, 225
Pullovers w/ Dumbells 3 10 to 14 130, 130, 130

Leg Extensions 8 to 10 Bodyweight Dips 3 10 to 14 Body Weight

3 120, 150, 170
Decline Barbell Presses 3 10 to 14 225, 315, 315

ri ngs Exercise Sets Reps Weight Used

S Exercise
Hamst TricEP
Sets Reps Weight Used
Lying Hamstring Curls 3 8 to 10 100, 150, 170
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts One Arm Cable Press-downs 3 10 to 12 120, 140, 160
3 8 to 10 225, 275, 275 Wide Grip Straight
w/ dumbells 10 to 12 130, 150, 150
Bar Press-downs 3
Ham Tractor
3 8 to 10 220, 260, 260 Overhead Cambered
(seated hamstring curl) 3 10 to 12 155, 175, 175
Bar Extensions
Walking Bar Lunges 2 8 to 10 135, 185
Close Grip Bench Presses 3 10 to 12 315, 355, 355
One Legged Leg Curls 3 8 to 10 90, 120, 120

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Used
Standing Calf Raises 3 12 315, 355, 355
Seated Calf Raises 3 15 90, 180, 180
Donkey Calf Raises 2 10 330, 330

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