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1. Write an embedded C program to activate a LED for 5 times.

2. Write an embedded C program to activate the buzzer for 10 seconds

3. Write an embedded C program to activate any 2 led when a switch is pressed

4. Write an embedded C program to activate led for 1 second using timer

5. Write an embedded C program to activate led for 30 second using timer

6. Write an embedded C program to activate led for 60 second using timer

7. Write an embedded C program to activate the led for 1 second using interrupt

8. Write an embedded C program to activate led for 30 second using interrupt

9. Write an embedded C program to activate led for 60 second using interrupt

10. Write an embedded C program to display character A and B using 7 segment.

11. Write an embedded C program to display character 1 and 2 using 7 segment.

12. Write an embedded C program to activate the keypad to display decimal values 1,2,3,4

13. Write an embedded C program to activate the buzzer for 10 seconds

14. Write an embedded C program to activate the buzzer for 10 seconds

15. Write an embedded C program to activate any 2 led when a switch is pressed

16. Write an embedded C program to activate led for 1 second using timer

17. Write an embedded C program to activate led for 30 second using timer

18. Write an embedded C program to rotate stepper motor in clockwise direction

19. Write an embedded C program to rotate stepper motor in anti - clockwise direction

20. Write an embedded C program to activate the buzzer with longer on time and short off time

21. Write an embedded C program to display numbers1 and 4 in 7 segment

20 Write an embedded C program to activate

22. Write an embedded C program to activate real time clock.

23. Write an embedded C program to activate led for 60 second using interrupt


A. 16 MHz B. 8 MHz C. 128 MHz D. 4 MHz
2. Distinguish timer and counter

3. When all the cathodes of the diodes are connected to ground then the configuration is called
A. common anode B. common cathode c. common diode d. variable cathode

4. The voltage level given for leds to ON when the leds are connected with common anode
configuration is
a. 5 v b. 0V c. 3 V d. 0.7 V

5. The stepper motor is an ______________ device

a. Output b. input c. in out d.buzzer

6. In order to control the position of the shaft _____________ motor is used

a. Stepper motor b. accelerometer c. dc motor e. relay

7. Abbreviate DDR in atmega 128 microcontroller

a. Data direction register b. data document register c. data digital register d. digital
direction register
8. Which register is used to read input from the port
9. It is necessary to toggle the led for 1 second, Find the count value in timer register given the
prescalar is 1024.

10. Write the steps involved in setting timer in CTC MODE

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