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More Practice 8

1. 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. e 6. d
2. 1. figure 3. guilty 5. liar
2. rough 4. frank
3. 1. get away with 4. trust
2. get caught 5. suspect
3. get into trouble 6. plagiarising
4. 1. good at 3. worried about 5. similar to
2. late for 4. pleased with 6. proud of
5. 1. took place 4. cheat 7. deceive
2. choice 5. pleased with 8. staff
3. admitted 6. blame

1. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b
2. 1. was published 4. was made
2. is going to be 5. must be finished
interviewed / is 6. is explained
being interviewed 7. had been taken
3. shouldn’t be allowed
3. 1. Yes, it was built this year.
2. How is it spelled / spelt?
3. He is being questioned about the accident.
4. Yes, I should have been given a promotion.
5. Yes, it has just been caught.
4. 1. He shouldn’t have been told about the accident.
2. As far as I know, the house hasn’t been sold.
3. The atlas was borrowed by Karen.
4. The trees by the river won’t be cut down.
5. Games are being played on my computer.
6. Road accidents are often caused by fog.
7. Why has that man been arrested?
5. 1. rent; is given
2. must be parked; are … provided
3. were made; have been revealed
4. has got; have been informed / were informed
5. was written; had/got … translated
6. might have been written; lived
7. covered; were repainted
8. had/got … repaired; haven’t received

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